A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 50: 4D impression summary

I don't know how many original book friends will see it here, I don't think there are too many.

After all, the plot has developed to the point where I don't even know it myself, and it can be said that I have completely lost control.

The reason why I can still write, to be honest, is completely relying on intuition and perseverance.

To write a million words, this is what I often say to myself, maybe some book friends (if there are any) have heard calluses, but during that time, if I don’t talk to myself like this, I swear , may not be able to persist until now.

I also often ask myself, what is the point of doing this? Can you improve in this process?

The answer is yes.

Just like many things in reality, if you don’t develop to that point, you really don’t know what will happen, just like no one thought that the epidemic would last so long and become a daily routine.

The same is true of writing a book. If you don’t write that step, you really don’t know what you will write and what kind of ghost the plot will develop into…

Then, I accumulated experience, gained knowledge, and knew that if it was written like this, the plot would probably turn out like this.

That's why I've been mentioning new books for a while...

I am already writing, but the number of words is still small, so I dare not post it.

Another point is that the coding ability is really improved.

You must know that at the beginning, I was actually a hard worker with two thousand words a day (and it took five or six hours for these two thousand words), but now, I have been able to stabilize four thousand words a day, which is really progress. huge.

Encourage yourself.

Continue to work hard, the road is just half way, even if you fall, you have to get up.

Accumulate good and get rid of evil, and eventually you can achieve great deeds.

There was such a flash of lightning, and Unieff even wanted to activate the key of the forest immediately, leave here, and return to reality. In this way, no matter how powerful Rowena Ravenclaw was, there was no way to isolate him. Time and space, more precisely, the boundary between illusory and real hurt him.

Yes, Rowena Ravenclaw made him feel so terrifying that he had never seen it before.

You must know that he has seen many unique and vital beings, such as Dumbledore, Gabriel, wizard scholars, Cassandra... There is no one like Rowena Ravenclaw In the same way, every word can turn his mood upside down.

This is of course because she has mastered a lot of secrets that people don't know, and even speculated some of the secrets of Yunefo, but at the same time, it is also because the wisdom she shows, or the way of expressing it, is a very Aggression and aggression, like a goshawk staring at its prey, and it will grab it and fly to the sky in the next instant.

This feeling made Univer instinctively regard this banquet as a banquet, thinking that a magic circle would soon appear to block the way, or that Ravenclaw would do it directly.

But then he calmed down again, and if Ravenclaw really wanted to do something against him, why would he say so much?

With so many secrets, why should they be revealed?

Could it be that with her wisdom, it will be a temporary success?

Besides, he glanced at the Hogwarts students who filled the auditorium, it really didn't look like an environment where he could make a black hand.

So Unieff asked: "What do you mean? Cruise, what does it have to do with you? Do you want to say that you are the real murderer behind the scenes? If so, why did you tell me? ?"

"You're calm," Ravenclaw said. "I thought you would be at least a little more flustered when the secret was revealed, or did I guess wrong? Or, you can leave this dimension at any time?"

"..." Yunev couldn't help breaking out a cold sweat and said forcefully, "I won't answer your question like this."

Ravenclaw commented like a teacher: "Good quality, if Helena has the quality of yours, even if she doesn't have too high talent, I don't need to worry so much."

"Let's get straight to the point," Unieff said. "What does Cruise have to do with you?"

He only cares about this, other conspiracies or conspiracies have nothing to do with him.

"It's real," said Ravenclaw.

"Is it true?" Unieff asked.

Ravenclaw speaks out.

It turned out that Slytherin's departure was originally planned.

At that time, Hogwarts was not long after its establishment, and its reputation was not obvious. Even if the four founders had strong skills and rich family background, they had little right to speak after the start of their careers.

This is contrary to their original intention.

As a result, there was a plan for Slytherin to leave Hogwarts, create a turmoil, and finally end at Hogwarts again.

To be able to disrupt the world, to rule the world, such an encounter will show the prestige and fame of Hogwarts, and determine the status and power of Hogwarts in Europe.

Only in this way can they publicize their ideas and carry out their next plans.

That is, to isolate the wizard and Muggle world, so as to keep the wizard's fire.

"Of the four of us, only Slytherin is suitable for this role," Ravenclaw said. "Actually, Slytherin owes a lot."

"So what happened after that?" asked Unione, "I heard Mordremothmer Hesterion say the scene, the battle of the Seventh, decades ago, Gryffindor and Slater. The way Lin Da fights should be a real life-and-death struggle, not a vain."

"That's why I said it was a fake turned into reality." Ravenclaw shook the golden cup, "I thought it was a trick, but it was alchemy, I thought it was a disguise, but a real change has taken place. It’s the truth. It’s just that I didn’t think about it at the time.”

"What the **** is going on?" Unieff asked.

Ravenclaw said: "Do you know how a person reaches the top?"

After pondering for a while, Unieff said, "I would like to hear it in detail."

Ravenclaw glanced at him and said, "You're lazy, just like me."

"I don't dare," Unieff said, "I just feel that it's easy to laugh at you and show wisdom in front of you."

"Yes," Ravenclaw said. "It's just that you're not far from me, you just lack a direction."

"Direction?" Unieff asked.

Ravenclaw nodded slightly and said, "Direction is the key to reaching the peak. Accumulating knowledge, experience, skills, and strength in one direction, and with time, it is inevitable to reach the peak."

She paused and said, "For example, the four of us have our own direction and our own accumulation. Gryffindor has accumulated courage, Hufflepuff has accumulated tolerance, I have accumulated wisdom, and Slater has accumulated Lin, what accumulates is ambition."

"Loyalty, tolerance, wisdom, and ambition are all in one, and a world can be created. If you leave any fulcrum, Hogwarts will be out of balance."

"Unfortunately, at the time, I didn't realize this." She sighed like this again, showing that she was really regretful.

"Is it out of balance because of Slytherin's departure?" Unieff asked.

"Yes," said Ravenclaw.

"Although the plan is almost achieved, it has lost the ambition of Slytherin, and the influence of Hogwarts is ultimately limited to Great Britain. It has limited influence with the whole of Europe, let alone the world."

Univer couldn't help but be dumbfounded, how big is Ravenclaw's heart? In fact, now that Hogwarts is well-known, Ravenclaw is not satisfied at all.

"Don't you have great ambitions too?" Yunev asked involuntarily.

"Yes," said Ravenclaw, "but as I said, I'm lazy. I can make plans like this, but I can't execute such plans. I'm just fit to stay in a room and make plans."

She paused and said: "However, our loss is not really a big deal. After leaving Slytherin, Hogwarts with three fulcrums left is developing slowly and it is difficult to move forward, but it is still stable, and Slytherin is still stable. Lytlin left us, walking like a lone wolf, but something really changed."

She sighed and said, "His ambition is getting bigger and bigger, and he can no longer control himself."

Eugene fell into silence, drank some wine, suppressed the waves in his heart, and said, "When did that start?"

Looking at the swirl in the cup, Ravenclaw said: "The change is gradual, the boundaries are blurred, but if I have to say it, maybe it starts with a real betrayal."

------off topic-----

It's back to me again...  

In ancient wisdom, whether in Europe, India, Greece, China, it was once believed that the world could be composed of four elements, namely, earth, water, fire, and wind.

Lose any one element, and the world will be unbalanced, in trouble, and in severe cases, even dying.

And Hogwarts, a small four-dimensional world composed of Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw, was unknowingly lost due to a planned separation decades ago. Among them, it has lost its most stable form.

Ravenclaw said: "It was planned that after leaving Hogwarts, Slytherin would go into seclusion in Ireland for a period of time, and then, in a conflict of ideas, conflict with Hogwarts, and then ostensibly Cut off ties, or even go to opposites temporarily."

"That's how everything went, and it could even be called orderly. What I didn't expect was that Slytherin wasn't acting, but really hated it."

"Why is this happening?" Ravenclaw said, "because things were going according to plan, but for everyone other than the four of us who knew, it was a real process. That is, Slytherin's betrayal is real, and Slytherin, who realizes this, can no longer see these things from an outsider's perspective."

"Besides, this is also contrary to his ambitions. Although Hogwarts can grow rapidly, it is at his personal sacrifice. She sighed, "I didn't expect these, at the time. I'm not mature enough to take into account the evolution of the human heart. "

"...After that, everything became more and more out of control. By the time of the Battle of Dengqi, the relationship between the two parties was really difficult to ease."

This narration also made Univef feel very emotional, but he did not dare to underestimate Ravenclaw. If he remembered correctly, the story he knew from the mouths of wizarding scholars was that it was Ravenclaw who told Griffin at that time. Say more: "Don't hesitate any longer."

Whether it is said that she is decisive or that she is cruel, all in all, it is not to be underestimated.

Ravenclaw said: "So, I apologise for what happened to Cruise, because in a sense, it was my own plan and my mistake that led to this tragedy."

Unieff didn't respond immediately, but sorted out her words, found no loopholes, and said: "This is a long-term cause, if everything is as you said, you didn't specifically target Cruise, didn't you? , the fire at the city gate has affected Chiyu, and it can only be said that it is unfortunate. But what does it have to do with you saying that you want me to be your successor? Is it compensation?"

"As I said, I'm sick," Ravenclaw said, "and it's untreatable."

As soon as she mentioned this, her cheeks seemed to be reminded, and a strange blush appeared on her cheeks.

It was difficult for Unieff to tell if it was fake or not, because the disease was often like this.

"There is some compensation," Ravenclaw added, "but that's not the point, you have to believe, I'm not the one who will make up my mind because of this."

Unieff nodded, if he made a decision because of this guilt, Ravenclaw would be nothing more than that, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Ravenclaw said: "The main reason is quality. If Helena has the quality of yours, why should I tell you so much? Of course, this will not convince you, but I think if You want to save Cruise, stand where I am, and you will see more clearly. You know, although it all sounds so natural, as if things should be this way, but what I said , is only a layer of the surface."

"Appearance?" Although Unieff did think of something, Gabrielle once said to him that the world's will in reality is the dominant force in the development of Hogwarts and the exodus of Slytherin. The period has benefited a lot, and he must have participated in it, but he still pretended not to know, and asked.

"This is more complicated," Ravenclaw said. "I think it's better for you to fly up and see it yourself. Of course, if you refuse, then of course there is no such opportunity, and you have to ask you to do it for me. The things I just said are kept secret and may require a secrecy spell."

"It seems that I have no reason to say no," Union said. "However, what I don't understand is that you should know that I am not a person of this era by nature."

Ravenclaw nodded slightly.

"Then leave the inheritance to me, is there really no problem?" Yunefo asked, "I may leave at any time, and I may not even have time to teach a student who can inherit the mantle. You pass the inheritance to me. Your inheritance is actually very important. It is possible to cut off in this era.”

Ravenclaw smiled and said indifferently, "Do you know what knowledge is?"

"What?" Unieff asked.

Ravenclaw said: "Knowledge is something that can be divided out of thin air without any loss of itself. Only knowledge in the world has this characteristic, so knowledge is terrifying. Unless it is completely cut off, knowledge will only continue to send It grows without decay. It seems to me that sooner or later the world will be overwhelmed by ever-increasing knowledge.”

She paused and said, "So, how could the inheritance be cut off when it is passed on to you? Inheritance is not difficult to inherit because there is only one copy, but it is difficult to inherit because there are few qualified people. What else do you have a problem with? ?"

"There's no problem." Unieff said, "I'm willing to accept your guidance, but how long will it take? In the near future, I'll be going after Cruise."

"It doesn't take long

. "Ravenclaw said, "Just one night. Because what I'm going to grant you is not tons and tons of books, but one permission, one pair of wings, one perspective. "

She smiled and said, "You know what? If you want to see everything on the ground clearly, you have to get off the ground. If you want to see the situation in the chess game clearly, you have to get out of the game first. I'm going to take you to a different place. Go to a place under control, where you will see the direction of the surging trend of the world, and the idea of ​​the world is no longer so vague in your eyes, and as long as the arrangement is properly arranged, whether it is going against the sky or against the sky, can achieve certain results.”

"Where?" Unieff asked.

Ravenclaw shook his head and said, "Let me be a jerk. It's not interesting to reveal the mystery prematurely. Now it's a banquet for you, so let's have a happy meal first."

Then, she mumbled again and said, "Although, with my current body, I can't eat much anymore."

In the end, the guests and hosts enjoyed the luncheon, only Helena was not too happy, but no one cared about it except Barrow, and if Barrow cared, Helena didn't care, she could only say that the things in the world were In this way, it circulates in a rather strange dislocation.

Univer took a break in the afternoon and watched the scenery of Hogwarts at this time. Although the campus of Hogwarts has been built for decades, it is still very young for a school. , so the whole castle breathes a breath of fresh air, even in the snow.

In contrast, Hogwarts in later generations has a more ancient feeling, the kind of majestic taste that stands on the cliff.

Since Ravenclaw already knew that he was "from the afterlife", he naturally had to talk about the future, from Hogwarts to the wizarding world, and then from the wizarding world to the Muggle world.

Ravenclaw said: "Sure enough, as I expected, Muggles will definitely rise, but I didn't expect to develop weapons comparable to the power of wizards."

The weapons she said did not refer to ordinary millet plus rifles, not artillery shells, but nuclear bombs...

Unieff asked: "You said that after a long period of decline, wizards would rise again, but how can wizards rise again when Muggles are so prosperous?"

Ravenclaw gave the answer: "At this time, it is necessary to use the idea of ​​​​the German Holy See, turn Muggles into wizards, and return to the prosperity of the Magic Age, there will be no difference between Muggles and wizards, and even magic Combined with the technology you mentioned, it will be even more brilliant."

As for why it doesn't work now, although Unieff asked it again in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of this issue, the wizard scholars have already analyzed it before, and Ravenclaw's views are similar, so I won't mention it too much here. .

People with higher wisdom may not necessarily have better answers, because there are actually only a few of the great roads in the world, and the remaining wisdom will be reflected in the details of the real realization.

So Yunev went further and asked: "Then, if someone wants to turn numbness into witchcraft in the future, what will he do? Or, to put it more simply, there are several options for turning numbness into witchcraft, and what steps are required? ?"

"Are you talking about yourself?" Ravenclaw asked.

"No," Unieff said. "It was a wizard named Grindelwald, and I think he had that ambition."

"Don't you have such ambitions?" Ravenclaw asked.

"I haven't made my mind clear yet." Yunevo answered truthfully, "For the time being, I just want to protect the people around me, those who have a relationship with me, and I don't want to build a high career."

"Oh." Ravenclaw nodded slightly, "It seems that someone important to you has been kidnapped by this wizard named Grindelwald. Does this have anything to do with your reaching this level of time and space? The danger of time and space magic Sex is high."

Although it was a guess, she was completely affirmative, and those who didn't know thought she had witnessed everything with her own eyes.

However, Unieff was only slightly surprised, not too surprised, all of which can be known through speculation.

He nodded and said, "There is a friend who is in trouble, but when I came to this time and space, it has nothing to do with this matter. In fact, I had already given up on saving things temporarily."

"You're a scumbag." Ravenclaw groaned out of nowhere.

"What?" Yunev really didn't expect this.

Ravenclaw did not elaborate, commenting as if telling the truth: "You have to learn like Gryffindor in this regard, and don't give up anyone easily."

"That's the truth," Unieff said, "but I heard that it was you who made Gryffindor make up his mind when Gryffindor couldn't get on with Slytherin."

The implication is that you are so embarrassed to tell me.

"Yeah," Ravenclaw admitted, nodding, "but I'm not like you."

"What's the difference?" Unieff asked.

Ravenclaw laughed happily: "I'm a woman."


"Let's get down to business," Ravenclaw teased Unieff, seeming to soften his sharp mental power, "You ask how many ways to turn numbness into witchcraft?"

Eugene nodded.

"Then do you know why magic disappears from Muggles?" Ravenclaw asked.

"I don't know," said Unione.

"Then talk more and pour me a cup of tea," said Ravenclaw.

However, at this time, they were sitting cross-legged on the top of the North Tower, not to mention tea, not even a cup.

Although the wind and snow drifted, not a single feather was added.

Unieff called Lulu: "Pour me a cup of tea."

Unexpectedly, Ravenclaw didn't stop, just asked: "I asked you to help me with tea, how did you let the house-elves go?"

Unieff said: "A person's ability is not limited to his own hands, feet, ears, and eyes, but also to others' hands, feet, ears, and eyes. I'll let Lulu go, which is more convenient."

"Don't you think you should respect me more?" Ravenclaw narrowed his eyes, whether he was happy or angry, "In a sense, I am also your teacher."

Unieff said, "Which one is more suitable for you to pour tea with your hands or with your nose?"

Ravenclaw squinted and said, "Can you pour tea through your nose?"

"Naturally it can," said Unione.

"Then I just want to look at the nose and pour tea,

As for letting the elf fetch the tea, I'll let you go. ' said Ravenclaw.

When she said this, it really seemed like some intimacy between master and apprentice.

It didn't take a moment for Lu Lu to take a tea tray with a teapot and two teacups on it.

Yunifu took it, and walked away without a fuss~www.wuxiamtl.com~ saw him bow his head, his nose suddenly stretched, and passed through the earrings of the teapot like a finger, and he was stunned to hold the teapot.

After that, he used the deformed nose to manipulate the teapot to pour tea for Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaw grinned.

"Teacher, you have to pay attention to the image." Yunefu held up the tea cup that had been poured into his hands and served it.

Ravenclaw took it and said, "What image do you want? Who in the world dares to chew my tongue?"

Unieff smacked his tongue faintly, he was very unscrupulous himself, and he did not expect Ravenclaw to be the same.

Ravenclaw took a sip and said, "The reason why magic disappears from Muggles is actually a very simple truth. Well, by the way, have you ever planted a tree?"

"Planting trees? Naturally planted." Unieff said.

Although most of the trees he planted were trees of knowledge, he also planted one or two ordinary trees.

"The emergence of magic is similar to the process of germination and growth of tree seeds." Ravenclaw said, "If the seeds of magic can germinate and grow magic before the age of eleven, they are wizards."

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