94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 149: Festival

    The dormitory makes blood tonic. For no particular reason, she had already made up her mind to stock up on some white fresh food and first aid potions - not only herself, but also George and Fred in Diagon Alley.

    Gwen then finds Hogwarts panicking. The twins Petil's parents are taking them home, and Hannah Abbott never came back after being called out from her herbal medicine class.

    "But Hogwarts is safer than their home, there's no doubt about that! We have Aurors, have you seen Cedric? He added two more protection spells, And Dumbledore!" Ron said with wide-eyed eyes at the table.

    "I don't think he's actually with us all the time." Hermione said in a low voice, glancing from the Daily Prophet to the staff table, "Didn't you notice? ? His seat has been as empty as Hagrid's this past week."

    Gwen and Ginny looked up at the staff table. Sure enough, there was no one in the principal's seat.

    "I think he left school to do something with the Order of the Phoenix," Hermione whispered. "I mean... the situation is looking dire now, isn't it?"

    After dinner, Gwen went back to Gryffindor Tower alone, Katie and Ginny, as Chaser for the house team, went out and flew a few laps every clear night , Ginny is said to have flown faster than any Chaser at Hogwarts. At this time, most of the classmates had already eaten dinner, and the common room was very crowded, but she finally found an empty table and sat down. To be precise, it was a table where the Savior Squad was. What are they discussing.

    Hermione opened the newspaper and browsed the contents. "Oh, Ron, look, here's your dad—he's all right!" Ron turned his head in panic, and Hermione added quickly, "The paper just said he went to Malfoy's." For this Death Eater A second search of the gangster's residence appears to have yielded nothing. Arthur Weasley of the Reconnaissance and Seizure Office of Fake Defensive Spells and Protective Supplies said his team acted only after surreptitious intelligence from someone.'"

    Gwen was shocked and sat down on the only empty chair, "Nothing found on it?"

    "I think Lucius Malfoy got rid of his collection before going to jail," said Ron dismissively.

    "So he's still in Azkaban?" Gwen was a little nervous, "I mean, there's no reason for the Ministry of Magic to conduct a second search." In fact, Gwen is most concerned about The point is, why did the old Malfoy make a deal with Dumbledore in prison, and what did he use to ensure Garrick's safety?

    "It's me," said Harry, "I told Mr. Weasley about Malfoy at King's Cross and the thing Malfoy wanted Borgin to fix for him. Well, since he wasn't at their house, he must have brought that thing to Hogwarts—"

    "How could he do it, Harry?" Hermione said, putting down the newspaper, with a surprised expression on her face, "We were all checked when we entered the school."

    "What?" Harry said in surprise, "I don't!"

    "Oh yeah, of course you didn't, I forgot you were late... Well, as we entered the foyer Filch swept the spies all over us. All black magic Everything will be found, and I knew Crabbe had a dry head confiscated. So you see, Malfoy couldn't have brought something dangerous in!"

    "Someone could send him something through the owl," he said, "his mother or whatever."

    "All owls are inspected too," Hermione said. "That's what Filch told us when he was poking around with his spies."

    Harry was defeated this time and was completely speechless. It seemed that Malfoy really had no way of bringing dangerous or dark magic items into the school. He looked at Ron expectantly, but Ron sat with his arms crossed, wondering which pretty girl he was looking at. Harry looked again at Gwen, who was in a daze.

    Gwen reacted and said casually, "Maybe that thing was originally in the school, anyway, there are a lot of strange things at Hogwarts."

    "Oh, forget about it, Harry," said Ron.

    "Harry?" Demirza Robbins, the new third Chaser, suddenly appeared beside them, "I have a message for you. It's from Professor Snape, He said you had to go to his office tonight at 8:30 to lock up - well - it doesn't matter how many people invited you to the party. He also told me to let you know that your job is to get the rotting Flobber caterpillar out Pick from the good ones, for potions class—he said you don't have to wear protective gloves."

    "Okay," Harry said sullenly, "Thank you very much, Demirza."

    "Remember to pick up two twigs." Gwen said thoughtfully, making a familiar gesture, "Have you ever eaten oriental food? Just pick up the rotten caterpillars like that. ." Then she left the few people with pale faces covering their mouths and quickly left.

    When Gwen returned to the dormitory, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. In a daze, he dreamed that Garrick was being tightly entangled by Voldemort's serpent, forcing him to tell the secret of Harry's wand. And old Malfoy was clapping his hands in Azkaban.

    But Gwen forgot that the great Headmaster never told her that the deal was with Lucius Malfoy. The owner of Malfoy Manor was not alone in making decisions.

    Where did Dumbledore go? What is he doing? For the next several weeks, Gwen did not see the principal once. He rarely showed up at mealtimes, and it seemed Hermione was right to say that the Headmaster was away for days at a time. More than once Gwen wanted to rush to the eighth-floor office to confront Dumbledore in person. His promise had once inspired Gwen and made her feel at ease, but now she was walking on thin ice.

    Especially what happened in mid-October made Gwen immediately put a plan behind her back on the agenda—about Draco Malfoy.

    The morning of the trip to Hogsmeade, there was a strong wind outside and Gwen woke up early. She's going with Katie today to buy a new gown because Katie said "Oliver is very likely to propose to me at Christmas".

    Felch stood at the oak gate as usual, checking the names of his classmates who were allowed to go to Hogsmeade. It was longer than ever, as Filch ran his spies over and over again on everyone.

    The walk to Hogsmeade Village was uncomfortable. Gwen wrapped the scarf around the lower part of his face, and the exposed part quickly froze to the point of pain and numbness. On the road leading to the entrance of the village, there are students everywhere bending forward against the wind. Gwen wondered more than once that he might be happier in the warm common room. When the girls finally made their way to Hogsmeade, they saw that the Joko Joke Shop had been boarded up and, thankfully, Duke Bee's candy shop was still open.

    "Are we going to the candy store first, or the Madame Padiff Teahouse?" Gwen shuddered, "I can't wait to spend an afternoon with you in a warm and sweet environment."

    "How old are you?" Katie looked at Gwen in surprise, then wrapped her and Ginny's arms from side to side, "Let's go to Fengya Wizard's Clothing Store first. Three brooms, I'll treat you to a glass of firewhiskey, and as for you, little underage wizard," she pulled Rakini, "a butterbeer."

    Katie moved quickly, she should have looked at the style in the mail order book early, this time just to try it on herself. In ten minutes, Katie left the clothing store contentedly with her wrapped gown and robe, and sat at the bar of the bar. Mrs. Rosmerta saw Katie's new dress, complimented her, and poured the girls a small glass of mead, which she had ripened with oak. Even Ginny took a sip.

    Katie's drinking is usually good, but today she may be extra happy and her face is flushed. Before the three left, she planned to go to the toilet of the bar to wash her face. Gwen and Ginny saw her steady footsteps, so they didn't follow, and waited for her at the door of Three Broomsticks.

    After a while, Katie came out with two parcels in her hands, her eyes a little cloudy. They pushed open the door and entered into the rain and snow that fluttered in the wind.

    "What's in your hand?" Gwen saw the extra thing in Katie's arms sharply.

    "Nothing." Katie's expression stiffened, "A gift."

    "When did you sneak out to buy it?" Ginny asked curiously, "For Wood?"

    "No," Katie said in a strange voice, "...someone gave it to me, I'm going to pass it on to Hogwarts..."

    Gwen stopped and Ginny stopped.

    "Are you drunk?" Gwen tugged at Katie's sleeve, "Felch set up several tests at the school gate, and you're just going to take things that don't come from so easily. Bring it in?"

    "Katie, you either make it clear, or let us see what's inside?" Ginny said seriously.

    "This has nothing to do with you!" Katie suddenly lost control and screamed.

    Gwen thinks things are weird, and Ginny, who is more agile, suddenly reaches for the bag in Katie's hand. Katie yanked back hard, and the bag fell to the ground.

    Suddenly, Katie rose into the air, her posture was very elegant, her arms were outstretched, as if she was about to fly. However, there was something weird about her, something amiss... Her hair was fluttering about in the violent wind, but her eyes were closed, and there was no expression on her face. Gwen and Ginny stopped,

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