Chapter 183 Show off

  As night falls, the noisy city is shrouded bit by bit. The shops on both sides of the road are shining with stars and lights, and pedestrians are all in a hurry.

  Li Qiao knocked on the door of the guest house room, but there was no movement for a long time, so he had to go out and ask the salesperson.

   Knowing that Qin Jin has not returned, she decides to enter the house and wait for him. Because the names of her and Qin Jin were registered at the beginning, it was very smooth to get the spare key from the salesperson to open the door.

  After turning on the light, pay attention to the extra black cloth bag on the bed.

  What did you buy?

  She closed the door and stepped forward, stretching out her hand. Is it a little straw hat for her?

   Below is the folded fabric.

  The quality is very good.

  Make clothes?

  Li Qiao sat for a while, washed and fell asleep, and found someone beside her in a daze. It was her familiar green grass fragrance. She moved up and continued to sleep, and was woken up early the next morning.

   "Qiao Qiao, it's time to get up and go to school."

  Li Qiao's eyes were sleepy: "What did you do yesterday? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

   "Shoveling the wall was late."

  Li Qiao felt distressed: "There is no need to fight so hard, and there is no rush."

Qin Jin smiled ambiguously and said: "I thought you wouldn't come back, how boring is it to sleep alone?" As the autumn harvest approached, he wanted to quickly deal with the house and go back to his hometown to buy wheat seeds to make a fortune. This time he went to the city and wandered around. .

  Many factories are not as good as they appear on the surface.

  For example, a button factory, if the products produced cannot be sold, they are directly thrown at the factory gate.

  Soap factories with overstocked stocks are busy looking for sales.

  He has a hunch that in the future, individuals will definitely be allowed to take over unprofitable factories, and then he will make the next one to do it himself.

  He squinted his eyes and considered his future business, when he suddenly heard a shout: "Ah Jin, why did you throw away my short sleeves?"

   "The thread on the hem of the clothes is untied."

  Li Qiao: "You can still wear it if you tie it up."

   "Tie it up to show your waist, thanks for letting others see me? Wear a skirt." Qin Jin took out the black floral skirt.

  Li Qiao picked up the short sleeves in the corner: "It can be worn after washing and sewing." She put the short sleeves in a bag, picked up the skirt and put it on, braided a separate braid, and Qin Jin put a straw hat on her head. She tilted her head and looked in the mirror: "Don't say it, it's pretty good."

  Qin Jin's original intention was to make Li Qiao more earthy, but he couldn't think of it to be more beautiful. "Has anyone at your school asked to be your pen pal?"

  Li Qiao: "No."

  Qin Jin doesn't believe it, there are waves of butterflies like him, how can she not have mad bees?

  After breakfast, he and Li Qiao walked for a while and parted ways. Passing the entrance of the alley, when he heard the sound of clearing his throat, he turned his head subconsciously. It was the woman he met yesterday, sitting on the back seat of a young man's bicycle.

   Is it a scratchy throat, or trying to get his attention?

   "Uncle, is the young man I mentioned yesterday handsome?"

  Xue Lingqing: "I never noticed that dating is not allowed in school." He paused and said: "Young people in society don't study and don't go to the countryside. Most of them are ruffians who walk around the streets. You definitely don't agree with someone like that."

   Xue Sufen responded vaguely: "Understood." She planned to stay tonight, and get up early tomorrow to wait at the entrance of the alley to find out the details of the other party. She thinks that the young man's family conditions should be good, because he has a background to stand up straight.

   People with poor backgrounds usually have chests and hunchbacks.

Xue Sufen quickly got off the car at the teaching building, and saw Li Qiao who was going upstairs, pawed Xue Lingqing, and said in a low voice deliberately: "Look, uncle, Li Qiao is dressed in nondescript clothes, and the sun is not so bright in the early morning, and her hair is stuck on her head." A hat, as if I'm afraid people won't see her, but fortunately, the male students in our class don't like her."

  Xue Lingqing raised her eyes. The girl was slender, fair-skinned, and had a good temperament. The hat covered half of her face and she was still beautiful.

  The students in the class don't like her, most likely because they think they don't deserve it.

  He turned his gaze and said, "The more you pay attention to her, the more jealous you are."

   Xue Sufen leaned back angrily: "You are Li Qiao's uncle!"

   Xue Lingqing: "Either why are you targeting her? Don't let me know that you are bullying your classmates, or you will be unable to eat!" He locked the car and left.

   Xue Sufen scoffed, and went upstairs with the book in her arms.

  When she entered the classroom, Li Qiao had already taken her seat, and there was no one else sitting around her, so she sat down directly.

  Cheng Shuqin waved her hand to signal Xue Sufen to sit in the seat she had occupied in advance. Seeing Xue Sufen and Li Qiao sitting together at this time, she had an opinion on Li Qiao.

   Grab her friends, we'll see!

  Xue Sufen took a closer look at Li Qiao's exposed skin, it was powdery, and the fine hair was almost the same color as the skin.

  Looking at hers again, it was so dark, she lowered her hand unconsciously. Can't help but ask: "What do you usually apply to nourish your skin?"

  Li Qiao: "Inherited."

   Xue Sufen: "."

  In this English class, the teacher asked the students to introduce themselves in English as soon as they entered the class. The students have been exposed to English for less than half a year, and the accents of the teachers in different places are different, so that at this time, they are confused and confused.

   Xue Sufen was able to answer with ease, and she got up first to answer, introducing herself while not forgetting to introduce her family members, emphasizing her father's work, including her uncle Xue Lingqing who is a professor.

  When the English teacher learned that Xue Lingqing was Xue Sufen's uncle, his expression changed from serious to smiling. "Xue Sufen, very good, please sit down, is there anyone else to introduce?"

   There was no sound in the classroom.

  They understood the teacher's request belatedly.

   But Xue Sufen's answer was too fluent, and they were afraid of opening their mouths to make people laugh.

   Xue Sufen raised her chin. Her English has been tutored by someone, and she got full marks in the exam. Li Qiao came from the countryside alone, even if he got a perfect score in the college entrance examination, he would definitely be unable to use spoken English.

   Didn't you steal the show in math class?

  English class should also come out.

  She pressed hard against the ribs on Li Qiao's side.

  Li Qiao was caught off guard by Dao'er, and let out a cry of pain.

   "This classmate, come here." The English teacher said to Li Qiao.

  Li Qiao was very annoyed, wouldn't she raise her hand if she wanted to answer the question? Or do you want to compare your family members with her who is promising?

   Pretentious, right? As if no one would.

  You show off with your family, I show off myself!

   After Li Qiao introduced himself, he told how he got the first place in the Mathematical Olympiad and was admitted by the school in advance. He also mentioned that he won the first place in the national college entrance examination, and he also worked part-time as an autopsy assistant in the forensic department during summer vacation.

  Because of providing effective clues to solve the case several times, she has received many awards. She thinks she is great!

   Xue Sufen was dumbfounded.

  Li Qiao's oral English is so good.

   There are some words that she can't even understand.

  Students are extremely admirable. University is really a place where crouching tigers hide dragons.

  The English teacher applauded: "It's really great! Sit down."

   Li Qiao was seated, and Xue Sufen came to her again: "Who did you learn English from? What did you do with the doctor during the summer vacation?"

  Li Qiao moved his arm and didn't talk.

   Xue Sufen curled her lips, talking nonsense!

  The teacher taught all English for a period of time, only Xue Sufen could answer her questions, thinking that the students might not understand, so she switched back to her mother tongue.

  After class, the students gathered around Xue Sufen and Li Qiao to inquire about the specific content of their self-introduction.

   Xue Sufen showed off: "Tell me about family members, work, etc."

   "Where's Li Qiao?"

  Li Qiao: "I made a lot of nonsense."

  The next class was still English, so she found another seat away from Xue Sufen.

   Xue Sufen glanced at it, thinking, avoid me? You know you are afraid of stealing my limelight. She sat down with her: "Look at you, you are stingy, you accidentally touched you, are you angry?"

  Li Qiao: "." Careless? She clenched her fists: "You have so many eyes, I'm just used to sitting alone."

   Xue Sufen didn't get any benefits, so she returned to Cheng Shuqin's side and counted Li Qiao's noble words and deeds.

   "Country people don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Cheng Shuqin said: "When she graduates and is assigned a job, she will know that no matter how hard she tries, she can't compare to you."

   Xue Sufen felt more balanced after hearing this.

  Based on Li Qiao's attitude towards her, it is impossible to have a good job in the future.

   Ma Hongxiang sat next to Li Qiao: "Your English is very good, can you teach me?"

Li Qiao: "The house I'm renting is being renovated, and I don't have time recently. You learn from the teacher during class, read more after class, and then go to the bookstore to buy two introductory materials to practice. You will see the effect soon. "

   "You know how to help me choose one."

   "And me." He Yiyuan said in the front row.

  After thinking about it, Li Qiao agreed: "Let's go on the weekend." Now Saturday, there is also class.

   English class is over, followed by ideological education class.

  After eating, she ate a bowl of noodles with fried sauce in the cafeteria and headed to the library with a book in her arms. She sat down at random to study math, stretched herself when she was tired, and looked up to find Professor Xue sitting in the next row, bowing her head and writing something.

  She pretended not to see and put away the math book, opened the physics book to preview, and closed it again when it was almost two o'clock.

  Professor Xue was still there. When she got up, he raised his head.

   She had to say hello.

   Xue Lingqing nodded almost invisible, and at this time put away the pen and notebook on the table and followed Li Qiao out. After stepping out of the library, he said, "I inquired about the grade skip you mentioned earlier. You need to write an application and submit it to your class teacher. After the school approves it, it will arrange an assessment. If you have excellent grades, you can skip a grade."

  Li Qiao became interested: "Is the format of the application random?"

  Xue Lingqing described a general idea, and then said: "After skipping a grade, you can continue to prepare for the postgraduate exam."

  (end of this chapter)

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