94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 125: Festival

    Remind Dumbledore to be careful, but the headless guard was still protecting him, continuing to push him to the back wall, and he couldn't get out of it at all. "In fact, your greatest failure is not understanding that there is something worse than death—"

    Another green light shot out from behind the silver shield, this time the one-armed centaur galloped over and blocked in front of Dumbledore, received the spell, and was smashed to pieces . Before the shards landed, Dumbledore had withdrawn his wand and swung it like a whip. A long, thin flame emerged from the tip of the wand and wrapped around Voldemort's body, shield and everything. For a split second, it looked like Dumbledore had won, but the matchlock turned into a viper and swam quickly off Voldemort, hissing viciously, and facing Dumbledore.

    Voldemort disappeared, the snake stood up on the floor, ready to fight - a flame burst in the air above Dumbledore's head, and Voldemort appeared again. He stood on the pedestal in the middle of the pool, where the five statues just stood.

    "Watch out!" Harry yelled.

    At the moment he shouted, another green light flew out from Voldemort's wand and shot at Dumbledore, and the viper also launched an offensive at the same time, Phoenix Fox suddenly landed on In front of Dumbledore, with his mouth wide open, he swallowed the green light whole in one bite: it burst into flames and fell to the floor, small, wrinkled, and could no longer fly . At the same time, Dumbledore gave his wand a wide, hearty swipe - the snake - still some way from biting its fangs into his flesh, was thrown high into the air, and vanished in a plume of smoke. . The water in the pool rose like a cocoon of glass water that wrapped Voldemort around him.

    In the blink of an eye, a black, rippling, blurry-looking Voldemort figure shimmered dimly, standing dimly on the pedestal. It was obvious that he was struggling to escape the suffocating water cocoon inside.

    Then he broke free, and the raised water crashed back into the pool, and a large amount of water poured out of the pool and wet the smooth floor.

    "Master!" Bellatrix screamed.

    No doubt it was over, no doubt, Voldemort decided to flee, Harry tried to get out from behind his statue guard, but Dumbledore yelled at him: "Stay there and don't move , Harry!"

    For the first time, Dumbledore's voice sounded a little panic. Harry didn't understand why: the hall was empty except for them, Bellatrix sobbing, still pinned down by the wizard statue, and the little phoenix Fox neighing weakly on the ground.

    Suddenly, Harry's scar burst open, and he knew he was dead: an unimaginable pain, an indelible pain.

    He disappeared from the hall, and Harry was firmly locked in a circle of red-eyed monsters. The monster was so entangled that Harry didn't know which was his body and which was the monster's body, they were fused together, bound by pain, there was no way to escape - the monster spoke, but it It was his own mouth, so Harry could only feel his mouth open and close in excruciating pain... "Kill me now, Dumbledore..."

    Harry couldn't see anything, he was dying, his whole body was screaming for relief, he felt that the monster was using him again... "If death is nothing, Dumbledore Lido, then kill this kid..."

    Stop the pain, Harry thought...let him kill us both...let it end, Dumbledore...death really doesn't mean much compared to what it is now ...I can still see Sirius again...While Harry was having mixed feelings, the monster's circle loosened and the pain was gone; he was lying face down on the floor with his glasses gone, shivering as if he wasn't lying on the wood On the floor, but on the ice... A lot of noises echoing in the hall, it shouldn't be... Harry opened his eyes and saw his glasses lying at the feet of the headless statue that had been protecting him The headless statue is now lying flat on its back, broken and motionless. He put on his glasses and looked up a little, only to see Dumbledore's crooked nose in front of his own.

    "Are you all right, Harry?"

    "It's okay," Harry replied, shaking so badly that he couldn't raise his head normally, "It's okay, I—where is Voldemort, where—who are they—what—"

    The main hall was crowded; a fire suddenly burst into the fireplace along one wall, and the floor reflected an emerald green flame. A succession of wizards, men and women, emerged from the fire. As Dumbledore dragged him to his feet, Harry saw Cornelius Fudge, led by statues of house-elves and goblins, and came over in a panic.

    "He's there!" yelled a man in a scarlet robe with a ponytail. He was pointing to a pile of golden shards across the hall, where Bellatrix had just been crushed by the statue. "I see, Mr. Fudge, I swear he's You-Know-Who, Apparating holding a woman!"

    "I know, Williamson, I know, I saw him too!" said Fudge, panting, as if he had just run a marathon, his pinstriped cloak still in In his pajamas, "Gosh—here—here—at the Ministry!—God is up—unbelievable—I mean—how could this be—?"

    "If you go downstairs to the Department of Mysteries, Connelly," said Dumbledore, - Harry was all right, and Dumbledore, looking visibly satisfied, greeted him , so that those who have just come in can realize that he is the first to arrive (several of them holding wands; others are just surprised; the pixie and goblin statues are slapping; Jumping, slippered feet off the ground) - "You'll see a few runaway Death Eaters in the execution chamber, bound by the Anti-Apparition Charm, waiting for you to deal with them."

    "Dumbledore!" Fudge, still panting, looked surprised, "You—here—I—I—"

    He glanced frantically around the Auror he had brought with him, and it couldn't be more obvious, he shouted almost without thinking, "Catch him!"

    "Connelly, I'm ready to fight your men again—again!" said Dumbledore, "but, a few minutes ago, you saw it with your own eyes, I It's been telling you the truth all year. Voldemort is back, and you've been catching the wrong people for twelve months. It's time for you to use your brain too."

    "I—no—good—" Fudge said angrily, looking around, as if hoping someone could tell him what to do. When he saw that no one was going to give him advice, he said, "Very well—Dawlish! Williamson! Go down and see the Department of Mysteries... Dumbledore, you—tell me what—the Fountain of Magic Brothers— What's going on?" he added in a grumbling tone. He stared at the floor around him, where the remains of wizard and centaur statues were scattered.

    "We can't talk about this until I send Harry back to Hogwarts," said Dumbledore.

    "Harry—Harry Potter?" Fudge turned to stare at Harry, who was still standing against the wall beside the fallen statue, which was in Dumbledore Protected Harry while fighting Voldemort.

    "He—here?" Fudge asked, glaring at Harry, "why—what the **** is going on?" "I'll tell you all," said Dumbledore, "wait When Harry gets back to school." He left the pool, walked over to the golden wizard's head, pointed his wand at it, and said silently, "Mentos." The head glowed blue, shook the floor, and made a loud noise. , and after a few seconds, it was motionless again.

    "I see, Dumbledore!" said Fudge, and Dumbledore picked up the head and walked back to Harry with it, "You are not authorized to use the portkey! You can't do that blatantly in front of the Ministry, you—you—"

    Dumbledore gave Fudge a commanding glance over his half-moon glasses, and he stuttered immediately. ' "You're going to issue an order for Dolores Umbridge to leave Hogwarts," said Dumbledore. "You're going to tell your Auror to stop investigating my Conservation of Magical Creatures teacher and have him re-open." Back to work. I'll give you..." Dumbledore took a watch with twelve hands from his pocket and glanced at it, "...Tonight, I can spare half an hour, I think we can have a good talk All the key issues going on here. Then, I have to go back to my school. If you need more help from me, of course, rather than come to Hogwarts, write to me, noting The principal will be fine."

    Fudge's eyes had never been so wide before, his mouth open, his round face flushed under his tousled grey hair.


     Dumbledore turned around and ignored him.

    "Take this portkey, Harry."

    He handed the statue head, Harry put his hand on it, and finally he said to Dumbledore: "My friends, and Sirius...".

    "Others will take them away, as for Sirius, I think we're half an hour

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