How to make a star(2)

“Not much has changed here.”

That was my first impression when I entered the dimension ‘Quasar’ late at night, where the Picatinny Society is being held.

Besides, the person who came with me was the same as Estelle, so it felt like I was experiencing déjà vu from the previous incident.

“Is it okay if I don’t bring him?”

“Adeline can’t come anyway.”

The place we are going to visit today is not a place to which we have been formally invited.

As much as they had to sneak in, Adeline, unable to control her own magic, could not follow.

So I gave them a vacation after a while and came back, but I didn’t seem very happy.

‘···come fast.’

Seeing off quietly with a gloomy face.

It was an unexpected reaction for me, who thought I would like it if it was a vacation.

It caught my eye, so I promised to come soon.

For that reason, I hurriedly recalled the structure of quasars I had been familiar with.

The dimensional intersection where the Picatinny Society is held, ‘Quasar’ is largely divided into two zones.

One is an external lecture hall where public lectures are held, and the other is an underground lecture hall dealing with ‘secret research’ such as the military or the Magic Tower.

Naturally, I would have been entitled to attend, but unfortunately the military did not allow me to enter the lecture hall.

“…I expected it, but it’s a bit annoying.”

“It’s understandable.”

The artificial constellation project is one of the military’s core research.

As many interests are intertwined, it would not be unreasonable for an outsider to be displeased with me producing results.

Even if it is the apostle of the most holy heaven.

Even if there is a war right in front of us, it seems that humans are the ones who make the wrong decisions.

“Can’t I ask the Constellation?”

“I don’t want to ask for something I can solve.”

She’s a busy person too, and I’m not the type to ask for things that can be solved either.

Because I can’t make a child suffer because I want to be comfortable.

“Then, is everything going according to plan?”


Here’s the plan.

Unlike me, Estelle, who can enter and exit, leads the way, and I accompany her as a ‘preliminary apostle’, a reserve constellation.

If the perception is impaired through mental control, there will be no exposure of identity, and Estelle has confirmed the position of the two, so it doesn’t matter if they open the door.

The collaboration was only possible because Altair’s only daughter and I, who had mastered mind control, were there.

“Uh… the lady of ‘Estel von Shearan Altair’. Entry is permitted. The person next to you…?”

“I…ah, ahem. He’s my prospective apostle.”

Is it embarrassing to introduce the teacher as a prospective apostle?

Estelle’s face was unusually red.

Even so, the slightly raised corners of the mouth seemed strangely good.

“Okay. Entry is permitted.”


The guards couldn’t recognize my face due to the effect of recognition inhibition.

Inside, there was a surveillance system that identified intruders through magic patterns, but it didn’t mean much to me.

It’s because I’m good at applying magic power, so I can change the pattern of the magic power emitted anyway.

“Professor, from here…”

“Call me an apostle here. If you call me a professor, you’ll get suspicious.”

“Yes? Ah… yes.”

Estelle blinked her round eyes, and then spoke to me in a stammering voice.

“Ah, I see, Master… Apostle.”

The voice trembles thinly.

Estelle’s face grew redder as she spoke while wiggling her fingers.

It’s not like I’m showing off something awkward.

He nodded his head with a small sigh.


I wrote an honorific in line with that, but Estelle, who was caught in her empty breath, shook her shoulders.


After rubbing her reddened cheeks a couple of times, she barely starts to move her feet.

It’s not that I don’t know the young girl’s fresh mind, but it’s a bit unexpected for Estelle to do that.

Except for his usual cool-headedness, he was a corpse.

“Then I’ll find the way, so please wait a little longer… No, wait.”

“As commanded.”


It’s kind of fun to twist your body around saying that you used some respectful words.

I thought about teasing her a little, but since it’s a situation that requires concentration, it would be appropriate to stop here.

Still, Estelle quickly regained her senses and began to grasp the structure of this place in earnest.

It was Estelle’s first time at an underground lecture hall, and contrary to its name, it was quite large, so she could get lost if she made a mistake.


Estelle, who had deployed her magical powers, spread mental control throughout the underground lecture hall.

It is reading the consciousness of the people gathered in the lecture hall crossing the street corner and the street corner, and the block and the block.

It seemed to be an intention to create a map by hijacking their five senses and information from the lecture hall.


It is a high-level utilization of the ‘exploration’ stage, and I was a little surprised by the clearer expression than I thought.

“I got it.”

Eventually, she completed the map and her eyes lit up.

I connected her sympathetic nervous system and shared the map information she created through synapses.

From the beginning to the end, she showed off the expression of mental control without superfluity, and said proudly.

“How is it? I practiced hard.”

“Good job.”


It’s not just a compliment, it’s a really proud compliment.

Estelle did not stop at learning mind control, but did not neglect training so that she could master the skill herself.

Her effort and will to devote herself even in invisible places were enough to make her feel proud as a teacher.

I reached out and stroked her blonde hair.


Having been stroked, Estelle slightly lowered her head.

I don’t really have a reaction, but I’m not sure if I’m in a bad mood.

Then I thought, the face is quite small.

Most of it could be covered with one hand, so I thought it was a doll.

“This way.”

Estelle took the lead and started walking around the basement lecture hall.

Of course, I ran into people often, and many of them recognized Estelle.

“Lady Estelle? I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“I just came here for a field trip.”

Most of them were proud that young Estelle had come to such a place.

It must be like seeing a young sprout that is working hard and working hard.

“Who is the person next to you?”

I answered Estelle’s startled question instead.

“He is the one who was selected as the apostle of the young lady, albeit in a bad way.”

“Ohhh… Lady Altair’s apostle. I’m envious.”

“I’m just going to close it.”

People couldn’t recognize my face because of the cognitive impairment.

Thanks to that, there were only compliments without hesitation, and Estelle silently shook her shoulders at the current situation with me as her subordinate.

“Then we will go. Apostle, please follow us.”


I think it’s strangely excited that it’s so fun to talk to me in a commanding tone.

It’s a little cheeky, but… well, it’s worth putting up with this much.

Estelle followed her to the deepest part of the facility.

It was the deepest meeting room where the seminar was held.

The security was very tight, probably because it was the most important project in the military, but it was impossible to access even with the name of Altair.

“From here on, we have to break through with discretion.”

I nodded too.

Surveillance equipment, as well as security elements such as biometric authentication, were lined up, and it felt like seeing a tightly sealed steel box.

It was a part that showed how serious the military was about security.


However, there is no law that says you cannot cross it.

Even though it was strict, it was full of loopholes in my view.

I created a noise with magic power and temporarily erased our image from the cameras that were monitoring this place.

Taking a break from the surveillance network for a while, I went back to my original tone and spoke.

“We briefly erased our appearance from the surveillance equipment.”

“How long will it last?”

“About 10 minutes.”

More than that is uncovered.

Because if the movement of the two of them disappears, they will eventually stand out.

“I see···.”

Perhaps it was regrettable that the concept of the constellation and the apostle had ended, she pursed her lips with an expressionless face.

If you look at it this way, you’re a kid.

With a sigh, I pointed to the corridor ahead and put my hand on Estelle’s shoulder.

“Try to break through alone.”

“… Huh? Over there?”

“Yes. It will serve as a good teaching aid for magical application.”

I had no intention of missing out on a good opportunity to learn.

In order to master mental control, it is essential to apply and control magical powers to the limit.

Deceiving the monitoring equipment is the key to mana manipulation, so it was perfect for training your operational skills.

“…Yes. I’ll try.”

Estelle nodded with a sad face.


Magical power enough to fool Quasar’s strict security facilities.

It was never an easy task, but Estelle readily accepted the task given by Yujin Kang.

Because he never orders anything he can’t do.

“Surveillance equipment reads the opponent’s magical pattern and appearance. In order to break through, you will have to erase the traces of the magical pattern and biometric data.”

He provided all the sources needed to break through.

In that short time, he must have figured out all the security structures.

“The best thing to do is to go completely undetected.”


“Can you do it?”

“Of course.”

Estelle replied sternly.

Even if she fails or backs down, Yujin Kang will not scold her.

No matter how great Estelle is, she is still just a young student to Yujin Kang.

Even if you fail, you’ll just nod your head saying you can.

But Estelle didn’t like that.

I want to stand next to him

I wanted to be the one person he recognized.

So, I wanted to position myself as an equal colleague.

‘I’m not that young anymore.’

With a childish will, he raised his mana.

What the surveillance equipment reads is the pattern, structure, and responsiveness of magic.

Although their characteristics are slightly different, they are all the same in that they read ‘magical information’.

Estelle controlled her magical energy to absorb external stimuli and not react.

In short, stealth mode.


Maintaining magical power control, I headed for the security authentication module.

The security level is high, so it is too late to figure out the magic pattern that will be the key.

It bypasses the authentication module and directly accesses the circuitry of the door lock.

The sensor was sealed so as not to leave any traces, and the lock was dismantled with extremely finely shaved mana.

In fact, since the accuracy of the microscopic scale was required, a considerable amount of computational power and mental strength was consumed.

Although her head hurt and cold sweat flowed like rain, Estelle continued to concentrate.

And when about 5 minutes passed, she managed to unlock it.



When I saw the open door, I forgot all the hardships and smiled at the thought that I had done it.

I couldn’t help but be proud that I had broken through the military security with only one magical power.


Kang Yoo-jin was approaching before she knew it.

As if taking a walk, Estelle broke through the surveillance net she had struggled to break through.

‘As expected, Professor…’

It’s frustrating, and it’s also respectful.

Because he was the only professor who did the hard work casually.

Estelle leaned against him with a proud smile at the thought that she had learned another lesson and lived up to her expectations.

Yujin Kang silently supported Estelle’s precarious body.

“Go in.”


Entering the lecture hall, the two watched the seminar from the most inconspicuous back seat.

The person continuing the presentation from the center stage was a familiar face.

Laplis Aquila.

As Professor Helios and at the same time the chief researcher of the military, she seemed to be in charge of the lecture this time as well.

I heard that recent research progress has been slow, but seeing her face full of fatigue and stress as she presents, it seems that she is struggling with it.

“According to my grandfather, there is hardly anything solved after the Divine Equation.”

“I guess so.”

“…If that’s the case, I could have just asked the professor for help.”

Estelle pursed her lips and grumbled, perhaps assuming that Laflis’ judgment had ignored me.

But I know Lapless didn’t mean that.

Rather, it was because he respected me.

Laflis is such a conscientious scholar that he gave me the co-authorship of the Divine Equation, which I was able to own.

Even if I subtly ask and find out the answer, she won’t be able to give me anything in return academically.

It was against his beliefs, so he didn’t ask in the first place.

‘It’s a rare case even for a scholar.’

To put it vulgarly, he was an upright person, but Kang Yu-jin did not hate such a Lapless.

Because those who have faith and keep it are noble laws.

He listened quietly to the presentation.

“…it’s sluggish.”

It seems that they are trying to create a magic engine to replace the source, but most of the contents say that progress is not easy.

The others nodded sadly as if in agreement, but suddenly a man in the audience raised his hand.

“Can’t you just make the Source itself, not the Transformation Engine?”

It’s fundamental, but the surest way.

The eyes of the audience were focused on the scholar who said it.

Kang Yoo-jin is a stranger.

It was probably one of the budding professors or scholars.

“…that’s impossible.”

Laflis replied with a sigh.

“Reproducing the source is unfortunately an impossible proposition with current technology.”

“But if we apply Professor Yujin Kang’s theory…”

“I think his theories are great, but the military doesn’t want Professor Yujin Kang to join them.”

Of course, he has no right to use any of his intellectual property.

She replied with a tired face.

After he finished answering, reproaches flew from here and there.

“I’m a young friend, so I don’t notice.”

“Do you want to reveal that you are from Kang Yu-jin’s school?”

Looking at the reaction, the man who raised his hand seemed to be a big fan of Kang Yoo-jin.

Yujin Kang herself wasn’t particularly impressed, but Estelle looked back at Yujin Kang with a proud face.

“I guess those people also coveted the professor’s achievements.”


Certainly, if he had used the ‘three magic formulas’, his research might have progressed further.

The reason he can’t do that is because he’s not part of the military and because he’s an apostle of Laniakea, it’s impossible to requisition his intellectual property.

Laflis’s conscience rejecting it must have also played a role.

“The antinomic relationship between logic and profit is always disjointed.”

While swallowing regret in many ways, Lafless began listing the data he had collected to show why it was impossible to reproduce the source.

Inconsistencies in structural analysis.

Absence of theory and formula.

The mechanism of sexual power generation, etc.

As if proving that he had done a lot of research, the data spread out in all directions were dense with formulas and evidence descriptions.

“…For this reason, it is impossible to reproduce the source. This will not be possible even if Professor Yujin Kang himself comes.”

“It seems so…”

“I’m glad you got an answer.”

When the person who raised his hand was seated, the announcement continued.

It was nerve-wracking to say that he wouldn’t be able to come even if he came, but Kang Yu-jin wasn’t particularly angry.

Because it was difficult for him to see.

As I nodded my head like that, a sharp pain arose in my head.

“…are you here?”

The feeling of lightning flashing in my head.

It was an unfamiliar, yet familiar pain at the same time.

The sensation of forcibly pouring in the knowledge of records connected by some kind of synapse was exactly the same as I felt when completing the Divine Equation.


When the response he had been waiting for appeared, he gave a small smile.

now it’s clear

This mysterious phenomenon is triggered by the keyword ‘constellation structure’.

So, when Yujin Kang saw the ‘structure of an imperfect constellation’, he reacted to it.

Perhaps, to ‘fix’ that imperfection.

Yujin Kang’s eyes and knowledge are linked to records.

“… that’s absurd.”

I don’t know for what reason the record and myself were connected.

Maybe the hive mind was the problem.

Or was there something physical about it?

Although he couldn’t understand it at the moment, Yujin Kang concentrated as if possessed by the knowledge pouring into his head.

Because if I focused a little more, I could see the results.

‘That’s not a failure.’

The structure and principle of the object called ‘source’.

The core of what makes it is beginning to be understood.

The knowledge gained through Faelan in Abanrat and the problems Lapless shows.

As they came together, an answer began to emerge in Yujin Kang’s head.

There is a way.

In the midst of transcending insight, Kang Yoo-jin intuited the possibility.

The information was so vast that it was impossible to calculate with only one’s computing power, but it didn’t matter.

It was because the disciple of all-around beauty who had all-time talent and calculation ability was right next to him.


“Yes. Professor.”

“Help me for a moment.”

Despite the bottomless request, Estelle nodded calmly.

It was an affirmation that came out of trust in Kang Yoo-jin.

It connects the sympathetic nervous system and borrows Estelle’s computational power through the Hive Mind in the ‘Erosion’ stage.

The blocked calculation continued, and he shared the result with Estelle through the nervous system.

Estelle, who is close to the constellation, judged that it was necessary, so he was considerate of it.

“Professor, this is…”

Kang Yu-jin and Estelle’s consciousness is shared.

That is, she understands what he understands.

When the first blueprint of the ‘source’ was finally created, the two looked at each other.


“Can you?”

Contrary to Laflis’ expectation, Yujin Kang found the answer.

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