
The white world of the winter forest greeted the two men and women.

A cold, cold wind and a field of snow that breaks along with your footprints.

And, if you look up, you can see the gloomy gray sky.

In that forest where time seemed to have stopped, Estelle saw Yujin Kang walking beside her.

“Thank you for your time.”

“It doesn’t matter since we scheduled an interview anyway.”

It wasn’t hard to get along with them anyway, regardless of the time or place they left out.

“Did you ask about the Trial of Ascension?”


He wasn’t too surprised.

I had already heard from Tereon that Estelle had passed the Constellation Test.

“It’s the last test.”

The Trial of Ascension in three stages.

Estelle asked if she knew about the final test, but she was at a loss for what to say.

Because you don’t know.

“I don’t know anything about the Constellation Test. I don’t think I can be of any help.”

“No, I didn’t ask because I didn’t know.”


His gaze narrows.

It was an interrogative look, asking why you asked something you already knew.

Estelle, who had the hem of her coat slightly cinched, said with a deep breath that she exhaled white breath.

“Before that. There is something I want to show you for a moment.”

He took out the folded paper from his pocket and held it up.

It was Helios’ ‘diploma’ that was stamped with the official seal of Helios’ office.

“…Early graduation.”

A certificate approving Estelle’s early graduation.

Looking at it, he only showed a simple reaction of saying that something has come.

There is nothing strange about the following.

Helios’ ultimate goal is to raise the Constellation.

Estelle, who had already qualified to become a Constellation, would probably be expected to graduate early.



“Are you leaving school altogether?”

“Absolutely… not. Someday, I will definitely come back.”

someday i will come back

The meaning of the word was extraordinary.

Students who graduate from Helios cannot return to school.

For graduates to return to Helios, there was no other way than to become a ‘teacher’ here.

Of course, it wouldn’t be difficult for Estelle.

If it was her talent, she would easily get the professorship, and if she ascended to the throne, it would be even easier to come and go.

“If it’s you, you can do it. Especially if you become a Constellation.”

“Actually, there is something I want to ask you about that constellation.”

Estelle stopped walking and looked at Yujin Kang.

A black hunter standing in the middle of the white forest.

Seeing the black and white contrast in her eyes, she thought of another man.

The ruler of the monsters we encountered in a remote dimension.


– Do you know what kind of test you want to take?

The look of him who threw a question in a cold voice.

The eyes that met through the broken mask were definitely Kang Yoo-jin’s.

-That bastard’s hometown was destroyed because of that test.

How could the emperor know that?

As she continues the biting question, she always arrives at the same conclusion.

If both are the same person.

Even if it’s the same, if it’s a different person.

That his words may soon penetrate Kang Yoo-jin.

“The third test of the Trial of Ascension is…”

her voice trembled.

It may be the future of Kang Yoo-jin, who made the wrong choice.

It was absurd, but her intuition pointed to the truth.

The Singularity had also said something that hinted at such a possibility.

-Haven’t you already made a ‘choice’ in ‘your world’?

your world.

In other words, Yujin Kang from another world.

The Singularity didn’t answer the proposition, but it occurred to me that the silence might be an affirmation.


worried about that

Estelle wanted to ask him.

“Did you know that the last test is… the ‘Trial to Eat the World’?”


made known what he knew.

The existence of the emperor was too much of a concern to just hold on to it.

“The final test of ascension is to summon a demonic beast to a world and manifest the ‘source’ in the resulting war.”


“A constellation is something that drives a world into the battlefield and blooms within it. Just like a flower blooms in mud.”

“is it.”


His answer was indifferent.

It was just a question of whether there was such a thing.

Are you really okay, or are you hiding your troubled feelings?

Estelle didn’t know, but she continued with her voice.

“I, I don’t know.”

In the past, of course, I would have nodded.

For the sake of her dream of becoming a Constellation, she would have been willing to eat at least one world.

I can’t do that now.

Because of the Emperor’s words that his world was destroyed by the Constellation’s test.

“Is it really okay for me to become a Constellation?”

he didn’t answer

He was just looking at Estelle with a gloomy gaze.

For Estelle, the constellation was not only her family’s wish, but also her lifelong dream.

Because she wanted to prove to her parents that she was a proud daughter by climbing to a higher place than anyone else.

However, with Yujin Kang in front of her, even that dream is shaken.

Because that person had already taken a very big place in Estelle’s world.

Estelle did not have the courage to continue the trial that might have been the prelude to making the wrong choice.

Everything is a series of choices.

Estelle seemed to know why her deity was like that.

“Your path is what you choose. Whichever path you choose, I respect it.”

Even so, he spoke his mind without wavering.

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Just as he always continued his lectures honestly.

“You may remain as my disciple, you may become a Constellation, or you may take a different path.”


“All I do is walk one step ahead of you.”

For a disciple who will one day precede himself.

He said he should.

It was natural for him.

Because Estelle was none other than Yujin Kang’s disciple.

“Make the choice you want to make. Whatever it is, I will support you.”


Estelle is silent.

Perhaps you should have known.

Kang Yoo-jin would have said something like this.

Maybe he just wanted to fool around.

Estelle was ashamed of herself for becoming a child in front of Kang Yoo-jin, but she liked Estelle because he embraced and led her without complaining.

“The choice I want to make…”

It was an answer she knew.

I just wasn’t sure.

On the foggy road, Kang Yoo-jin’s voice became a beacon that illuminated the future.

Feeling as if the thick fog had lifted, Estelle smiled while lowering her head.

Indeed, this time he gave Estelle the answer she needed.

“Is that the end of counseling?”

“Yes. I think I’ve found my way forward.”


He was blunt until the very end.

Some might say it was too much, but Estelle liked it better.

The consideration buried in indifference shines even more.

“Meet your friends while you’re here. We talked a lot about you.”

“Yes. Professor.”

Stopped footsteps continue again.

The master and the pupil walked through the quiet winter forest for a while.


Spring, the new school year is approaching.

As much as the air is getting warmer, the Helios students are starting to get very busy.

The reason is to apply for classes.

In particular, it was expected that the competition rate for the Mathematics class would be enormous, so it became a daily routine for Cynthia to only look at her wristwatch these days.

“Isn’t the watch pierced then? It looks like lasers will come out of your eyes.”


Cynthia did not take her eyes off Ensia, who was lazing beside her, scolding her.

It was clear that this year’s Grand Mathematics course registration would be tough, so there was a need to wait from now on.

“Sini~ When shall we eat lunch?”

“There’s something to eat soon, but isn’t Nsi going home?”

“Yes. It’s more fun here!”

After Cynthia moved to the outskirts of Helios, Encia had been sitting here most of the time.


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Just then, there was a knock on Cynthia’s door.

The one who showed up after a while was Kim Yong, neatly dressed in a suit.

“Little lady, may I come in?”

“Yes. Come in.”

The look of politely opening the door and greeting is already that of a perfect butler.

Cynthia smiled awkwardly at Kim Yong, who had now reached the realm of enjoyment.

I came here awkwardly because I had just been polymorphed, but it seems like yesterday…

Now that they have become a reliable family member, they have always been burdensome yet grateful uncles to Cynthia.

“There is a guest who has come to visit the little lady.”

“A guest?”

“Yes. She was a pretty blonde.”

blond hair?

For a moment, a person passed through her mind.

Another friend I haven’t seen in a long time.

Encia’s thoughts were the same as hers, so the two of them looked at each other and rushed to the front door.

“Hello, ladies!”



As soon as they met, they passed Kim Il-ho, Lee-ho, and Sam-ho, who greeted each other with a knife-like 70-degree protractor. The other two reached the front door and grabbed the doorknob.

After taking a deep breath, the door opened and there was a blonde girl in a nice coat.



“Wow! Estel~!”

At once, she reached out to stop Ensia, who rushed to hug her, and Estelle smiled brightly at Cynthia.

“It’s been a while, bitch.”

“Yeah…it’s been a while…!”

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that word, it’s so friendly.

“Me!? Me!?”

“You too, Magpie.”


Estelle smiled softly ahead of the two friends she hadn’t seen in a long time.

Perhaps it was because the wandering road was rough and arduous, but seeing those two faces for the first time in a while was especially nice.

Of course, I didn’t come here just to see your face.

“You two.”

I have a favor to ask of you two.

Not for anyone, but for the professor.

To that end, Estelle looked at the two with shining eyes and opened her mouth.

“Help me.”


Left alone in the winter forest, I walked along a familiar path across the wide forest.

The destination is a place where a picturesque lake is nestled in a white snowy field.

It was such a beautiful place that the water reflecting off the gray sky was chilling.

This is the place where I first met Ensia, and where the spirit vein of the winter forest flows.

And that was the case even after all that time.

‘Isn’t it too soon?’

several months ago.

After getting out of the rift and dealing with Ouroboros, my magical powers rose to the 6th circle.

6 circles in 1 year after being revived.

It took only one year for ordinary people to achieve what would take decades.

Even considering the fact that he had the know-how to use magical power, it was an unprecedented growth.

Every time that happens, I realize how transcendent the magical talent of this newly acquired body is.

“…If I do a little more, I think 7 circles will be possible.”

In addition, due to the revolver that can use the magic of space and time, the amount of magic has also increased significantly.

With a little more effort, it seemed that I could go beyond level 4 and use the last level of mental control.

And if that happens, I will finally surpass Yujin Kang in my lifetime.

“Really. It’s a different feeling.”

Compared to right after the resurrection, when even Circle 1 was at a loss, it was truly a level of development.

After a long period of inspection, I remembered another purpose of coming here.

I closed my eyes, focused on the inner holy power, and summoned my lord with mental control.


It’s been months since I haven’t met her.

Raniakea hadn’t been seen since the Abanrat incident.

Is there something wrong with it?

It seemed rude to call him for a private matter, so I waited in silence for a call, but now I can’t wait.

Because I have something to ask.

‘Can you hear me?’

Will she answer?

I had such a worry, but the answer came quickly, as if to indicate that it was unfounded.

-···Yeah. I’m listening.

A powerless voice echoes into your consciousness.

After a while, the light gathered, and she came into my image.

Small white bare feet lightly stepped on the snow piled up by Sobok.

When she finally opened her eyes, she looked weak and haggard.

“Did you call, my apostle?”

It was pitiful to see her struggling to smile.

Feeling worried for some reason, I couldn’t help but ask her about her well-being ahead of my purpose.

“You seem not to be well, what’s the matter?”


Lowering her gaze slightly, she just munched her mouth instead of answering.

Laniakea, who had been wiggling her fingers, shook her head.

“No. Nothing.”

“···Is that so.”

It seemed like nothing, but I didn’t dig deeper.

Even if the distance with her has grown closer, there are lines that must be followed.

I pretended not to know, and decided to just ask the questions I had brought.

“There is something I want to ask you.”

And for a moment, Laniakea’s eyes shook as if drawing a ripple.

“Are you going to ask…?”



I wondered if it was because of her mood, or her expression seemed to have hardened.

Towards the silver eyes looking at me, I threw an extension of a question I had been harboring for several months and had no answers to.

“The final test of Ascension. Do you know about the ‘World Eater’?”

And, Laniakea’s eyes shook like an earthquake.

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