Aiqi said to Esther:

"I know your purpose very well.

You have been suffering in another world for a thousand years, forced to watch your children do evil.

You want to end your child's life as a vampire. "

Esther was a little surprised, but many wizards wanted to end vampires, so Esther replied calmly:

"Indeed, the magic I used to protect my family back then brought great harm to the world.

It's a pity that I have been dead for thousands of years, and I can't do anything more. "

Archie smiled:

"But aren't you still doing things all the time?

Every time the wearer of the Gilbert family ring dies briefly, aren't you trying to blacken them?

Wasn't your body protected by witches' magic?

As long as you break the seal, you will be resurrected immediately, right? "

This time, Esther was frightened. Few people knew about these secret things, but Ai Qi actually understood.

Aiqi continued:

"Why don't you listen to my thoughts now.

Don't blame yourself too much, you are not the first to create vampires.

The first witch who created a vampire was also the creator of another world, but the vampire was petrified and did not radiate the curse of vampires.

Also, I have a way to lift the vampire curse.

In this way, your children will have the opportunity to become human again and live out their lives in human form.

With the end of their lifespan, the vampires associated with them will die from the bloodline, and the world will gradually get rid of the troubles of vampires.

It's better than you forcibly kill them. "

Esther was taken aback:

"Do you really have a way to turn a vampire into a human?"

Aiqi answered confidently:

"Of course. Not to mention that Quintesia, who created the vampire spell, created the antidote for vampires, and I myself have a way to turn vampires back into humans.

If you agree to join my forces, act as a wizard advisor and teach your magic, I can arrange for someone to resurrect you.

Then, let's deal with the first generation. "

Esther pondered for a while, and Aiqi struck while the iron was hot:

"The specific content can be discussed after you are resurrected, and you should also think about your children.

Although they killed and wounded innocent people, there are still others, but they are your children after all. Do you want to kill them with your own hands?

Rebecca has always wanted to fall in love vigorously, and she wanted her own child.

If it was her, she would definitely agree to become human again.

Don't you want to make up for her?

Finn has been sealed for 900 years, and he has long been determined to die. If he can become a human, he will be very happy, right?

Although Cole is arrogant, he is one of your children who is gifted with magic. If he has the opportunity to become a wizard again, he might agree to it, right?

Elijah and Klaus aside, the white oak used in your magical rituals has regenerated, and now the wood is turned into a bridge.

The wood removed from the bottom can kill the ancestor, so it is very simple to solve the ancestor at that time.

What's more, have you forgotten your first daughter?

Or do you still want your daughter Freya to suffer with your sister Dalia?

If you choose to join my faction, you can learn a lot of new magic, it's easy to defeat Daria and free Freya from her clutches.

Well, what is your decision? "

The amount of information in Aiqi's words was too large, and Est was quite frightened, especially about his eldest daughter.

Esther asked in disbelief:

"Is everything you said true?"

Archie replied:

"Of course, you have brought a thousand years in another and accumulated a lot of magical knowledge, these are all I need.

After you join, you can slowly pass on this knowledge in the academy I set up, and I will gradually fulfill my promise.

If you agree, I will start working on your resurrection after a while. "

Esther thought for a while:

"Well, your method is indeed much better than mine.

However, if I want to be resurrected, I need the help of two generations of Aianna's descendants and wizards of the entire bloodline of the other world.

I don't know if your plan will get their approval. "

Archie said indifferently:

"Even without their help, I would be able to resurrect you.

However, wizards still care about their descendants. You can tell them that according to our agreement, vampires will be solved sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

And, I will also train their offspring Bonnie, let her become my disciple, and let her live a good life in peace.

Bonnie is a descendant of Ianna and a descendant of Quintesia, and has a very good talent.

You have to admit that the number of descendants of Quintesia is dwindling, and many have been killed or injured by being involved in various things.

So, I will protect Bonnie, give her powerful strength, and allow the bloodline of the wizards who help you to continue.

With this reason, you persuaded them, right? "

Esther nodded:

"This should be no problem. I'll go back and discuss with them."

Aiqi responded:

"Okay, then I'll start looking for your body and prepare for resurrection."

The two separated, Esther returned to another world, and Aiqi was waiting for the ransom to come.

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