48 Hours a Day

Chapter 335

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Do you want to understand the myth, now?” Father Zhang was a little surprised. “I thought you were not interested in these things after graduating from sixth grade.”

After 4 people had finished dinner, after cleaning up the tableware, Mother Zhang and her grandfather turned up old photos in the study, while Father Zhang and Zhang Heng were eating fruits while watching TV in the living room.

“Okay, what do you want to know, as long as it’s something I know, come and ask.” Father Zhang picked up an apple and cheered after taking a bite.

Zhang Heng thought about it, “Is there really a God in the world we live in?”

“Pu ~” Father Zhang almost choked on the apple that had just been swallowed and coughed twice. Didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “What’s wrong, we really have to pretend that you are still thinking 2 Grade? “

He took a sip and smoothed his breath, “I remember that we seemed to have discussed this issue a long time ago. Although your mother and I are theological majors, but we ourselves are not at all of any faith. In fact, I am interested in legend. In the section on history and humanities, your mother … well, she is only interested in all the strange stories, and she likes to travel, take pictures, taste food and so on in the name of religious archaeology. If you remember correctly, her master’s thesis was written about the diet of medieval believers.

“From my personal point of view, the so-called myth is just a story written by mortals, just like a fairy tale, but only for adults. For example, the Homeric Epic is said to be blind in ancient Greece. Created by the poet Homer, we all know that its theme is the Trojan War. There are not only mortals, but also the half-person Demi-God Achilles, the sun god Apollo, the sea god Poseidon and so on.

“But in fact, only the Trojan War happened in history, and the rest is just Homer’s art processing. The academic community generally believes that if Homer does have someone, he lived in the 9th century BC, At that time, not at all Zhenger 8 was a historian, and no one would emphasize the authenticity of history, so the way people record history is to mix what really happened with Myths and Legends, and then we have ” Homeric”.”

Father Zhang paused, “Actually if you are really studying a system of myths, you will find that they have their origins, generally some word-of-mouth folk tales, which continue to develop on this basis, such as Kyle Special mythology, it originated from Celtic folklore, and was influenced by ancient Rome and Christianity in the process of formation. If the stories in it are true, how can it continue with the migration of civilization Changes, and more typical of Greek and Roman mythology. “

Father Zhang said while chewing on the apple, “Roman mythology is completely born out of Greek mythology. Many gods have different names, just because the pronunciation is different. As for the storyline, they are all the same. How can they all be true.”

Zhang Heng is silent, in fact, this is the same as his usual cognition, but in this case, where do the so-called gods come from? He met the self-proclaimed ancient Celtic god in the copy of Black Sail Existence, as well as those supernatural creatures he encountered in the real world, if the legends about them are fictional, why would they be real existence again.

Zhang Heng remembered meeting the guy named Einstein in the copy of the Apollo training camp. From his words, it seems that he can be the same as the Tang Suit old man that Zhang Heng encountered before. , But Zhang Heng can’t feel any connection with Myths and Legends on him, and the game props that I saw on auction before, some of them are obviously products of modern society …

Zhang Heng decided to put this question aside for the time being and asked until now one of his most concerned questions, “What are the gods about time?”

Father Zhang raised his eyebrows, “Is the god of time, indeed, there are gods related to time in many mythological systems, but to say the most famous is the super primitive god in ancient Greek mythology, Koronos , He is the Supreme God of Orpheus worship, symbolizing the first cause that transcends everything, exists before everything begins, and is the supreme god in “24 Sacred Narratives”, with a power of more than 10000 things, itself There is no entity, but sometimes it appears as a snake, with 3 heads-human, cow and lion, but the image of the old man is better known, because he is often described as a modern art work as An old man holding a sickle. “

“Old man, is it an old man like this?” Zhang Heng took out the old photo he had picked up while cleaning up the study from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

A flash of unexpected expression flashed in Father Zhang’s eyes, and he picked up the photo, “Huh … Where did you find this thing?”

“You have participated in many research projects, basically every mother will take a lot of photos every time, why only this time, only one photo in the whole room? Where are the other photos?”

“Because at the end of the study we lost a sled and four sled dogs, they fell into the ice cave, even with the sled stuff turned over, including our Kodak, and then we worked hard , But in the end failed to pull up the 4 poor Little Brat, let alone the things on the sled. As for Mr. Tam, he is the sponsor of this research, but after the research we have not Have met before. “

Although Father Zhang tried to maintain a relaxed tone, Zhang Heng could hear that his heart was not as calm as the surface, especially when he saw the picture, his pupils had a significant contraction, and he obviously concealed it later. Something happened, but what surprised Zhang Heng was that it did n’t seem to have much to do with Mr. Tam.

Because when he talked about Mr. Tam later, his body relaxed again, and he changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

Zhang Heng didn’t quite understand why father lied about the film. Grandpa also knew about this research activity. In other words, he was the only one in the whole family who was completely hidden in the drum. The question is why, why did his parents dispose of the photos, and never mentioned the research project that went to Greenland 18 years ago.

What happened on that island in the Arctic Circle, and what did he have to do with him at that time, if the Tang Suit weirdo had seen his parents 18 years ago, then after 18 years, he obviously chose Zhang Heng and It was not just appreciation and accident as he said at the beginning.

Rather than talking about this encounter, it is better to say that this is an 18-year wait.

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