48 Hours a Day

Chapter 317

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If Zhang Heng remembers correctly, AirPods wireless Bluetooth headsets should be released in 2016.

The copy of Apollo was in 1969. Seven years later, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and Ro Wayne co-founded Apple Computer. As for Bluetooth technology, it is even later. It was created by telecommunications giant Ericsson in 7.

In other words, this AirPods wireless Bluetooth headset is not a product of this era no matter how it looks.

What about the guy named Einstein, who are you?

The other party obviously did n’t meet him because the life in Area 51 was too boring. He came to see the astronauts preparing to go to the moon. Even more how he did n’t even go to meet Jia Lei and Bruno except Zhang Heng. Whether the other party’s engineer in Area 51 is unsure, let alone why the other party sent him this Bluetooth headset.

And the most important thing is that Einstein only sent one earphone to the left ear.

But even so Zhang Heng put it together with other game props.

Because the entire mission to the moon will last for 8 days, and Zhang Heng ’s remaining copy time is not at all so long, which means that when the copy ends, he will not return to Earth with a high probability, so he must do it in advance. Ready to pack.

Fortunately, NASA allows astronauts to bring a small number of private items into space, just need to list these items on the list.

During the quarantine period, Zhang Heng also had visitors, and the captain returned to the space center four days after the sandstorm. At the same time, he also brought back the Early-Stage search and rescue results.

After a joint search of Area 51 and NASA for 3 days and 3 nights, Jalai ’s body was found, and it was confirmed that the latter died of suffocation from sand and dust, but the other person remained missing.

This sudden dust storm moved 1000000 tons of sand hundreds of kilometers away, and the sand was enough to cover up the traces of all biological activities. In addition to the high temperature and dryness unique to the desert, it also made the search and rescue work extremely difficult.

But the captain said that the search would continue until Bruno’s body was found.

In fact, no one believes that Bruno can survive. The people in the press office informed the media of this unfortunate news immediately. President Nixon also expressed his condolences for the lost candidate in the training camp. At the same time, he only survived with Zhang Heng. There was a short conversation.

In addition, because of this accident, Zhang Heng failed to catch up with the press conference before the moon landing.

But this is not a bad thing for him.

Although this is not the first time he has dealt with the media, but with his nearly blank family and background, he also does n’t like being bombarded by reporters, and unlike Armstrong and Collins, he is only one for this world. Passing by, Zhang Heng is only concerned about whether he can complete the main line task, and he does not care whether he is famous or not.


After a period of six days of isolation, Zhang Heng adjusted his physical and mental state and made final preparations for the moon, and before that he had cleared all the threats and obstacles in front of him as much as possible. General did everything he could, but even so, it was still a dangerous and unknown journey for him.

The time soon came to July 7.

8 years of preparation time (from the beginning of the Apollo program), 400,000 people ’s efforts, the cost of 100 100000000 million US dollars, the most Peak scientists and engineers in the United States to overcome technical difficulties day and night … Basically represents a country in peacetime Provide the greatest input, and all of this is to welcome the arrival of this day.

On this day, the entire World has focused on the Kennedy Space Center, waiting to witness the great journey of humans leaving their planet for the first time to explore another World.

Armstrong, Collins, and Zhang Heng woke up from bed at 4 am, dressed neatly, packed up their personal items, had a final farewell with family and friends, and then took a black Lincoln to the space center in Canavera 39A launch site at Cape Point.

Here they ate their last breakfast on Earth, after which the staff put on the A7L spacesuit for the mission, and finally put on a round fish tank helmet to ensure that everyone was neatly dressed At the same time in good condition.

In the process, there were always 2 to 3 photographers following them, pressing the shutter when they weren’t quite up to them.

Honestly, this kind of feeling is not too good, especially the ka-cha sound of those shutters, it seems to be performing some kind of strange ceremony, and their three people are sacrifices in the ceremony. At the same time, most of NASA ’s Seniors and representatives from the White House came, shaking hands with them one after another, everyone’s expressions were dignified.

It must be admitted that the three people on Apollo 3 were able to return to Earth successfully under such a flag-filled situation. It was indeed a very miracle thing.

Fortunately, not at all took too long in this process. With everything ready, the ground control center also issued instructions to the spacecraft.

Armstrong took the lead and pushed open the door of the equipment room.

At this time, the staff of the launch base that had completed the work at hand all spontaneously stood in the corridor and applauded the three people. I wish them a smooth journey, and the media reporters have been waiting outside the gate for a long time. With the long spear short cannon set up, three people showed up and were immediately captured by the lens. The spotlights also began to blink madly. Everyone was leaving a historic moment with the camera in their hands.

However, the 3 people not at all stayed too much under the camera like the movie stars on the red carpet in Hollywood. They just waved at the long-awaited reporters and got into the van prepared by NASA for them and launched towards the mobile. The platform drove away.

Prior to this, Zhang Heng had the honour of seeing the assembled Saturn 5 launch vehicle, a huge monster with a cost of up to 1.85100000000 million (more than today ’s $ 10100000000 million), designed by Werner von Braun, The record of being the most powerful rocket of mankind has been maintained for 50 years.

The total height of the rocket is 110.6 meters, which surpasses the Statue of Liberty standing in New York. The weight of the rocket after loading is astonishing 2883900 kg. The spacecraft assembly building built to assemble it and the Apollo spaceship was completed in 1966 and is still in use today It is the largest single space building in the world. The 4 doors leading to each area are 139 meters high. It only takes 45 minutes to open or close.

As early as a few days ago, the Saturn V rocket has been pulled to the launch site.

At night, the Saturn 5 launch vehicle fixed to the mobile launch platform looks like a giant sword built by the gods.

Looking up from below, it’s hard not to be shocked by the crystallization that represents humanity’s highest technological level.

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