The war we don’t know about (7)

Returning to the academy, Karina threw her exhausted body onto the sofa.

“Ah, I’m tired…”

It’s good that the restrictions were lifted, but after a while, I was so tired after leaping to the outer dimension.

It is because leaving the body of the inner dimension to the mental body of the outer dimension requires tremendous mental strength and demonic energy.

“Big lady. You still need to change your clothes and lie down.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I have to go out again later…”

Karina waved her hand, but Kim Yong’s posture and expression did not change.

The look of caring about each and every act of the lady.

Kim Yong was already serious about his job as a butler.

“Ugh, annoying…”

There was one more reason why Karina had such a hard time.

That’s because it was she and Legera who brought all the witch beasts that they brought in as allies this time.

“What did you do with the kids you brought?”

“I ordered them to gather in an empty lot.”


I can’t leave it as it is, so I’ll have to check it out.

As I prepared to get up from my exhausted body, I saw Legera lying face down on the sofa right next to me.

“Is your aunt not going out?”


“Ehh…just lie down.”

Since the monsters were transferred in units of 10,000, it would have been difficult for Legera, who was old and lacking in exercise.

Since I had unintentionally abused the elderly, I decided to take care of it this time.

When I went outside with Kim Yong, I saw dragons gathered all over the vast site.

It was fortunate that the site outside Helios was very large, but it was impossible to accommodate it with a decent area.

“That’s so ironic.”

Karina remembered the first time she moved here.

A place with a wide field outside Helios.

And a very spacious house for Karina and Cynthia to live together.

Kang Yoo-jin, who found a house that could almost be called a mansion, said this to the two people who said it was too big.

‘There will always be a family in the future.’

As time passed, Karina accepted it as an addition to the Kim Yong faction and Legera.

Yes, add 5 people.

Even the Kim Yong faction live in a separate building.

Even with the legera added, this house is too big for three people to live in?

The field in front of the house is also wide enough, isn’t it? It’s just an empty field in a large farm?

Karina, who thought so, finally changed her complacent thoughts today.

“Um…the area…isn’t it appropriate?”

“Yes. The total number of animals, 114,364, is an area where 114,364 animals can live comfortably.”


An area where the rest of the Balaur could live comfortably.

Kang Yu-jin, from the beginning, had given Karina this land with the current situation in mind.

‘When did you move…?’

It feels like half a year has passed.

From then on, Yujin Kang had already been planning to bring all the Balaur to this place, as well as entrust Karina with command.

“Really… the word ‘preparing god of death’ isn’t attached for nothing.”

The ability to accurately predict the future several months ahead, make plans, and turn them into reality without fail.

At this level, it was understandable that the mighty Demon Beast Army was afraid of Kang Yu-jin, even attaching the nickname of ‘preparing god of death’.

It feels like Kang Yoo-jin, who was vaguely afraid of something, is getting more scared.

“You too?”

“…I-I’m just following him and the Westerlunds as a faithful butler!”

I can’t believe it even if I say it while shedding a cold sweat.

By the way···.

‘Is it the Westerlund ‘family’…’

At one time, it was a surname that only Karina and Cynthia had, but now it has risen to the point where it can be called a family.

Considering that most of the Balaur tribes were exterminated due to poor fortune, it was a rise in status that could be called the difference between heaven and earth.

“As expected… Life is about having to line up well.”

“Your lady is right.”

From the moment his younger brother became Kang Yu-jin’s disciple, it was worthwhile to risk his life to hold on to Kang Yu-jin’s line.

Karina, who became the only dragon family in both name and reality, smiled happily.

“Let’s only trust Cynthia. It’s our secret hill that will serve as a breakwater for the Shinigami preparing…”

“Yes… the little lady is the family’s hope.”

Let’s just stick by Cynthia’s side no matter what happens.

While making that promise, the two of them saw the Demonic Beasts lined up.



Seeing the 114,364 pairs of gazes that are all staring at this side is a bit burdensome.

Submissive but slightly dissatisfied eyes were asking:

‘Where is Cynthia-sama?’

Cynthia, who touched even their confused minds with sincere sympathy.

The remaining Balaur acknowledged Cynthia as the ‘king’ they would serve, and now only waited for her orders.

“You guys won’t listen to me, will you?”

“Even the big lady is of the highest class, so you will listen.”

Kim Yong naturally avoided his gaze.



Karina looked at the Witchbeasts with a sigh.

‘Cynthia went to Helios to see that professor…’

Cynthia, I hope you come back soon.


Helios, Yujin Kang’s office.

His office, which exudes an antique and calm feeling, was a neatly organized space with even a single document and a single book.

This place, where the sunlight gently shines and mixes with the smell of books, must have been the most cozy space Cynthia knew, other than the house.

“So. Why did you come to see me?”

He was sitting in his seat, sorting through his papers as usual, looking at Cynthia.

“Consultation… I have something I want to tell you.”

“Tell me.”

Then he put down the pen and put aside the paper he was writing.

Students don’t listen to what they say.

Kang Yoo-jin’s attitude of listening was always a heart-thumping consideration for Cynthia.

“That’s… I had a little something special happen in my garrison…”

Cynthia told me about what happened there one by one.

Being mentally attacked by an unknown monster.

As a result, he encountered the beast’s ego from the inside.

And… that ego protected itself and suppressed itself.

It was a fairly long story, but Kang Yu-jin listened to Cynthia’s words without a second glance.

The serious, shining eyes revealed the serious concerns he had.

“Does that mean the demon’s ego did that?”


Would you like to hear an absurd story?

Cynthia rubbed her chest, feeling nervous in her heart.

Kang Yoo-jin, who was momentarily troubled, nodded and understood.

“You’re lucky.”


“I guess I should say I’m glad I didn’t get eaten by the monster’s ego.”

When an unexpected reaction came out, Cynthia was taken aback.

Even though Yujin Kang has a wide understanding, I thought this would be a bit more inquisitive, but it was too easy to understand.

“Do you understand me…?”

“It’s not the first time I’ve seen a case like yours.”

Cynthia’s eyes widened.

Are there others like me?

This is a trait that only appears in high-ranking dragons who value blood kin, but maybe there are more descendants of high-ranking dragons besides me?

“I’m not a descendant of the Balaur. But it was a case of a witch’s ego like you caring for humans.”

“Have you met someone like that? Uh, what kind of person are you?”

“The person who was my lover.”



Cynthia’s face flushed red from the great word.

‘School, the professor’s lover…’

I never thought that he would have a lover.

It was because he had never spoken to her, and it was difficult to think that Yujin Kang would ever have a lover.

But if you think about it, it’s not unusual.

He was a professor at Helios Academy and served as a tactical officer, and a genius who dominated the academic world.

Besides, rumor has it that he has a lot of money.

Looking at it objectively, there is no man as talented as Yujin Kang…

Surprisingly, he has a gentle personality, so he might be kind to his lover.

Thinking that far, Cynthia said with a face as red as a tomato.

“Ho, maybe… can I meet you too?”

If you are in a similar case to me, can I get some advice?

Also, wouldn’t it be possible to know who the professor’s lover is?

I hinted at it with such expectations, but what came back was a denial that shook my head.

“Can not be done.”

“Ah… is that so…? After all, dating someone else…”

“No, not like that.”

Yujin Kang said calmly.

“He’s already dead.”


At that calm reply, Cynthia was at a loss for words.

The way he seemed to be talking about the obvious was already revealing that he had become numb to his lover’s death.

It must mean that it happened a long time ago.

“Perhaps… the story of a colleague who told me in the past…”

“Yes. They are the same person.”


Cynthia stopped talking.

The reason he didn’t discriminate against demons.

That’s because I’ve already experienced the existence of demons, and I’ve accepted it wholeheartedly.

It was possible because he sincerely understood the demons.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s no big deal. Anyway, you’d better separate that ego quickly.”

Even if the Witchbeast’s ego isn’t aggressive, they can’t stay together for a long time.

Regardless of his will, the witch’s ego will become more and more enlarged, and Cynthia’s ego will have no choice but to be pushed into a corner.

It wasn’t urgent since she wasn’t directly exposed to Magi like Maria, but if you were thinking about the future, it made sense to separate the two selves.

“I… I’d like to get some help with that, is that possible?”

“What if it helps?”

“Separating the self and finding a new body… is difficult for me.”

It’s not all about asking for help.

Cynthia expressed her will to learn how to separate the demon’s ego.

For the sake of the girl, and for the dreams that will come true in the future.

Rather than entrusting it to others, I wanted to learn how to achieve it.

At such a request, Yujin Kang nodded calmly.

“good night.”

“Go, thank you!”

It’s not easy, and your schedule must be busy.

Yujin Kang readily agreed, as if it were natural.

So, deep down, Cynthia thought.

Meeting him as a professor in charge was the luck of his life.

“For reference, self-separation is the fourth stage of mind control.”

And, Cynthia doubted her ears.


“I don’t forgive dropouts. I’ll tell you right away, so pack your things tomorrow and come to the lab.”


Cynthia’s eyes darkened.


central dimension.

People were sitting around the council of elders held in Central Police.

No, it might be absurd to call him a person.

Finely folded wings and halos shining overhead.

All of them were ‘constellations’ who reached the position of stars.

“Ohhhhhmaneveryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, that’s an ally of the Balaur.”

A man opened his mouth in a pleasant voice.

Reading the report posted by Yujin Kang, Renoir’s face was full of surprises.

“I knew I was going to be this professor, but I didn’t know that I would be able to bring one species into my ally.”

Beyond killing them all, allying them.

And also, in terms of pure destructive power, the dragon race is the strongest among the monster races.

He finally burst out laughing.

“hahahaha! Seriously, looking at this professor makes me think that our imaginations are so poor, don’t we?”

As he spoke insinuatingly to the front, the Constellations sitting together nodded.

“It is considered that he has already surpassed the level of an individual in terms of competence. It is regrettable that he is not a ‘fate of a star’.”

“I understand why the most holy Heaven chose this person.”

Reaction and questions follow here and there.

To that extent, Kang Yu-jin’s actions were an issue itself for the Constellations.

“How will Helios react?”

A Constellation asked.

It was the constellation that led Deneb, one of the three great families.

“The Most Holy Heaven allowed it. They said that he gifted the site with this in mind from the beginning.”


“What about the military side? Hunters won’t accept it easily.”

Renoir asked anxiously.

Helios, if you designate that area as an off-limits area, it will end, but the psychology of the hunters who have to fight together later was not like that.

The fact that they had to stand on the same battlefield with the beasts who risked their lives would not be easy for them to accept.

“I think we should refrain from putting them on the same battlefield for now. We should divide the battlefield and decide where the humans and monsters will take charge.”

“As expected.”

The army seems to have an idea about this too.

The army belongs to Deneb.

Altair’s Renoir respected their opinions.

“It might have been a wise decision to entrust the command to the Balaur.”

All authority to command the Balaur was delegated to the Leviathan clans Karina and Cynthia.

Karina was the highest-class individual of the Balaur who once surrendered to the allied forces, and Cynthia was a half-blood of her younger brother, a demon and a human, and was now Kang Yu-jin’s apprentice.

“To think that your favorite student is the representative of the Balaur. That professor, Inbok is also very gifted.”

It’s been unusual since Altair and Vega’s daughter followed him, but now he’s completely untouchable.

I should have caught him sooner.

Renoir swallowed his regret with a sad smile.

“I heard from him this time that the ‘Divine Contract’ of the angels will be promoted in Vega. Is that correct?”

He turned his head and saw a man sitting quietly.

He was a person, not a Constellation.

Because the angelic race handled the holy power itself, they couldn’t ascend to the position of a constellation, so there was no constellation to lead the family.

Helena, the head of Vega, nodded toward Renoir.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Do you think he will allow it?”


She thought of her daughter and Yujin Kang.

In order to prevent the synergy that the power of the two will bring out, as well as the fact that Ensia misses the timing of the contract and turns into ashes.

Helena answered in a determined voice.

“I will make it.”

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