48 Hours a Day

Chapter 752

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Varo spent about half an hour talking about the whole sequence of events, including how his wife and best friend lied to him to invest all his money in the linen business in Egypt, and how He vaguely signed the terrible contract, and later became a slave and was sold to the gladiator school.

It wasn’t until the others in the same room came back one after another that Varo closed his mouth, but still couldn’t help feeling sad, crying on the bed, and at this time Bach and the Germans who had been with him from outside the house Came in.

They seem to have adapted to their current lives. Although Bach once thought that Gabi was targeting him, he was not a pure fool. Although his training amount was twice that of others, Gabi also found him more than A trainer, and those trainers were entrusted by Gabi, not only did he have a separate plan for his promotion, but two of them were also willing to impart his trump card to him for free.

Before contacting Gabi and Marquez’s conversation, this is obviously not the act of wearing small shoes, but Gabi has made up his mind to build him into the next Sisnath, so he will not hesitate to use his accumulated friendship for many years.

However, Bach still feels a little dissatisfied. He does n’t know what Cessna is what the hell, what a glorious history, he is not willing to be the next Cissnath, he wants to be Bach, unique and unmatched Bach, he has now accepted the fact that he is a gladiator, the next thing to do is to kill all the opponents in front of him and become the new Legendary in this arena.

That group of Germanic people seemed to talk about something pleasant, maybe it was the past in their hometown, it might be a pretty girl who had been there, or they had cut off the enemy’s head in that battle, in short everyone They all looked very happy, but when they walked into the house, they heard an annoying cry.

“Why, who was he doing [beep] eyes on?” One of the Germans said humanely.

Bach and the others hearing this burst into laughter.

“Give this poor man some space, he just experienced the worst day of his life.” Zhang Heng opened the mouth and said.

“The worst day in life?” Bach sneered, stepped out of the crowd, and walked in front of Zhang Heng, “Let me tell you what a bad day, when I was 9 years old, my father was killed by the Romans. , Just because he was fishing by the river, an arrow that did n’t know where to fly was inserted into his eye socket. On the same day, my big brother was pierced into the heart by a lance on the battlefield, and my The mother was dragged away in front of me. I still do n’t know where they sold her. The whole family only escaped when I was hiding under the bed, but that day I did n’t cry at all because the tears would only let People are weak, it ’s a woman ’s gadget, so please tell your friend, we do n’t mind treating him like a woman if you cry.

At this moment, the momentum exuded from Bach was intimidating. Several other people in the same place couldn’t help but shrink to the side. Bach is the recognized Number One Person in this class, and Sith Nats succeeded him. Man, Gabi’s focus on training objects, and his temper is as famous as his brute force.

But what surprised Bach was that the foreign oriental in front of him was not at all showing any fear in his face after seeing his anger, still leaning on the wooden post, tilting his head and looking towards him.

“This is not a big competition, even if you are worse than him, this is not the reason for you to deprive him of his sad rights.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

As soon as he said this, the room was quiet.

One after another’s eyes are all focused on Zhang Heng and Bach. This is the first time in the same year that someone dares to “provoke” Bach, this Germanic bull.

“Are you hardened and want to stand up for this crybaby?” Bach lowered his face. “Before my fist falls on your face, I strongly suggest you reconsider your position.”

It was not the first time for Bach to see Varo. This guy was not honest at first. He shouted at Marquez, who turned to leave, and wanted to leave the training ground. In Bach ’s opinion, he was a little person who seize every opportunity. The training was not serious afterwards, and it was inspiring to see his sloppy appearance, let alone crying again.

It’s hard to imagine such a weak, cowardly and incompetent person sleeping under the same roof with him, but because most of the training has been very tense, he has no energy to find Varo’s trouble, until tonight, Varo is in bed The tears were hit by him, and the dissatisfaction accumulated in Bach’s heart broke out together.

As for Zhang Heng, Bach didn’t feel much disgust, nor did he have any impression. In these days, the Oriental has always been very low-key, neither lazy nor outstanding, but today Zhang Heng’s toughness made him a little surprised.

“I’m just elaborating the facts.” Zhang Heng shrugged, “Since everyone is a slave now, maybe we will have to compete together in the future, even if we don’t want to unite together, there is no need to hurt each other.”

“Who will compete with that waste, he may not even be able to support the final assessment, maybe Gabi will sell him to the country in a few days.” Bach sneered.

“Never underestimate one’s potential. The question is when he wakes up.” Zhang Heng touched his chin. He looked at Varo as he spoke, and the latter’s eyes were hollow, like a walking dead.

“So you have to deal with this broken case?”

“Oh, it depends on whether you are willing to accept my suggestion.” Zhang Heng said.

Bach hearing this stopped talking and clenched his fists.

As a result, he hadn’t shot Zhang Heng and opened the mouth and said again, “Wait.”

“Why, did you change your mind?”

“No, if you want to fight, I suggest we go to the training ground, where the space is wider, and,” Zhang Heng paused, “You can let your companion hold the entrance of the training ground and prevent others from coming in.”

“Why, don’t you want to be seen being beaten injured badly with many teeth knocked out.”

“Trust me, this is for your own good.” Zhang Heng said, “If you want to do anything … Cissnath’s successor.”

Bach hearing this didn’t answer immediately. He stared at Zhang Heng’s eyes and said after a while, “Okay, just dare you to challenge me, kind enough, a man, I agree to your request, and no matter who loses after that, Whoever wins, I will not come to see this sissy trouble again, anyway, he will not have a good life in a few days. “

“Very good, then we will deal with it.” Zhang Heng said.

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