Reaper to prepare (2)

“I’ve been waiting for you, Kaya.”

Kaya’s eyes trembled at the sweet voice.

the most holy sky.

She is the oldest Constellation, and the Empress of the Constellations that oversees all dimensions including Helios.

Everyone looked up to her and praised her as the ‘first star’, but Kaya was not very happy to meet Raniakea.

“…you waited for me?”

“Yes. Not too long ago.”


That means, he foresaw that she would break through the earth’s barrier and appear here.


How did she know that I would leave the earth?

Suspicion arose, but apart from that, Kaya was not very happy with Laniakea’s existence.

It’s not that I don’t like it.

It’s just that I had a slightly complicated relationship with her.

“I never thought we’d see each other again.”

“Yes. I thought so too.”

Fate is ironic.

Laniakea’s answering voice was as fleeting as the passing wind.

Perhaps, it was because Kaya’s appearance reminded him of his own twin brother who had gone with her.

Maria Lawrence.

An unfortunate star that was once a constellation, but Masura looked into the abyss too deeply and became a demon.

And a person who went to the battlefield for the sake of the earth that would be destroyed by fire, and eventually perished without being able to overcome the fate of the demons.

Her death wasn’t Kaya’s fault, but Kaya was still carrying guilt in the back of her heart.

After all, Maria was the first captain of Pentagram and Kaya’s colleague.

“You don’t have to feel guilty.”


As if seeing through Kaya’s thoughts, Laniakea drove Kaya’s thoughts away with a soft voice.

“I’m sorry about Maria, but it’s not your fault.”


“Shall we take a little walk?”

Kaya nodded heavily.

Why did this happen?

After leaving the earth, Kaya immediately thought of going to Helios to find Yujin Kang.

The major premise is that graduates cannot return to Helios.

She had the intention of breaking it head-on, and even had the idea of fighting the elders with it.

However, from the beginning, he would meet Raniakea, the head of the Council of Elders… he did not expect it even in his dreams.

“You must be wondering why I am here.”


Laniakea continued her conversation in a calm voice, and walked slowly down the path of Gwongye-myeon.

“Someone asked for it.”


“It’s time for you to leave Earth by now, so I asked you to wait for you there.”


Kaya’s face was stained in doubt.

how did you predict that?

The barrier of the angels was something Kaya was familiar with, and he knew that it was impossible to observe the inside of the earth from outside the dimension where it existed.

Even if the observer was a constellation.

All I could hear was that I had ‘predicted’ someone named Kaya.

The result of predicting the person named ‘Kaya’ itself, that her behavior would take some form by now.


There’s no way there’s anyone in Helios who knows me that deeply.

As I continued my thoughts, a thought crossed my mind.

there is.

only one person.

Someone who knows Kaya better than anyone.

“no way···.”

“You’re right.”

Laniakea, who was walking ahead, affirmed as if she saw through Kaya’s thoughts.

“Kaya. I know why you want to go to Helios.”

“… Huh? That’s…”

“Are you looking for Yujin Kang?”

In an instant, Kaya’s eyes flashed open.

The cool-headed reason flew away at the word ‘Kang Yu-jin’, and Kaya’s hand, which ran straight out, grabbed Laniakea’s shoulder.

The hands that were tightly clenched as if they were about to break turned white, and she pushed her face with wide eyes.

“You’re alive!? Where are you!? No, how!? You’re alive, right!!?!?”


Kaya, who finally came to her senses, let go of her hand.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

Moving her steps again, she hinted at Kaya, who lowered her head.

“Kang Yoo-jin is alive.”

“…! Really!? Uh, how…!”

“I brought it back to life.”


At those words, Kaya’s eyes widened.

Raising the dead… is not impossible.

I had heard before that a constellation with mighty power could resurrect the dead by twisting fate with holy power.

However, when it comes to reviving the dead, the greater the destiny that person has, the greater the power required increases exponentially.

Kaya didn’t know the size of Kang Yu-jin’s fate, but she didn’t think that his fate would be small after killing the corps commander and winning the war against the demon.

“…why did you do that? You’ve always been a bystander to everything.”

“Well, why?”

The reason why Kang Yoo-jin was revived.

The superficial reason was that it was a waste to get rid of his ability like this.

However, the constellation Laniakea is not one to take the risk of reviving the dead just by looking at people’s abilities.

A more intrinsic reason.

She had a reason to save Yujin Kang.

“Atonement… I guess.”

A war that swept the earth.

Mary’s death.

And Kang Yoo-jin’s sacrifice.

Raniakea was well aware that all of this was caused by her own neglect.

That’s why, even if it was petty hypocrisy, she did everything in her power to bring him back to life.

Neither his dead brother nor the world that was burned can be undone, but his death can be undone.

“Kaya. Since you’re also a graduate, I’m sure you know the rules of Helios.”

“That graduates can’t go back to Helios.”


Their footsteps continued, and before they knew it, they reached the end of the boundary, and were facing the border of an adjacent dimension.

When Laniakea waved her hand, the boundary distorted and reflected the landscape of Helios.

Seeing Helios burning from the attack, Kaya was startled.

“What, what? Why did Helios end up like that?”

“It’s because of the war.”

Two legionnaires invaded Helios.

Since Kang Yu-jin and other professors of key subjects and Raniakea were away, Helios, whose barrier had been breached, was helpless.

“The war… it’s still not over here.”


She opened the intact portal leading to Helios.

It was not a regular route, but a portal artificially created by Laniakea.

“As I said, graduates cannot return to Helios. But.”

Then, she held out an ID to Kaya.

“It’s different when graduates become ‘professors’.”


“Yes. School officials can enter and exit Helios at any time.”

The ID was Helios’ temporary teacher ID.

“So… Kaya.”

Her voice trembled a little.

why do you float

I didn’t know what was sad about it.

She lightly hugged Kaya’s shoulder as she stood in bewilderment.

“I’m very sorry and thank you.”

Even though everyone stood by the tragedy, she didn’t give up and shouted the opposite.

And, for running like this for Yujin Kang.

She gave a brief thank you.

“Go. He’s waiting.”


Kaya walked towards the portal.

Holding on to the staff tightly, she took a step towards Helios with her spleen eyes shining.

And before disappearing completely into the portal, she looked back at Laniakea with a grin.

“I don’t blame the Constellation. Anyway, aren’t we all accomplices?”


“We made a mistake together, so we can solve it together. Then!”

Then jump over the portal.

“Of course I like you more, but~!!”

The voice faded, and the portal became smaller and completely closed.

Listening to Kaya’s voice echoing and dispersing, Laniakea let out a faint laugh.

“Isn’t that a bit of a rant?”

How should I call my heart toward him?

Feeling relieved to be with you, wanting to take care of even one thing, and feeling good when you see a smile.

Is it guilt or love?

She couldn’t tell.

And probably, you don’t even deserve to know.

Because Raniakea, who came here at Yujin Kang’s request, knew about the ‘preparation’ he was prepared for.

I had no choice but to swallow the pain with my hands clenched.

“This is enough, Eugene-sama…?”

The question, thrown empty, echoed emptyly like a lost sheep with no one to answer.


flashes and riots.

flame and smoke.

In Helios, which became a battlefield, we headed towards the campus while breaking through the pouring army of demon beasts.

Using the fence surrounding the school as a fortress wall, faculty and students were holding a sit-in against the demons inside.

The students who had evacuated and the residents of Rhodes Village gathered in the school garden, and the rest of the fighters were fighting harder than expected to protect them.

“You’ve held up a lot better than I thought.”

“It’s Helios.”

My impressions of Skadi and I were short-lived.

Even if the invasion of the monsters was allowed, Helios was a school with potential, and it was blocking the forces of the monsters better than expected.

But that’s only for a moment.

Since the entire school could not be covered with a small number of people, that line of defense could not be maintained for long.

“I need to help first.”


I tried to walk forward, but my vision went round.

The dizzying vertigo staggered as her knees buckled, and Skadi hurriedly grabbed her arm and supported her.

“Gwa, are you okay!?”


After using the 5th stage, the storm is bigger than I thought.

He managed to stand up somehow, but if he relaxed a little, it wouldn’t be strange if he collapsed right away.

“Wait a minute. I’ll take a look.”

After looking at my condition, Lapless cast [Recovery] and [Strengthening] magic all over my body.

As soon as the fatigue that seemed like I was about to collapse subsided a little, fortunately, I felt that my range of motion had slightly increased.

“Thank you.”

“It’s just a stopgap measure. If you don’t get proper rest, you might hurt yourself.”

“Now that’s it.”

Unfortunately, there was no time to rest now.

Laflis didn’t say much more knowing that, but he couldn’t help but feel his expression getting heavy.

“I will help you.”


That’s why Roshua’s support didn’t hesitate this time either.

We headed for the main gate of Helios and wiped out all the monsters blocking our way.

Fortunately, there were only lower or lower-middle classes nearby, so it was easy to clean up with a few spells and a few bullets.

“Oh! Professors!”

When we arrived inside Helios, Inspector Claire greeted us.

Huffing and running, she grinned while wearing half-shattered sunglasses.

“I’m glad you’re safe. I thought something happened because you didn’t come.”

“Something happened.”

I met the emperor’s body, and I was about to escape after dealing with him.

It was like something very big was going on, but I kept quiet and looked around.



As I was standing there, not long after, Cynthia and Encia ran to me and hugged me.

It was so frightening that there was no hesitation in his actions.

I put my hand on the guys head and said.

“Go away.”

“Wow. Cool.”

After dropping the two, Estelle came a beat late.

Supporting Adeline, she lowered her head slightly.

“Why is Adeline like that?”

“I overworked the sympathetic nervous system by evacuating people. They say it’ll be fine when you wake up after a little sleep.”

Could it be that our sympathetic nervous system was shaken?

I was worried that the network suddenly became unstable, but it seems that nothing big happened.

After confirming that most of the people were safe, I asked Claire what was going on.

“How is the war situation now?”

“It’s not easy. Because not one but two commanders came.”

Both Ouroboros and Arachne came here.

Somehow the constellations were blocking them, but thanks to that, they were tied to the outer dimension and lacked the energy to see the inner dimension here.

Besides, as Claire said, the situation on the frontline is bad, so the chances of reinforcements coming are low.

In other words, it means that we have to overcome this difficulty only with our own strength.

‘…I can’t help it.’

It’s a bit early to write now, but I’m not in a position to cover the hot water with cold water now.

I called Cynthia, who was standing nearby, absent-mindedly.

“Call Karina and her family. We’ll put them on the battlefield.”

“Yes? That, is that okay…?”


Cynthia asked if she was surprised with round eyes.

The Balaur hiding on the outskirts of Helios can move only with my permission, but it must be because I didn’t know that I would allow it even though I have eyes to see.

“These are the ones I accepted to use at times like this, but I have to pay for the meal.”

He instructed Cynthia to call Karina, and then selected people who would be in charge of the defense of this place.

“Encia. You, like Professor Lafless, protect people. You are also in charge of assisting people fighting in your spare time.”


Encia had been holding up well until now, so if Lapless was added, there would be no distraction from protecting people.

All that was left was me, Skadi, Roshua and Claire, and the rest of the professors who could fight.

Outnumbered, but now I had no choice but to try.

“I’ll help too.”

At that time, Estelle, who had Adeline lying nearby, joined her.

“This is no kid’s game. I can’t allow it.”

“I didn’t ask for your permission.”

Then he stood next to me and smiled.

“Don’t forget. I am now a full-fledged Constellation.”


Estelle’s attitude was stubborn.

Now that they have graduated, they are on equal footing.

It was a bit uncomfortable, but the increase in power was encouraging.

He sighed quietly and stood in line with them.

“Until the sympathetic nervous system is engaged, it is committed to defense. It is not too late to attack after that.”

Naturally, it felt like I was in command, but no one objected.

Among them, since I have the most rank and combat experience, I’m guessing he’ll leave it to me.

“How is it? Do you think it’s worth fighting for?”

“···I do not know.”

To be honest, it’s disadvantageous.

Both Skadi and I were already exhausted from dealing with the Emperor, and so were the professors of Helios, including Roshua and Claire.

Estelle’s power is relatively intact, and if Adeline recovers, she can borrow help from the sympathetic nervous system, but even so, her strength is absolutely lacking.



And the situation was really bad, new guys came down one after another on the battlefield full of monsters.

Among them, there were toxic giants.

A gray snake with a body comparable to Ouroboros.

The morale of the people who saw the top-notch demon ‘Jormungand’ was further reduced.

A situation where everyone’s face is disappointing.

I put my hand on Skadi’s equally trembling shoulder.

“Believe me.”


“We are not losing.”


Looking at her with confidence, Skadi smiled broadly, as if she had always been trembling.


We all took up our weapons in the face of the swarming beasts.

The moment each of them looked straight ahead with determined eyes and tried to raise their mana towards them.

An out of nowhere light flashed across the sky.


It was a brilliance like the appearance of the sun.

The moment Jormungandr’s eyes turned to the flash of white light that was intense enough to illuminate all of Helios.

A beam of light shot from there cut off the scruff of the guy’s neck.



The intense beam of light, enough to feel the heat up to this point, could not press Jormungand’s huge body to the floor and cut off his head.

Blood gushed out like waves and was scattered.

The light beam that decapitated Jormungandr split like light scattered through a prism and swept everywhere.

The bundles of beams that descended on the ground soon swallowed up all the demonic beasts that were flocking to them.

“What is this…?”

“Are you reinforcements?”

Neither Skadi nor Claire could hide their embarrassment.

While even Estelle blankly watched the overwhelming scene of the massacre, a person stepped down to the floor with her back turned to the site of the massacre.

Above the shoes on the floor, a robe exuding a modern feel fluttered.

Beneath the fluttering pearl-colored hair, glistening green eyes looked at me.


In a situation where everyone was embarrassed, she was only looking at me.

With a face full of tears, smiling as if she would cry at any moment, step by step, she approaches me like that.

Her steps quickly became a leap, and she ran across the gap and threw herself into my arms without anyone saying anything.

She, Kaya, said as she buried her face in my chest.

“Hello, mister.”

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