A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 95 Seventeenth Letter from the Future

Uh Zhang Ying hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: Front desk.

The front office manager?

Uh, no, just an ordinary front desk. It may be greeting guests, reception, cashier or telephone customer service. The specific work content has not been determined yet. Zhang Ying said.

Jiang Feng frowned slightly: Didn't you find your classmate? She asked you to do this? What is your current position in the hotel?

It's normal. After all, I haven't worked in the past few years. My classmates also said that the front desk job is just a transition, allowing me to feel the atmosphere of the restaurant and hotel first. When I am familiar with it, other jobs will be arranged for me. Besides, , I graduated from college and worked at the front desk for a while when I first joined the company. Even now, when many college students join the company, their internship period will be arranged at the front desk. Zhang Ying said with a smile.

Don't you feel aggrieved? I remember that more than ten years ago, you were already the front office manager at Jiangcheng Fanhua Hotel. Jiang Feng said again.

Jiangcheng has a population of approximately 10 million and currently has only nine five-star hotels.

Star and Moon Cruise Hotel was just promoted in recent years, while Jiangcheng Fanhua Hotel is a long-established five-star hotel in Jiangcheng.

Zhang Ying's career started there.

It took her about six years to advance to front office manager.

This promotion speed is relatively fast, and the Fanhua Hotel is one of the top hotels in Jiangcheng, and the career prospects are very good.

But unfortunately, she was forced by Jiang Feng's three uncles to divorce Jiang's father, and she also quit her job at the Fanhua Hotel.

When the marriage was ruined, the career was also ended.

It doesn't matter. Do you think you can just walk into the front desk of a five-star hotel? Without my classmates, in my current situation, I have been in prison and I am old. If I go through the normal recruitment channels, I can't even get a front desk job.

Zhang Ying paused, then smiled and said: Don't worry about me. To be honest, I really can't get used to being a manager as soon as I come up.


Jiang Feng said nothing more.

Arriving at the door of Jiang's house, Zhang Ying looked at the familiar house and stood there unable to move.

Fear of being close to home.

This was originally her home, but now, she also understands that she is just an outsider here.

At this time, people from the village passed by and were very surprised to see Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying?

Hello Aunt Wang. Zhang Ying responded politely.

Oh, it's really Zhang Ying. I haven't seen you in many years. She paused and then said: Are you coming back?

Ah, no, Jiang He has remarried, so why should I come back? That is, I just arrived in Jiangcheng today and couldn't find a place to stay. Jiang Feng asked me to stay here for one night. I will leave tomorrow. Zhang Ying said.

That's it. Alas, it's a pity. I was still very optimistic about you and Jiang He back then.

Zhang Ying smiled awkwardly.

At this time, the door of the restaurant on the first floor opened.

Shen Moli appeared at the door.

When the old lady in the village saw it, she immediately became energetic and wanted to read the gossip.

After all, which child from a remarried family is willing to let his stepfather's ex-wife into the house?

Isn't this Chi Guoguo's provocation?

However, what surprised the village elder who was waiting to eat the melon was that after Shen Moli opened the door, not only did she not stop Zhang Ying from entering, she even helped carry Zhang Ying's luggage into the house.

Even after Zhang Ying and Jiang Feng entered the house, Shen Moli gave her a cold look when she closed the door.

The old lady in the village was shocked.

Leave quickly.

Shen Moli then closed the door, then turned to look at Zhang Ying and said, Auntie, are you going to sleep in the same room with me tonight, or in the guest room?

Her words seemed euphemistic, but they were actually very direct.

Just tell Zhang Ying that she can no longer sleep in the master bedroom.

Zhang Ying naturally heard what Shen Moli meant, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although Shen Moli is still very kind to her and does not reject her, she has always been wary of herself.

However, Zhang Ying also understood.

No child wants their mother's happiness to be ruined.

Especially for a woman with a simple personality like Shen Meng, her children would worry about her.

After gathering his emotions, Zhang Ying looked at Shen Moli, smiled and said, If you don't mind, I'll sleep in the same room with you.

It doesn't matter. Shen Moli said.

Then I'll go back to the house first. At this time, Jiang Feng said.

After saying that, he went back to his room.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and in another hour, a new day was coming.

It also means that the seventeenth future letter is coming.

Jiang Feng calculated that his current total assets are about 1.4 billion, and his available funds are about 900 million.

This money is still not enough to acquire Tian Zhonghui's shares in Huatian Medical.

You know, in the deal that Chi Mianyan messed up, Baishi's bid was more than 2 billion, although it included Han Yu's share.

Moreover, even if Huatian Medical is actually controlled, the matter will not end.

If the financial problem of Huatian Real Estate cannot be solved, the future of Xuezhu's death will not be changed.

This has been verified in the timeline of what happened.

In the timeline of the eighth future letter, Xuezhu was killed by debt collectors on her eighteenth birthday.

This was the first time she died due to a financial storm involving Huatian Real Estate.

After that, her fate never changed.

No matter what Jiang Feng does, her end will be death.

For example, in the timeline of the fifteenth future letter, Jiang Feng prevented Chi Mianyan from publishing her investigation report, but Xuezhu was still killed by the debt collectors from Huatian Real Estate.

This murderer is not even the same person as the murderer who killed Xuezhu in the timeline of the eighth future letter. Their common identity is the victim of the Huatian Real Estate fundraising explosion.

There are thousands of such victims.

Even the murderer cannot be identified.

There is no point in escaping with Xuezhu.

Jiang Feng also gradually realized that as long as the problem of Huatian Real Estate's capital explosion was not solved, Xuezhu's death fate could not be avoided.

But the financial problem of Huatian Real Estate is a black hole.

In recent years, Huatian Real Estate has expanded rapidly, and at least half of its properties are in a state of unfinished business.

Although Huatian Real Estate is only a local real estate company and its debt is not as exaggerated as Hengda's two trillion yuan, Huatian Real Estate's total debt exceeds 10 billion, and the bonds that are about to mature are as high as 1 billion.

If it expires, Huatian Real Estate will not be able to get the money.

Even if the human drug experiment scandal of Huatian Medical, a subsidiary of the same group, had not been exposed, the financial problems of Huatian Real Estate would have been exposed.

Then Xuezhu will be used as a scapegoat and killed by angry investors.

Ten billions of debt.

Jiang Feng could only shake his head now.

Let's see what the seventeenth future letter says.

There was still some time before twelve o'clock, so Jiang Feng took out his textbook and started studying.

Next room.

Zhang Ying returned to Shen Moli's room after taking a shower.

Shen Moli was already lying on the bed, but left half of the bed out.

Zhang Ying lay down on the other side, and then said: Moli, don't worry, I won't steal your Uncle Jiang from your mother. He and I are in the past tense. I will not remarry him, nor will I seduce him He divorced your mother. This is my promise to you. If I break my promise

Stop talking. At this time, Shen Moli suddenly said.

She turned around, looked at Zhang Ying, and said: My mother also told me that she thinks you are a good person. She is very happy to become friends with you. My mother is not mean-spirited and has special trust in the people she likes. So, don’t lie to her. If you have really done something sorry for her, please tell her, don’t hide it from her, don’t tease her like a fool. I don’t need your guarantee, honesty is the greatest kindness to her.

Zhang Ying opened his mouth and finally said: I understand.


After Shen Moli finished speaking, she turned around again and lay flat on her back.

Zhang Ying seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

The time quietly came to twelve o'clock.

Next room.

When the time came to 00:00, the notebook that conveyed the future letters emitted a faint blue light on time.

This time, Jiang Feng quickly opened the seventeenth page without any further ink marks.

The goddess of fate always likes to tease people. Just when you think that no more tragedies will happen before Xuezhu's death, the god of death comes again.

The beginning is filled with an ominous atmosphere.

Jiang Feng's originally relaxed heart suddenly became tense.

He took a deep breath and continued looking down.

Today, Chi was shy and died of gas poisoning. Later, the police investigated the case and found that the murderer was she who entertained a college classmate at home last night. This college classmate was a female gambler and owed a lot of money. Tan Zhonghui borrowed a knife to kill someone and took advantage of her. The purpose of killing Chi Mianxian was to prevent Chi Mianxian from publishing her investigative report. In Chi Mianxian's apartment, her college classmate made Chi Mianxian close the doors and windows on the grounds that it was too cold, and kept giving Chi Mianxian wine during the meal. . When Chi Mianyan was drunk, she used the gloves prepared in advance to slightly unscrew the valve of the gas tank, and then left Chi Mianyan's apartment, causing Chi Mianyan to be poisoned and died.

Jiang Feng clenched his fists together.

He couldn't sit back and watch.

Because, strictly speaking, Chi Hanxi's death was caused by himself.

A few days ago, he used Chi MianXian to destroy the deal between Shiraishi and Tan ZhongHui, but this also exposed Chi MianXian's identity as an undercover agent and was targeted by Tan ZhongHui.

Although, Jiang Feng didn't know that Chi Mianxi would reveal his identity to stop Baishi.

He originally thought that Chi Yanxian would use more subtle and safer methods to stop it.

But no matter what, Chi Mianxi's death this time was closely related to him.

He couldn't just sit back and do nothing.

There was still content under the notebook. Jiang Feng glanced at it. It was valuable, but there was nothing particularly urgent.

The most urgent matter is Chi Mianxian's gas poisoning.

Jiang Feng threw the notebook back on the bedside table and started to call Chi Xianyan.

But no one answered.

Where does this woman live?!

Jiang Feng was a little anxious.


Something suddenly occurred to him.

Before, he got Chi Mianxian's employee information at Huatian Hospital, which included her address.

let me see

Jiang Feng thought for a while, and a few words gradually emerged in his mind [Aegean Apartment Community, Room 607, Building B].

This type of apartment building generally does not have gas. If you want to cook, you can only use a gas tank.

Jiang Feng did not dare to delay any longer.

Once you know the name of the community, you can easily find the phone number of their property online.

Called directly.

The other party responded fairly promptly and was quickly connected.

Hello, Deshun Property.

Someone is planning to commit suicide in Room 607, Building B, in your community. Please hurry up and stop him. Jiang Feng said immediately.

Who are you? How do you know? the other party asked.

I am the boyfriend of that tenant. We had a fight before. She just called me and told me that she drank a lot, then opened the gas tank and prepared to commit suicide. I am outside now and am rushing back. Please, please You must rescue people immediately. If you can't open the door, pry it open. Jiang Feng said.


Human life is at stake! If you don't act and someone's life happens, you will also be responsible, because I have already informed you. Jiang Feng's tone was stern.

Okay, I understand, I'll let someone go take a look now. The other party said.

Jiang Feng said nothing more.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Feng rushed out of the door and left home on an electric bicycle.

Shen Moli's room.

Has Jiang Feng gone out? At this time, Zhang Ying suddenly asked.


Where is he going so late? Zhang Ying asked again.

I don't know. But he has his own things to do, so don't worry about him. Shen Moli said calmly.

She didn't remember how many times Jiang Feng ran out in the middle of the night.

Although she had always wanted to know, Jiang Feng never mentioned this matter, and she didn't ask.


Aegean apartment complex.

This is Jiang Feng's first time here.

He didn't know that Mo Lan also lived here, and lived next door to Chi Mianxi.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made the real estate phone call.

It would be more convenient to call Mo Lan directly.

At this time, Mo Lan's room.

She had already fallen asleep.

Then, he was suddenly awakened by the noise outside the door and the knocking on the door.

What are you doing?

She yawned, rubbed her eyes, and got out of bed.

Afterwards, Mo Lan put on her winter cotton pajamas and opened the door to her room.

At this moment, a group of property management people stood at the door of the next room, knocking on the door.

What's wrong? Mo Lan said.

Is your neighbor next door home today? someone asked.

Here he is. Her friend came and asked me to come over for dinner. I didn't go because I had something to do. Mo Lan paused and then said: What are you...

Her boyfriend called and said that she was going to open a gas tank and commit suicide. He was still outside and couldn't get over for the time being. Let's come over and confirm the situation first, said a property manager.

Boyfriend? Mo Lan looked suspicious.

She hadn't heard that Chi Mianshi had a boyfriend.

She was joking before that she could call her when she and her boyfriend were playing horse riding.

Yes, my boyfriend was in a hurry when he called me just now. A property manager said.

Mo Lan said nothing.

She first called Chi shyly, but no one answered.

Then he went to the door of Chi Xian's room and knocked hard, but still no one answered.

She lay down at the crack of the door of the room again, and indeed smelled a smell of gas.

His face changed slightly.

Pry open the door, hurry up! Mo Lan said immediately.

Later, with the help of the property management staff, Chi's shy door was knocked open.

The room smelled of gas.

However, it's not too strong.

Mo Lan immediately rushed to the kitchen and turned off the gas tank first. Then she had someone open the window in the room, while Mo Lan rushed to the bedroom.

Chi Hianyan was lying on the bed, unconscious. He didn't know whether he was drunk or gas poisoned.

Mo Lan immediately hugged her into the room.

At this time, the ambulance also arrived.

Who called the ambulance? the property manager asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

We just came here to confirm the situation, no one called an ambulance. someone said.

He paused and then added: Maybe it was her boyfriend who called her. Her boyfriend cares about her very much. Why can't he think about committing suicide?

Stop talking so much, send the person to the hospital first. Mo Lan said.

Then, she hugged Chi and got into the ambulance shyly.

After timely rescue, Chi Hianyan walked away from the gate of hell and came back.

After she woke up in a daze, she was a little surprised to see that she was in the hospital and Mo Lan was also there.

Why am I here? Chi said shyly and in surprise.

Mo Lan smiled and said: You, thank your boyfriend. If he hadn't notified the property management company in time to save you, you would have died if you had breathed gas for a while longer.

My boyfriend?

Chi Mian was a little confused.

I don't have a boyfriend. Chi said shyly.

Okay, we all know that you had a fight with your boyfriend, and that's why you committed suicide. But your boyfriend was really anxious when he called us, and the anxiety that something might happen to you can be felt through the phone. If he didn't love you, he would never be in such a hurry. A property manager said.

No. I don't want to commit suicide. Besides, I really don't have a boyfriend.

Wait a minute, I remember I wrote down your boyfriend's phone number. The property manager paused, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and said: This is 13585******, Is this your boyfriend’s phone number?”

Chi Hianxi and Mo Lan were stunned when they read out the phone number.

This is Jiang Feng’s mobile phone number!

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