94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 108: Festival

    Hogwarts, the best wizarding school in the world. "

    Gwen saw several Ravenclaw students cast a spell on the banner recited aloud, and Umbridge had to endure the thick and loud voice repeating "Lies" over and over again, "Azkaban".

    Fred also arrived at the scene, and he was amazed at Gwen's creativity.

    "You two have to help me carry the blame." Gwen said happily, she found that Hermione and a few D.A. girls were doing everything possible to stop the students of the investigation team. Tear off the banner. "To be honest, I still have about a dozen of these, which Ginny helped me **** from the elves yesterday—you should note that there are no tablecloths on the Hogwarts table today."

    Umbridge, disheveled and blackened by fireworks, was sweating, she seemed to finally be unable to bear it, and shouted: "Enough!"

    "I think enough is enough." Fred's sharp eyes saw Harry's head suddenly appear in the crowd - the invisibility cloak from the neck down, looking strangely infiltrating. "He's got it, we can get ready for the curtain call, buddy."

      Come. The high walls were full of educational orders, and they were destroyed by the suicide attack of fireworks, and dozens of wooden frames fell to the ground.

    Like a perfect theatrical performance, Fred and George squeezed past the large circle of students and teachers, standing gracefully in the middle of the foyer, face to face with Umbridge, There was a look of death on their faces, and Peeves floated over their heads.

    "Okay!" Umbridge said triumphantly, putting away his exasperated look. Once again she looked contemptuously at her prey. "Okay—you think it's fun to blow up the school, don't you?"

    "Very interesting, yes." Fred looked up at her and said, not at all afraid.

    Felch squeezed from the crowd to Umbridge's side, crying with joy. "I've got the thing, Headmaster," he said hoarsely, waving a piece of parchment. "I've got the thing, and the whip is ready. Oh, let me do it now."

    "Very well, Argus," said Umbridge. "You two," she continued, staring at Fred and George below, "will know what happens to people who do bad things at my school—caning! Expulsion! Trial!"

    "Know what?" Fred said. "I don't think we'll know."

    He turned towards his twin brother.

    "George," said Fred, "I think we're too grown up to have a full-time education."

    "Yeah, I've always thought so," said George happily.

    "It's time to test our talents in the real world, what do you think?" Fred asked.

    “Not bad,” George said.

    Before Umbridge said a word, they raised their wands at the same time.


    There was a loud pop in the distance. Fred and George's broomsticks flew down the hallway toward their masters, one dragging on the tail the heavy chains and pegs that Umbridge used to tie them to the wall; Turning to the left, he flew down the stairs quickly and stopped in front of the twins, the iron chain rattled loudly on the stone floor marked with the flag.

    "We won't see you again." Fred said to Professor Umbridge, raising his legs and straddling his broom.

    "Yes, don't bother to keep in touch." George said, riding his broom.

    Fred looked around at the huddled, silent and alert students. "If anyone wants to buy Weasley's whoosh-boom fireworks, like the ones shown upstairs, go to 93 Diagon Alley - Weasley's Magical Joke Shop," he said loudly. "That's us. shop address!"

    "Hogwarts students can enjoy a discount if they swear to use our products to get rid of this old toad/toad." George pointed to Professor Umbridge and added.

    "Stop them!" Umbridge screamed, but it was too late. As Filch and the investigative team approached, Fred and George kicked off the floor and charged fifteen feet into the air, iron bolts swaying horribly under their brooms.

    George winked at Gwen in mid-air, then a pink smoke ring flew from the tip of his wand, blowing a kiss to Gwen.

    Fred watched as the mischievous Peeves, who was at the same height as him, was floating over the heads of the crowd across the hall.

    "Send her to **** for us, Peeves."

    No one has ever seen Peeves obey a student's orders, but suddenly Peeves waved his funnel-shaped hat and salutes Fred and George, the two red-haired The tall wizard swerved to the applause of the students, rushed out of the open front door, and flew into the beautiful sunset outside, leaving behind a huge, dazzling W.

    The students crowded outside the castle to cheer and applaud.

    Umbridge with charred hair and black face, pushed away the crowd and pinched Gwen by the shoulder.

    "Okay, now that the two of them are gone, you—you bastard—have to take the punishment in their place," she yelled in a shrill voice.

    Gwen pretended to be frightened, and said shudderingly, "I don't understand what you're talking about, Professor. What does this have to do with me?"

    "Because you're behind those two Weasleys every day, because you're just like them—full of lies! Challenge the authority of the Ministry! Do you think you know everything?" He spit his head and spit hard, as if this would make everyone forget what just happened, and then put the blame on Ollivander's head. With that, she reached out to pull Gwen's hair.

    Gwen let go of one hand in the struggle, and said with a cry, "You can't - hit me! Ah!" After that, she let out a shrill scream, and took advantage of Umbridge. Bewildered by her shameless slander, she stuffed the two and a half candies she was hiding in her mouth into her mouth.

    "Merlin bless these two things together." This was Gwen's last thought.

    As for what other people saw, the mad Umbridge grabbed the innocent Ollivander for no reason and gave the thin, underage little wizard a slap, The poor student spattered with nosebleeds, fainted and fell to the ground on the spot.

    "Get up! You shameless liar! I didn't touch you at all!" Umbridge stomped her feet and even tried to kick her twice with the toe of her shoe.

    The students who were just onlookers suddenly walked forward spontaneously, and tightly surrounded Gwen who was lying on the ground and the new headmaster who was furious. Katie and a few older Gryffindor girls blocked Gwen, looking angrily at Umbridge.

    "We all saw it, Headmaster. You knocked out our classmates."

    Umbridge laughed angrily, then squeezed the little girl's voice and said, "She is no longer your classmate, I have decided to fire her..."

    "Before Miss Ollivander accepts your baseless accusations," the straight-backed Professor McGonagall and the hurried Madam Pomfrey also stood in Umbridge In front of her, "She is still a student of my college, and she is in urgent need of treatment."

    "That's right, poor little one." Madam Pomfrey sighed at Gwen, whose face was paper-colored, with a nosebleed and unconscious, "Until she recovers, no one will Don't try to take her from the medical wing."

    The two witches ignored Umbridge's threat and took Gwen away on a self-flying stretcher.

    An hour later, Gwen slowly woke up from the snow-white hospital bed in the medical wing, and Madam Pomfrey happened to pass by with a tray.

    "Weasley's candy? I've never seen such a powerful drug." The stern head nurse wanted Gwen's explanation.

    "Coma flower candy and nosebleed nougat." Gwen stuck out his tongue, "I ate the two together."

    "You should be glad you are still alive." Madam Pomfrey slapped Gwen on the back, "How come the students never take their own safety seriously."

    "Hush—at least they managed to bring me a moment of silence." Gwen said, running one hand over the hot palm print on his back.

    "If you want silence," Madam Pomfrey left a small vial of potion by her bed, and the older witch emphasized, "In my 'professional' advice, you recover It won't be that fast." She looked at Gwen's other half of the candy in the other hand, warningly, "Now, good girl, drink this potion." It was the purple Harry had drank before. Pharmacy.

    Gwen hid the antidote candy under the pillow, and gladly accepted the professors' offer to lie down in the medical wing for a few more days. After drinking the potion, her eyelids sank and she fell into a half-dream and half-awake contemplation. A pyrotechnic stick floated past the window of the inpatient department, still indomitably spelling out the word "Bah".

    Gwen dreamed of the daytime scenes over and over again, the fireworks that came and went, the Weasley twins disappearing into the sunset, the big red-haired boy laughing brightly, revealing the snow-white neat Teeth, like two magpies that escaped their cages.

    She remembered the Muggle novel her father left her. There was a passage in it that she read and read as a child, and finally understood the real meaning at this moment. "All my life, I like to follow people who make me feel interested, because in my mind, real people are crazy, they love life, they love to chat, and they don't want to show their edge and hope to have a

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