48 Hours a Day

Chapter 347

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng probably learned about the background of this copy of the game from bald men.

It is worthy of Lego’s consistent style. The introduction of the main line task is simple and rude. Basically, it is easy to understand for all ages. In short, there will be evil scientists who will open the space-time channel on the waist of the tallest building in the city center in 3 days. The destruction level rare beast, and all players (foreigners) from foreign world have to do is to prevent the city from being destroyed by rare beast.

According to the view of beautiful men, there will be a lot of messy branch tasks in the middle, but all serve to complete the final main line task.

However, Zhang Heng also noticed that his skills and props in the previous copies are free to use, but this time is in a sealed state, including his physical fitness, and his strength and agility after becoming the Lego version Unlike the speed and the normal state, Zhang Heng initially speculated that all players who enter the copy will be standardized in terms of body, minimizing the advantages and disadvantages caused by physical differences.

And this caused only one thing to be the most important in this copy.

—— “Build, you must use your building skills to save the world.” The bald man said so, his expression was serious, and then he also made a demonstration, dismantled a sofa leg, with the TV and the nail cut in the pocket Knife, making a Gatling gun.

Then he demonstrated how to make grenades with towels, soap boxes, and key chains.

Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows, “Can these things really work?”

“Of course.” The bald man nodded and put the grenade on Zhang Heng’s hand. “Be careful, don’t pull the insurance. Everything you can make in our World can be used normally. Of course, the premise is that You have to grasp the essence of things, and only a handful of people can do this. For these people, we generally call them Masters. “He coughed twice,” And I happen to be a Master, If you must worship me as a teacher and learn the knowledge of construction, I am not incapable of thinking. “

“Thank you, I should have no need for this at the moment.” Zhang Heng opened the door as he said, and set off the posture of sending off guests.

The reserved smile on the bald man’s face froze there. “Are you confident enough about your construction skills?”


“Then there are other powerful Masters who found you ahead of time?”


“So ……… how do you and your companions plan to save World?”

“have not thought.”

“Huh?” A question mark appeared on the bald man’s head.

“Good night.” Seeing that the bald man had walked outside the door unconsciously, Zhang Heng was about to close the door.

He has initially understood the situation of this copy of this copy. As the beautiful man said, the main task of this copy seems to be not difficult, and the process is complicated, but the final improvement does not make much sense. This so-called construction skill No surprises, the corresponding should be Lego assembly skills.

In terms of practicality, it is far less than the skills he learned in previous copies. Zhang Heng is not very interested in this. It is better to have a good time in this World.

In fact, in the next 2 days, Zhang Heng did the same. He went to visit the Chimelong Wildlife Park, took a night cruise on the Pearl River, and tasted Cantonese morning tea, even though the pastries were all Lego-shaped ones. Tuo, but the taste was unexpectedly good, and the beautiful man came to the hotel on the afternoon of the 3rd day to find him.

“Is your visit to relatives over?”

“Yeah,” Meinan took a bottle of iced mineral water spring from the guest room refrigerator and took two sips, pointing in the direction of the small waist in the distance. About an hour ago, there was an extra beam of light there, straight to the dome A huge air vortex appeared at the end.

Many nearby passers-by were attracted by this peculiar landscape. They took out their phones to take pictures and videos. They did n’t know they were going to be in great trouble. Apart from this, reporters rushed over to report on the scene, but they could n’t get in. Go inside the Xiaoman waist, because there is a bunch of heavily armed black clothed people coming out of nowhere.

“The space-time channel has been opened, and it’s time for the monster to appear in ten minutes, and we should almost leave.”

Zhang Heng nodded, put down half a box of intestine powder in his hand, “If you want to come back, I can accompany you.”

“I should … I won’t be back again.” Mei Nan shook his head.


“The key to starting the copy is a prop in my hand.”

“Part 300501?” Zhang Heng remembered the copy prompt when entering the game.

“Yes, but it ’s not just me who owns the props that can open the game. As far as I know, there are 24 props that can open the game. When you first open the game copy, the system will choose your favorite place as the game place. I ’m here. For other people, maybe it ’s somewhere else. We ’ll play the game separately. It ’s okay for single player or team formation. The tasks are the same, but there is only one final winner. Once someone clears the game, the rest of the hands The props will be invalid, so this is actually a competition.

“I have tried to clear the copy, but as I said, the difficulty of this game is very high, and the outcome depends to a large extent on your LEGO assembly skills, but … well, how to say, this skill is The vast majority of players are useless, and few players are willing to use their precious time to practice assembling Lego. I exercised for a month, but now there is only LV0. Of course, there is a way that you can use different from the real World The Time Flow Speed ​​is exercised in the copy, after all, the 3 days here are only equivalent to 9 minutes outside. “


“Although in theory players can repeat the game, there is indeed a limited number of times. After ten times, the props in your hand will be invalid, so even if the last strategy is counted, the player is actually in the copy. The use time is only 30 days, and 30 days is not enough for you to train your skills to pass the game. Counting this time, this item of mine has been used 4 times. The bad news is that I just got an information, there is a The team has just recruited a LEGO master, and they are very close to the final copy of the clearance, so I ca n’t use the remaining number of times. ”

Zhang Heng frowned, “You want to clear the game to return to your parents and family with the rest of the time. What about other people, why are they willing to spend their energy on a basically useless skill?”

The beautiful man raised his eyebrows, “because there are rumors that there is a B-Rank prop hidden in this script.”

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