48 Hours a Day

Chapter 389

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It didn’t take long for 3 people to leave Monaco and enter Nice, a beautiful seaside city in the southeast part of France.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Heng also checked his personal character panel.

Name: Zhang Heng

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Player ID: 07958

Experienced game rounds: 5

Current game points: 659

Possessions: Infinite Building Blocks (B), Weather Pinballs (C), Filter Lenses (D), Paris Arrows (D), Evil Thought Walls (D), Shadow Keys (E), Lucky Rabbit Feet ( E), Betty’s shell (E), hunter’s blessing (F), molten metal (F)

掌握技能:帆船航海LV3、Blade Technique lv3、语言精通lv2(Eight Sects 语言达到日常交流水准)、乐高组装LV2、arrow technique lv2、野外生存lv2、汽车驾驶技术lv2、改装与维修lv2、射击lv2、宇航lv2、钢琴lv1、滑雪lv1、攀岩lv1、

Evaluation: The player is a Lego Master, with a slightly higher luck value and chance of encountering an enemy than ordinary person, sheltered by shadows, storms, and Evil Thought, can predict and convert the weather in a certain area, and has excellent sailing and sailing experience, Good at using knives, arrows, firearms, can drive vehicles such as cars, airplanes, spacecrafts, etc. and can adapt to the wild environment, has rich skill reserves, and has excellent battle strength, which attracts attention among players.

In terms of age, although it has already passed the New Year, it is more than a month before Zhang Heng’s birthday, so the character panel is still 19 years old.

At the beginning of the fifth round of the game, Zhang Heng had 5 points, and he got 695 points in the Apollo training camp, but then several of the items he identified cost some points and were taken from Peng Jiating. Leviathan’s egg used up his 154 points, and then there were 100 points for identifying [Infinite Building Blocks] and entrusting to find Foulou to convert into bank deposits, so now he has 50 points left.

In terms of props, he added [Infinite Building Blocks], [Weather Pinball], [Filter Lens] and [Water Soluble Metals]. Zhang Heng ’s problem now is not that the props are not enough, but that there are too many props. Now he There are a lot of bad things hanging on the body, but fortunately, most of them are not large. Except for the arrow of [Paris], it can be accidentally occupied. Others can be put in the pocket, but this way It is inevitable that Ding Ding Boo Boo.

If I get new props again, Zhang Heng may have some choices.

In terms of skills, similar to the previous sailing and navigation skills, the aerospace skills replaced the engineering, aerodynamics, physics and materials science on the previous panel, and his aerospace skills also reached breakthrough after he successfully landed in the lunar module. lv2, but he was too concentrated attention completely at the time, and didn’t notice until this inspection, but his skill is usually not very easy to use.

In addition, in the evaluation, he also changed from worthy of continuous attention to attention.

Zhang Heng frowned, in fact, as the game progresses, he encounters more and more supernatural beings. Zhang Heng does n’t know if this is related to his evaluation. More existences begin to turn his attention to his Body, it is said that this is a good thing or a bad thing.


On the other side, Philip and Valdo finally got in touch with the team behind them, and briefly explained what they were experiencing. After a quarter of an hour, they talked back and forth. Philip hung up and said to Zhang Heng, “The rest of the team I can agree to join you, but … “

“But?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“But you have to prove first that you are here to help, not our enemy.” Waldo said.

“How to do it?”

“I just got news that one of our friends was arrested. If you can rescue him, we will welcome you to join.”


“No, no, it’s not Edward. Edward has enough experience to protect himself and is another of our friends.”

“where is he?”


Zhang Heng looked to Philip, and he didn’t respond. Although he had a certain understanding of France, it was limited to a few famous cities like Paris, Marseille, and Lyon.

“Oh, Rodez is in the south, the capital of the province of Aveyron in the Pyrenees, and there is a distance from here,” Philip explained.

“We’d better go by train or plane … Do you need to take a break before that? It’s almost 11pm now, and we can start again tomorrow morning.” Valdo said.

“Oh, I can book a hotel online, and I still have Accor members and coupons.” Philip added. While talking, he took out his mobile phone to check the nearby Accor hotels, and soon found the nearest one. , Philip booked 2 rooms, and also booked a suite for Zhang Heng, and then drove over.

2 people pulled their luggage into the room, and said to Zhang Heng with a smile, “Good night, Lu, there are still many things to do tomorrow, go to bed early tonight.”

However, when Valdo was about to close the door, Zhang Heng reached out and blocked his movements.

“You went in the wrong room.”

“Haha, you are too polite, that suite is yours, we sleep in a normal double room is enough.”

“No, we sleep together.” Zhang Heng said.

“Sleep together?” Valdo exclaimed.

“The bed in the suite is large enough to sleep 2 people. You sleep there. I sleep on the sofa in the living room.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

“Ah, so much sorry.” Waldo scratched his head. “You are also a guest no matter how you say. Sleeping on the sofa and so on is too much …”

Zhang Heng nodded, “You are right …”

As a result, there was just a little bit of joy on the face of the two people. After hearing Zhang Heng’s second sentence, he dragged down again.

“Then sleep on the sofa, Philip and I sleep inside.” Zhang Heng said.

“Ah?” Valdo grinned. “No, I don’t want to sleep on the sofa.”

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Heng to put Valdo and Philip in a room. He lives in a suite, which is comfortable and comfortable, but Zhang Heng is sure that the two will wake up early on the 2nd day and they must have taken advantage of the Night slipped away, especially when there was a parlor outside the suite, it was harder for him to hear the movement in the corridor.

But it ’s no problem to put Valdo alone in the parlor. Anyway, as long as the two people have a clue, he will not break, and Zhang Heng finds that this group of people is at least very loyal. Philip is in the hand. Val It is almost impossible to run away alone.

As a result, Valdo slept on the sofa for a night, waking up in the morning with a backache and regrets.

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