48 Hours a Day

Chapter 540

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Don’t be too busy to refuse,” the white clothed woman said. “If you are really a friend of that child, you should listen to me and pull away from this war.”


“I appreciate your heroic move to stand up for your friends, really, but unfortunately in this world not all things can be shared with others, sometimes you have to learn to bear all this alone, some Only one person can walk the road, and only one person can fight some battles. This is her battle, not yours. “

“Where are you from?” Zhang Heng frowns saying.

This is actually a question he wanted to ask a long time ago. The other party said that even if the arc can accept the truce proposal, she will not accept it. Zhang Heng originally thought it was because there was something between the white clothed woman and Shen Xixi Unable to solve the contradiction, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Zhang Heng could hear the praise of Shen Xixi in her words, but on the other hand she stopped in front of Zhang Heng and prevented him from finding the guy hiding in the hotel, stating that he did not want to end the war.

“I’m not a” Which Side “, I’m not a person of the arc, nor a person of the Commonwealth.” White clothed woman said, “I just walk on my own path.”

“Then your path can be a bit overbearing,” Zhang Heng said, “Do you want to take care of others?”

white clothed woman laughed, “I can care no matter how other people go, but the child I have to control, because she is taking the same path as me.”

Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows, “Aren’t you human?”

Although the other party’s description is somewhat abstract, it only has one meaning in Zhang Heng’s ears. He expressed moved, “Are you choosing agents, using this method?”

“Your observation skills are very keen, but unfortunately I am not a fellow traveler.” White clothed woman indifferently said, “Although you also have a righteous act, you can see from the fact that you just shot directly without asking anything before. You will only choose to be with companion when you are hurting your interests. In fact, you will not at all believe and believe in your heart. “

“Justice? Are you Themis or Astria? No, you are Justitia.” Zhang Heng can finally confirm the identity of the person who came.

The god who represents justice, Zhang Heng, first thought of Goddess Themis, the ruler of justice and order in ancient Greek mythology. She was the second wife of Zeus, and the order on Mount Olympus was maintained by her. Most of the statues have serious faces, one with a tray and one with a scepter, and Astria is a young girl with shining rays of light. She holds a thunderbolt and torch, and is also the stars, and Goddess related to purity.

But to say that the most famous Goddess of justice is Giustia, she was an image created by the ancient Romans that blended all the gods related to justice in Greek mythology, with a sword and a balance, blindfolded, and blindfolded. Always seek truth, not blinded by the senses.

Although she only has swords, no scales, and no blindfolds, her white clothed is still very conspicuous. In Zhang Heng’s memory, Justitia is a Goddess who likes white very much, because white It symbolizes moral impeccability and justness.

During the Renaissance, there were many statues of Giustia outside almost every court. Even today, there are many statues of Giustia outside the courts in Europe. There are few legal practitioners. People do n’t know her name, so unlike the debilitating gods who are almost eliminated by history, Giustia is also an ancient god, but she also belongs to the powerful group of ancient gods. Still above the plague of one of the 4 Knights of Apocalypse.

Zhang Heng was not sure to defeat the opponent.

To be honest, Shen Xixi was not too far off Zhang Heng’s expectations by Justice Goddess. Just like Justinia said, Shen Xixi was destined to be the one to take this path. Justinia should have paid attention to her. For quite some time, Shen Xixi’s perseverance, cleverness and own strength are undoubtedly the best choice for agents.

“Since she is yours, why do you stop me?” Zhang Heng looked into Gustitia’s eyes.

“In fact, everyone has a seed of justice in his heart, but it is not easy to irrigate this seed into a towering tree. Suffering is the best nutrient for growth. The road to the light is destined to be full of thorns. I must see See if she has enough courage to carry out her beliefs. “Justitia said resolutely,” As I said before, this is a war that belongs to her and has nothing to do with other people. In fact, it is what I persuaded the arc of light. The chairman and the consortium went to war. “

“So all this is just a test of her become a full member? For this reason, he did not hesitate to provoke the war between Two Great Influences and lose the lives of others,” Zhang Heng shook his head. “Which kind of justice is this?”

“You misunderstood, although this war between the Commonwealth and Light Arc has been promoted by me, it is inherently inevitable. This is a conflict of interest between the two parties. The President of Light Arc is a typical businessman, regardless of When he can always make the most rational choice, speaking from a certain perspective, you two have a lot of similarities, this city can accommodate 2 players’ power is already the limit, he will not allow A third person appears, so there must be a battle between the arc of light and the consortium, either today or tomorrow. “

“Why not put it in tomorrow? When the consortium grows, even if it can’t resist the light arc, at least it won’t be as embarrassed as today, just disintegrate.”

“What’s the point? The final winner is also the arc of light, and by that time, I am afraid that a battle will not end. By then, there will be 1000 to 10000 players involved, which will eventually evolve into a long-lasting In the war, more people will be injured and die, and more people like you who have nothing to do with this matter will be involved. Instead, the union will disintegrate today. “

“So you want Shen Xixi to admit defeat?”

“I don’t want her to confess,” Justitia shook her head. “I want to watch her fight and fight for justice in her heart. Even if her power is small, hope is thin, because justice does not mean Victory, although we all firmly believe that the light will always come, but before that, we must trek through the darkness. This is her darkness and her dawn. “

Zhang Heng hearing this was silent for a moment, after all, he still put down the CS5 in his hand. Just when Justitia thought that the other party had been persuaded by himself and smiled on his face, he saw Zhang Heng pulled out two more from his backpack. A Nepalese saber, holding it in her hand and saying to her, “I do n’t think someone like Shen Xixi needs you to arrange the road for her, nor is she doing what she wants to get recognition from, because she is like you A guy without any emotion simply isn’t the same person. “

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