A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 226: Reciprocity (4)

Are you the devil? Barrow couldn't help but think about it, a small part to wizard scholars, most to a healer.

He was more uncomfortable with the therapist's tone of voice as if he was seriously discussing a topic than the sorcerer-scholar's venting of anger, as if he had become a turtle material in a Transfiguration class that was about to be turned into a teapot.

And the therapist has such an attitude, if it is not pretending, it is not treating him as the same person as her, or, in other words, is there no difference between people in her, even if necessary, even You can also do it yourself.

But after thinking about it this way, it didn't help, and instead felt that this witch was even more terrifying. How gentle Helena is in comparison.

He suddenly felt a kind of sincere happiness in his heart, as if he was glad that the person he liked was so beautiful.

Then let's talk about it, he thought, if he couldn't bear even this scene, how could he make his relationship with Helena go further, not to mention, excluding some personality distortions, these people seem to be pretty good If you have the skills and knowledge, you should let them help you with the details, maybe there will be new breakthroughs.

So he, a stern and slender person with the legendary image of a very classic wizard, said hesitantly in a shy tone: "Well, I actually think of love affairs..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone couldn't help laughing, even the therapist laughed.

The dark Lindau suddenly became cheerful.

"What's so funny!" Barrow was furious, it was okay to laugh at him, but he would never forgive him for making fun of this pure and simple emotion he had, "Isn't love always the first priority in life? Is it a big deal? If you want to test whether a principle is universally useful, shouldn't it be considered in the context of love? In other words, if a principle has no effect on the matter of love, isn't this principle Isn't that hypocrisy?"

He was impassioned and plausible, and in an instant he seemed to be a famous orator.

He himself also realized that his spirit was lifted, and the previous depression completely disappeared.

The power of love is really great.

The wizard scholar said with a smile: "You're right, I just didn't expect such a topic to come out of a wizard's mouth. Generally speaking, witches are more interested in matters of love, and you like it. Some witch?"

The witch was really interested in gossip about love, Connie's eyes were shining, and the therapist was no less.

Barrow decided to give it up. Anyway, he had already said it. He said: "Yes, I fell in love with a witch. She is noble, elegant, wise, and gentle. She is the perfect woman, my ideal harbor..."

"Who is it?" said the wizard-scholar. "I thought you were talking about Rowena Calvenclaw when you see Ravenclaw in the eyes of the beholder."

"Yeah—" Before everyone was surprised, Barrow continued, "She has inherited the beautiful qualities of Ms. Ravenclaw and carried it forward even more. The person I like is Dean Ravenclaw. daughter, Helena Ravenclaw."

"..." Yunevo recalled the ghost of Helena he had seen in later generations, and couldn't help but be skeptical of her qualities described by Barrow.

And it is said that Barrow, you personally stabbed her to death... This has a lot to do with your evaluation of your loved one's blindness.

His pursuit of Barrow is not optimistic at all.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Then what did you think of? Did it help you in your relationship?"

Barrow fell into distress again in an instant and said, "I don't know if it will help. It is often said that people who fall in love are irrational, and I also lost my basic judgment, so I hope to say it and discuss it with you. If it weren't for that, even if I was allowed to eat Thestrals, I would never give in so easily!"

"Then talk about it." Unieff said.

Barrow said: "When I was just thrown down by Thestrals, I actually thought I was in a desperate situation, so at that moment, I made up my mind that if I could go back alive, I must confess to Helena..."

"What, I haven't confessed yet." The two witches were disappointed.

"What do you know! It's so easy to make a confession!" said Barrow, "and I read from books that confession is not the beginning, but the end, and you must be very confident. I don't know if this statement is correct, but if I'm accidentally rejected, then my relationship with Helena may become estranged, which is completely contrary to what I want to achieve. !"

"It seems to make sense." Connie nodded, "I didn't expect you to do such research."

Anyway, she, a princess who is about to have a political marriage, can't understand this kind of feeling.

"So what?" Unieff continued to ask.

"So, when I listened to you, I calmed down and felt that it was a mistake to confess when I went back." Barrow said, "I am now Helena's colleague, but not her friend... …”

"It turned out to be a crush and unrequited love..." Connie leaned under the therapist's hat and whispered into her ear.

But since it was too quiet in the early morning, there was no additional movement except the sound of snow falling from the bent branches and leaves, and this whispered discussion was naturally heard by everyone.

Barrow blushed and said bravely: "Although it is said that two people fall in love with each other at the same time, is there really such a thing throughout the ages? Isn't this a legend? I think ~www.wuxiamtl. com~ There is always a person who likes another person first, and then tries to make the other person like him, what's the problem?"

These remarks are simply shocking, but unfortunately Barrow is now bound by ropes and unable to move his body. He is floating around them by the power of magic, otherwise it would be more convincing.

But at least Connie could think of nothing to refute, because what he said was a real situation.

"You go on," said Unione.

Barrow stabilized his emotions and said: "This is what I just thought of, although I like Helena, I don't know if Helena likes me too, no, the more specific question is, Helena may not like me yet, It's really stupid for me to confess like this."

He said: "According to what you said, I should first make myself and Helena closer and closer, and pretend to have the same opinion, taste, and focus on the same topic as her, so I The interest she showed came naturally. In the process, she was also naturally influenced by me.”

"Sounds mean," Connie said.

"That's not quite the case."

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