The results of the battle expanded rapidly, and soon the Orcs and Wargs were crushed.

The trolls have long been petrified by sunlight, and with the cooperation of Tony and the five dragons, the large bats have also been dispersed.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Asog, who was commanding on the mountain, quickly retreated.

Thorin focused on slaughtering the orcs, but he didn't notice Asog's escape. When he noticed it, it was too late to pursue him.

Soon, there were no Orcs alive on the entire battlefield, and this battle finally ended with a great success.

The dwarves suffered some damage because they were in close contact with the orcs.

Fortunately, the armament from Lonely Mountain was very powerful, and the dwarves suffered very few casualties.

On Aiqi's side, in the early stage, he basically bombed indiscriminately from a long distance, and later he used magic to bully people. Only one mage had his foot slapped on the field, and two soldiers guarding the mage were slightly injured. The next is basically bullying the orcs without injury.

After the war, even if the dwarves and elves had feuds, they all happily celebrated this great success together.

If nothing else, this attack on the Orcs can stop the dark forces for at least a few decades.

At the banquet, Thorin once again thanked Aiqi for his help, and proposed that the mithril and precious gems produced by Lonely Mountain could be sold to Aiqi in exchange for some hot weapons.

The three elf lords have already discussed it privately, and they even proposed at the banquet to join the Qahnaarin Empire directly to gain better communication and become a part of the empire.

Aiqi welcomes the elves to join, and promises to provide a batch of hot weapons and send people to help in training.

Several lords said they were hot forging iron, and they made a lot of cooperation plans with Aiqi.

Galadriel wants to join Winterhold, become an honorary professor, and conduct magical exchanges in her spare time.

Elrond acted as a consultant to the Royal Pharmaceutical Factory, bringing out his legendary medical standards.

Thranduil sold his son directly, and let Legolas, a young man in his 500s, become a foreign student and study in Winterhold.

I don't care if my son is a template of an archer + a ranger, so I directly let my son learn magic.

Overall, this trip to Middle-earth was a great success.

Although it took several months, the harvest was huge.

Not only did he get a lot of precious mithril, but also the magic system of Middle-earth, the magic item manufacturing technology given by Galadriel and the medical knowledge of Elrond.

In addition, Aiki can take turns to study the Three Rings of the Elf for a period of time, and there are several Supreme Lord Rings that no one knows about.

After Aiqi was going to make some progress in his research, he went back to see if he could upgrade the dragon ring.

The Lord of the Rings is just a matter of researching the technology, and wearing it will avoid it. There are too many traps in it.

However, if we talk about the biggest gain, it is the acquisition of the inextinguishable fire.

When killing Smaug, when absorbing the dragon soul, even the unquenchable fire in Smaug's soul was absorbed by Aiki.

The energy of this new system can not only be used to cast magic, but can even be used to create new species.

It will be a very good reference for Aiqi's improvement in the future.

After returning to the plane of A Song of Ice and Fire, because of the past few months, a lot of things have been accumulated, and Aiqi concentrated on it.

After several months of fighting, the situation of the Battle of the Five Kings in Westeros gradually became clear.

There is only one Baratheon brother left, and he was defeated by wildfire at the Battle of Blackwater River.

Rob Stark still fell at the **** wedding.

Aiqi still followed the original plan and did not let anyone rescue him. A dead Rob would be more beneficial to Aiqi's plan.

Edge calmly let people tell Bran the cruel news. Bran lost his father, brother and mother in consecutive months, and was stunned by the blow.

Now, according to the law, Bran should have the right of inheritance in the north.

The cruel environment prompted Bran to mature quickly. He knew that he had everything under Edge's control, and he had to protect his younger brother Rickon.

After discussing with Maester Luwin, Bran formally proposed to Edge.

Edge also naturally accepted Bran as the third apprentice, and warned him about the possibility of being occupied by the three-eyed raven, the spiritual body.

Therefore, Bran can't stay in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire for a long time, and now Aiki sends someone to teach Bran Occlumency and pass the message to Jon.

If Bran can be drawn to the Empire, then it is not impossible for Bran to inherit Winterfell in the future. When the time comes, Jon's Targaryen surname will be restored, and then he will be given a chance to make meritorious deeds.

Everything depends on the future development.

After returning, Eich participated in an imperial council.

Out of some bad taste, Edge designed the parliament to be in the form of the parliament of the Republic in Star Wars, and everyone held a meeting on a pile of disc-shaped aircraft.

The research on anti-gravity devices has not been very smooth. These aircrafts all rely on levitation spells to fly, and the principle is the same as that of broomsticks.

In the parliament, some members proposed to further expand to create more benefits for everyone.

Aiqi understands that the interest groups tied to the empire will not stop the expansion of the empire.

Anyway, it's good for the empire. Aiqi measured the overall The country is relatively stable, and the compilation of the empire's laws is gradually improving.

Because the empire has many regions and planes to join, it is really possible to create a unified constitution and several benchmark laws in the empire. Each region and state has its own relevant laws to maintain the rule of the empire.

A lot of troops and management personnel can be drawn from the country, so Aiqi agreed to send troops.

After all, only Aiqi has the military decision-making power, and directly controls most of the empire's army.

If you send troops, of course you have to pick the ones who are bullied, and the modern planes will all pass.

The council also had the same opinion. Aiqi consulted with the military personnel, and finally decided to fully occupy the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Aiqi quickly deployed. In this attack, the nominal coach is Daenerys, so he should go out and gild.

The deputy commander is Vlad, who was renamed Dracula. Now this general is very familiar with the modern mode of warfare.

The strategy is similar to that of the earth on other planes, giving priority to occupying resources such as oil and precious metals, and giving priority to the Americas, Australia and Africa, not actively attacking Europe, and supporting forces in Asia.

Aiqi chose Xiao Feng, one of the major pirate kings. Anyway, it was the Qing Dynasty. Aiqi provided armament and training, and let Xiao Feng pull up a team, rebel little by little, overthrow the Qing Dynasty, and then build a state and then use it as a state. It would be nice to join the Empire as an identity.

After arranging things, Aiqi became free.

Aiqi estimated that the incident of the hammer falling from the sky may be seen in a few months. Aiqi sent people to monitor and wait for news.

During this period, there was another signal from the astrolabe and a new plane was discovered. Aiqi felt that it would be good to go out for a walk.

But before leaving, Aiqi has one more thing to do.

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