A Demon’s Path

Chapter 847 The priests were destroyed

When the priestess pressed the red button for a moment, the massive warship immediately uttered a fierce gas bluff, scraping the crowd and withdrew hundreds of steps.

Zou Wei immediately noticed what had happened and quickly yelled, “Careful, the ship of war will explode!”

“Is it discovered now? It is too late!” The priestess was full of eyes in his eyes, gnawing his teeth, his face was full of madness.

This trick has been useless for him for a long time. This time, he wants to see it again. What will happen to this earth-shattering moment!

The hundreds of thousands of soldiers who were closest to the penitentiary on the ground were to be opened by the ship, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers would definitely die.

However, in the face of such an imposing and incomparable attack, unless Ling Xiao possesses such cultivation as Murong Huatian and his grandfather and dad, otherwise, he can only look there in the blink of an eye.

“What should I do?” Ling Xiao doesn’t want these soldiers to be devastated by the priests. He thinks of dozens of methods quickly in his mind.

However, no one method works.

When Ling Xiao was thinking hard, the priestess issued a terrible scream: “Haha, die together!”

Rumble – With the flames of Amethyst, the entire ship is spinning at high speed, and parts of the body fall off from the rotating warships.

The parts, like the petals that had been torn off, fell in pieces and slammed on the floor as if they had fallen.

Pentacist’s ultimate battleship skills – meteor flares!


When the fragments of those battleships fell above the ground, they immediately exploded, and those soldiers who couldn’t escape had only had time to scream, and were immediately blown into pieces!

Even if the dragon array quickly controlled the transfer of the Xuanhuang array, it only played a decelerating role. The blew-up of this ship was really too violent.

It was only in less than thirty seconds, and the number of soldiers who died from the explosion of warship parts was no less than 100,000!

“Damn!” Ling Xiaoyan had a red eye and never took care of the others. A bloody spray was applied to the god of butcher, and he tried his best to push Tu Shen to the warship that had not been dismembered.

“Huangtian fans spin!”

This time, Ling Xiao drained his soulpower in one breath, turned it into a real knife, and scorned the ship.

It should also be a good luck, the key center of the battleship is a powerful blade of the powerful, its automatic dismantling has not been fully completed, it was Xiao Ling this knife to cut down.

Xiao Ling’s knife is like a different world’s solution to cattle, and does not need too much effort. It just cuts into key parts and the enemy’s attack is easily solved.

Without the support of the central axis of rotation and the source of power, the ship of the Great War was automatically dismembered like a corpse of a chaotic dog.

Those automatically dismembered pieces have no attack force at all and become common scattered scrap iron.

“Damn! I’m not willing to!”

The priest, whose body was surrounded by fire, fell from above the spacecraft. His mechanical limbs were all broken. His body was also burned by fierce amethyst and the body was charred as a humanoid coal.

“kill him!”

The wrath of the Blue City soldiers resorted to the original soul force. Hundreds of thousands of spirits of different levels jointly fought to the same goal.


A burst of violent explosions resembled the angry yelling of the soldiers, engulfing the priests in the flames.

The soul force bombardment lasted for more than ten minutes. All the soldiers were unwilling to stop.

Looking at the potholes where even blood couldn’t be found, the blue-sky warriors who faced the blood were a little calmer and silently mourned the comrades who had just died in the hands of the priests.

Ling Xiao shook his head helplessly, his own strength is still too weak, the key moment can not protect the subordinates.

Although these soldiers Ling Xiao did not know, but these people are standing on their own side and fighting for themselves. As long as they are not ruthless people, they will not remain indifferent to their casualties.

If it was not just good luck, the number of casualties at this time would surely increase by several times.

The amethyst flames on the battlefield are still burning and sizzling. When the wind blows, it emits the stench of stench.

War is the blend of fire and blood. Do not survive in the war, they die in the flames of war…

With a bang, the soul rock symbolizing the priestly life of the priest suddenly burst open.

Murong Hua Tian opened his eyes from closing his eyes and saw the moment before the death of the priests.

“This guy, don’t you know that your life is worth more than those soldiers? Don’t know how to protect yourself, and it’s really useless to die…” Murong Huatian mumbled to himself, as if a child had broken up With your own bad toys.

Not long after the death of the priests, Hua Fengfeng rushed in with a family of three. The result was only the defeated Demon Tower.

“What about the priests?” The disfigured face of Hua Hongfeng frowned and looked very ugly.

The warriors of the gods and devils know that this is the newly appointed Ding priest and quickly replied: “The priests to protect us…”

The flower shook his head reluctantly: “This old ah …”

Hua Fengfeng knows the nature of the priests. Although he is helpless in his heart, he can only accept such an outcome. In the last World War, when the priests became deserters, they had been guilty for a long time.

Because the limbs are cut off, this makes the priestess more sensitive and proud than ordinary people. Even if others did not laugh at his presence, he would not tolerate his escape again.

People who are so proud of him have been insulted by Ling Ling. He will never allow Ling insulted a second time.

The face of the wall for a period of time has made the priestly priests more determined. The next time he runs into Ling Xiao, it will be victorious.

Although none of the priests brought up their determination with others, he still firmly demonstrated his determination with his own actions.

In this regard, the flowery wind can only be repeated.

“Everyone retires from the cloud city and waits for orders.” Hua Hongfeng said to the crowd.

“According to life, Ding priests adults.” The officers and men of honor took a rite to Hua Hong, continue to retreat.

“Oh, we still have fighters here. We can fight!”

As soon as she thought of Ling Xiao who had killed his mother, Hua Ling’s teeth would be gnashing his teeth.

“Linger, don’t be impulsive. Before this guy couldn’t kill him, it’s even more difficult now.” Han Feng urged: “Even the old pendulums are dead. Let’s take a long-term view.”

Surprisingly, Yuan Jiahong was calm and calm. She didn’t say anything, but the fierce eyes had already represented everything.

The priests fled and the priests died. Although the battlefields on both sides continued, they attacked the Blue Sky Alliance’s big battle this time. The side of the devil’s tower has already lost.

Therefore, neither the priests nor the priests had sharpened their minds. After learning about the results of the other two battlefields, they quickly retired.

Even if they wanted to fight again, their soldiers did not have the fighting to fight.

Before the priest’s death on the ecclesiastical priesthood, Ling Xiao used the soul stone to reach the other two battlefields. Those soldiers who saw the famous priests were actually killed by the opposing soldiers and their morale immediately fell to the extreme.

If you don’t retreat, waiting for them will also be an annihilation.

The soldiers on these two roads also quickly retreated to the city of Floating Clouds, and the remnants of the other two roads will fall together and prepare for a comeback.

Although their ranks are still strong, the great man is only a priest, but the low morale does not know when he will be able to rejuvenate.

This time, the battle between the Devil’s Tower and the Blue Sky Alliance has temporarily come to an end. As a result of this war, the blue sky alliance once again reached its peak.

The last time Ling Xiao used his head as a morale, this time, he not only used the misery of the priest before his death to scare the other two horses away, but also spread the image across the entire Tianhun Continent.

All the people are surprised at the combat effectiveness of the Blue Sky Alliance, and in particular, Ling Xiao, a gang with no first-line masters, can actually beat the priests and die, and the priests also fled to escape. This is a brilliant record. what!

In contrast, the blue home and the Qing family have two first-line masters to sit on the other hand, but they also hit a tie with the other side, which makes people more frightened by Ling Xiao’s fighting power.

Ling Xiao, who is the core of the continental discussion theory, does not feel that he is great because he knows that all this glory is actually his two other allies playing against him.

Is it not easy to defeat the enemy earlier than yourself with the background of blue homes and blue homes? If they did not want to create a momentum for Ling Xiao, they wouldn’t be grinding with the other two priests for so long.

Now this alliance needs a God who can support the beliefs of the people, and Ling Xiao just meets this condition.

As long as Ling Xiao, the undefeated myth, continues, the Blue Sky Alliance will not collapse.

“Thank you guys.” By summoning the crystal, Ling Xiao said at the same time toward the Blue Forest and Qing Lan.

Blue forest just smiled, green bark was crazy to sell it: “Boy, thank us?”

Ling Xiao smiled: “You know, why do you not know why? Everyone is a person on board. I can assure you that Ling Xiao, I have a wonderful day, there will be two family days.”

Qingyan pretended to be displeased: “Boy, what does this mean? If we don’t believe you, we will stupidly hang our family on your little broken boat?”

Ling Xiao said with a strange smile and said to the young man: “I haven’t been able to contact my grandfather in the end. I’m troublesome because my grandmother has time to speak for him.”

“Keep me out of the way.” Aunt Qing Xiao took a look: “You have time to say to yourself and the dead man. The old man infatuated with the poisonous woman in the green shirt, and is definitely busy there to give you more births. Uncle and aunt came out.”

Hearing this statement from the young man, Ling Xiao could not help smiling.

This lustful grandfather was trapped in the soulland for a long time. He relied on the images of those who had become successful. Now he is finally able to recover his body and wants to vent completely completely.

However, Ling Xiao still muttered with some dissatisfaction: “The old man of this old man knows to do these things, curse him that thing immediately does not work!”

Ling Xiaotian was happily tossing on the bright and shiny body of the Green Shirt. He twitched for no apparent reason. Suddenly there was no interest. He couldn’t help but bitterly said, “Damn, who is cursing your grandfather? ”

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