The war we don’t know about (1)

The sky above the volcano splits along a single flash.

The light that reached the floor like a blinding sunbeam, flashed briefly and spewed out two human figures.

“Cough Cough. Oh dust.”

Carina waved her hand at the scattering volcanic ash.

Kang Yoo-jin, standing next to him, raised his head and looked at the entrance of the cave that was pierced by the volcano.

“Did you get a call from here?”


As soon as he was contacted by the students, he immediately crossed the dimension.

Inter-dimensional communication is a method used only when in a hurry.

Estelle had also been given an emergency contact number, so it was judged that it would not be an ordinary thing.

Huhturu is not the kind of children to send such contact.

“Go in.”


The area of the cave was large enough that Karina could walk around as she saw it.

I went inside with the sound of footsteps echoing, and soon after, I saw a person with a chuckle.

It was the voices of the children who had come earlier and the voices of an unknown woman.

“Aww! Get out of the way!”

The struggling woman, Legera, escaped from Estelle’s clutches and ran out of the cave.

It was a monstrous force created by the survival instinct to live.

“This, running away like this…!?”

But unfortunately.

In the direction she fled from, there was already another visitor.

The figure of a black hunter with his face covered.

Facing the pair of jet-black eyes staring at her, Legera’s body froze.

“What are you?”

that’s the voice

It was exactly the same as the voice I had heard in the war.

The impression and the magical power that can be felt.

All of them were identical to her memories.

reaper to prepare.

With the Balaur’s nightmare in front of her, Legera’s legs gave way and she collapsed in place.

“What is it? These dragons.”

He looked at the three girls without paying attention.

“Did you call me to kill you?”

“Hee, hee!”

At the word ‘kill’, Legera’s face turned brown.

In an instant, she fell flat on her face, trembling and begging.

“Lord, please don’t kill me! Ah, no… please don’t…! Please…!!”

It was pitiful to see him say that in a sobbing voice.

But the opponent is Yujin Kang.

As long as it was a demonic beast, whoever had its head driven was someone who felt no sympathy.

He was still looking at his disciples.

“Wait a minute. The dragon knew important information and called the professor.”

Estelle stopped him and went out.

“If it’s important information.”

“There’s a link between the Emperor and the Singularity.”

His gaze narrowed.

The Emperor and the Singularity.

This is because two seemingly unrelated names popped up together.

“Maybe…the Singularity and the Emperor have some kind of relationship.”


“That dragon is a dragon who lived before the emperor. As he is old, he knows a lot about the emperor’s secrets. We need to interrogate him.”


I turned my head and looked at Legera again.

Karina, who had approached me before I knew it, was comforting me by saying that it was okay while holding Rezzera.

Does that crying figure really outlive the emperor?

Kang Yoo-jin felt his bones hurt.

“Hey, hey, kid… As expected, young children are different…! Did you come to save me from that nobleman…?”

“No. I got caught too.”

…Looking at that pathetic figure, I looked at Estelle again.

Did she have no room for shielding otherwise?

Estelle just averted her gaze.


The far side of the dimension.

A world lurking in a deep, dark abyss, Pandaemonium.

The emperor’s “main body” resides in the depths of the castle’s ‘Black Sky Corridor’, which towers there.

A figure sitting on a jet-black throne and sealed with countless chains.

He was obviously unable to move at all, but the murderous intent pouring through the mask gave off an intimidating force that made his heart stop just by witnessing it.

In a place where no one can visit, the emperor was welcoming an unexpected guest.

“I didn’t know you’d come here.”

He looked at the light that appeared before his eyes and said.

—It just happened that I needed to do that.

“is it.”

The emperor was not surprised or anything.

Instead, I followed the water with some doubts.

“I’ve definitely crossed the ‘world line’, but how do you remember me?”

The emperor’s world and the present world are different worlds.

Obviously, it would be right to reset all relationships and memories, but the singularity still remembered the emperor.

—I only have one across all world lines.

“What are you talking about?”

─It means that all the singularities of the world are connected.

Singularity exists ‘at the same time’ in countless worlds and shares their history.

Because he transcends time and space, he could share memories and experiences everywhere except the future.

“Is it really the light of the beginning?”

The light that accompanied the history of all things transcended even the division of the world line.

“What else do you want from me?”

-You will remember the contract you made with me.


Instead of pursuing revenge, balancing the world.

That was the contract with the Singularity.

—The Constellation and the Witchbeast must be balanced. The cycle in which the adversary defeats the emperor and the emperor defeats the adversary must not be broken.

The world can be maintained only when extinction and birth are repeated.

If this cycle is broken, the world will eventually cool down and die due to the overflowing stars and the power they consume.

“Is that why they go around the world and carry out this kind of carnage?”

——I am only protecting the balance. Think of it as a sacrifice for the cause.

The emperor narrowed his gaze.

“Take the point.”

At that, the Singularity drew closer to him.

──I will try to release the restrictions on you.

The emperor’s eyes twitched at the low-pitched voice.

What is the reason he has been active as an inefficient alter ego so far?

All because his body is sealed here, in Pandemonium.

The emperor’s power was so great that if he started rampaging from the start, the world would perish before even seeing the birth of his adversary.

To prevent that, the Singularity made the condition that his body be sealed in Pandemonium.

“But have you changed your mind?”

—Now is not the time to worry about such things.

The power Yujin Kang is trying to create is dangerous.

It’s a technology that artificially creates constellations.

It is a force that shouldn’t exist.

Constellations that appear one after another become sparks that hasten the death of the world.

—If, at any rate, it succeeds in eradicating the Witchbeasts with that power, the world where the cycle has been cut off will be on the verge of destruction.


He calmly discussed the beast’s defeat in front of the emperor.

It was clearly disrespectful and would not have been enough to say a sutra, but the emperor did not say anything.

Without needlessly building up my pride, I silently waited for the next story.

Having been a hunter, not a king, he had the patience for that.

—Spring must be cut off. will you join

And the answer to that question was fixed.

“good night.”


The Emperor and the Singularity.

The relationship between the two was clearly not a topic to be overlooked.

The emperor is the ruler of the beasts, and the singularity is the existence that oversees the birth of the constellation.

Why do they have a link when they should be opposite each other?

The questions kept coming, and I couldn’t answer them easily.

‘It didn’t seem like the dragon was lying.’

It was verified with mental control, so this is certain.

Clearly, all of Legera’s testimony was true.

However, there were still too few clues to reveal the truth.

Because the only means to prove the link between the two was Legera’s testimony.

‘The only thing I can guess is Estelle’s testimony.’

Estelle said that she heard strange words from the singularity the other day.

An artificial constellation project created with Lapless.

It is said that the singularity said that it should be stopped and discarded.

In other words, he didn’t like the artificial creation of the constellation.

“Tsk. Even one is annoying, but now it’s two.”

It’s already a headache even with one emperor, but it makes things even to the singularity.

I pressed my head, which was pounding with stress, and brushed away my thoughts.

Legera has captured Helios and put it in Karina’s house.

Even if I wanted to interrogate you, I had other things to do now.

“Hey. Here you are.”

When I turned my head, Mason had approached me and was waving at me.

why is he here

That’s because today is the day I have a demonstration of my ‘Interdimensional Consciousness Connection’.

It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but the Mage Tower, which is continuing research and development based on my theory, expressed great interest in this work as well.

That’s why Mason visited this place even during a busy day.

“Have you been well?”

“Thanks to you, I am getting stronger day by day.”

Mason’s complexion was better than ever.

It is because the status of the Mage Tower has been skyrocketing since I launched a joint brand and adopted my theory as a formal research subject.

My studies and theories were already being cited not only in the field of the spirit world, but also in war studies, and the reputation of the Mage’s Tower as an advisory institution, which had extensive research on it, was growing.

In addition, rotating body kits are rapidly replacing artifacts, and the profits earned from them are astronomical.

It was natural for Mason, the owner of the magic tower, to ascend to heaven.

“The mage tower that was run over here and there is no more. Now it has become one of the best theoretical institutions in the magic world. It’s all thanks to you.”

“I’m glad that’s the case.”

During the short greeting, the installation of the base station prototype that was being prepared was finished.

Encia and Cynthia were eagerly checking the final settings.

“Now, it doesn’t look strange no matter what you show me, but how do you see if this is a success?”

“I think it’s about nine.”

I’m confident, but I didn’t assume 100%.

Because I am human too, I make mistakes.

but it will work

Even the emperor succeeded in the first place, but there was nothing I couldn’t do.

“Amplified communication between dimensions of mind control… It’s a great topic, but the scale and magical power of the spells are a problem, right?”

“That’s right.”

Since the scale was increased by dimension, the burden of magic and magic that had to be handled naturally increased.

Mason rubbed his chin cryptically as he watched the base station preparing for operation.

“Is there an energy source that can handle that? I’ve never heard of it.”

“there is.”

I obviously agreed.

Because there’s no way I, who made this in the first place, didn’t know that.

The solution has been in place for a long time.

“Ohhh. Can you take a look? How can I handle dimension-scale magic! I’m just curious.”

“I have nothing to show you. Are you stepping on it now?”


are stepping on

At that, Mason lowered his head.

But all I could see was the dirt floor, so I twisted my head curiously.

“Why is this land? It doesn’t look like something is buried…”

“Look wide.”

“Even if it’s wide, this is…”

At that time, Mason’s expression hardened.

They noticed what I was trying to say.

“It is the magical power of the caster and the ‘circle’ it draws that realizes the spell. In order to fully unfold this magic, you need a circle that can handle it.”

It is impossible with only the caster’s circle.

It’s not a scale that can be realized with the power of one human being.

However, it is not possible to connect consciousness with the sympathetic nervous system.

It’s like the main guest is being evangelized.

So, I paid attention to one of my theories, ‘multiple circle mediation’.

Implementing a circle using a rotating external object as a medium.

All he needed was a target to create a circle that was huge and strong enough to handle such a technique.

And we are always living through it.

“Couldn’t it be… this land itself…?”



In other words, the ‘planet’ itself.

Since the planet rotates on its own, in theory there is no shortage of being classified as a ‘rotating body’.

If you use a rotational orbit created along the equator, making it a ‘circle’ is theoretically okay.

“Is… is this possible?”

“Theoretically, it’s possible.”

Perhaps it is actually possible.

The reason I said it in a hypothetical way is because no one has ever tried it before.

Because until now, no one has tried it because the method has not been known.

This is a task that requires a constellation for a single construction.

‘Laniakea. Are you ready?’

‘Yeah. My apostle.’

She delivered her voice from the outer dimension.

She, who had been recruited early, was the observer who would be of the greatest help in building this network.

‘Please start.’

At the same time, Laniakea from the outer dimension began to surround the planet with holy power.

The energy of the massive star took the form of a thin disk following the rotation of the planet, and it began to mix with the magic of the planet itself.

“Activate the device.”


“Yes, Professor!”

And the two people turned on the power to the radio tower of the base station that they had finished checking.

The sacred power of the constellation and the magical power of the planet.

Although the two energies cannot be mixed by nature, the ‘stabilization’ function inherent in the radio tower began to interfere and acted as a catalyst.

The two energies, which had been stably mixed, finally ended their complete fusion.

“Oh oh···.”

“Wow…it’s pretty…”


A huge ring of light across the sky shone white through the distant expanse.

Encia too. Cynthia too.

Even Mason next to him.

I was staring at the scene in awe.

“Hey… what the hell did you think of this?”

“When I went up to the constellation seat, my perspective on the world broadened a little.”

I just thought that the planet could be used as a rotating body because it is a structure in a big way.

The answer came that it was actually possible, and there was no reason not to try it.

“Encia. Cynthia. I’ll start communicating. Get ready.”

“Ah, ah! Yep!”


The two finally activated the signal amplification function of the radio tower.

At the same time, responding to the base station through mind control, I waited for a reply from Helios, far away on the other side.


“I got a signal!”

A response was heard saying that the amplified mental control had been received from the other side.

We are almost there.

It built the sympathetic nervous system as it was and sent it to the other side.

Then, not only Karina, who had been waiting in Helios, but also Legera, who had been captured this time, responded.

─You really succeeded.

I can feel Karina’s voice saying that she knew that, and an image close to resignation.

——I thought I had finally escaped from the emperor, but this time I’m a reaper preparing… Aigoo…

And even the image of the dragon named Rezera that was caught this time was conveyed intact.

It was proof that the wide-spread sympathetic nervous system worked well even for dragons.


Now that we’ve confirmed that it’s working successfully, there’s nothing to hold back.

I said to Karina, who was on the other side.

“Prepare to take away the Balaur.”

Now it was my turn to take it from this side.

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