Sure enough, as Aiqi expected, and like the original plot, the Force used this opportunity to inject a lot of information into Rey.

The Force itself also has a tendency to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Whether it is the Light Force or the Dark Force, they are all part of the Force, and the Force itself will not pay attention to political issues.

He himself has been trying to maintain balance.

That's why he gave Anakin Skywalker, the son of the Force, a fragment of the future during the prosperous period of the Jedi Knights, disturbing Anakin's thoughts and giving him a chance to fall into the darkness.

This time Rey is the same, an important **** of the Force.

What's more, now, after discovering that he can develop himself into the multiverse, as the coordinate carrier of his power, the importance of Rey is even more self-evident.

Therefore, the Force will not miss this important opportunity to accelerate Rey's growth.

To this end, using the lightsaber as a carrier, the Force communicated with Obi-Wan and Anakin, who had passed away and integrated into the Force, played a bunch of Luke and Kylo Ren, and even went back to Rey's childhood. I want Rey to quickly recognize the reality.

The Force was also in a hurry, and with Aiki on the side, Rey received a lot more information than in the movie.

Rey was shocked by the huge amount of information, and after a few breaths, she began to sweat profusely, and she looked shocked and unbelievable:

"What was that just now?"

Aiqi responded:

"Just now was the inspiration given to you by the Force and some fragments of the past recorded by the Force."

Rey shook her head and said in shock:

"I... I want to go back to Jakku..."

Archie interrupted her:

"What about when you go back? Do you continue to wait for your parents who haven't shown up for more than ten years?

The Force has already given you a revelation, right?

Like I said, now that you have embarked on the path of finding the truth, there is no turning back.

The truth is real and cruel, it will not change because of your will.

When you don't know, you can choose to avoid it.

After you know it, there is no way to avoid it. "

Rey's tears began to flow, she turned around, and was about to run outside.

Aiqi stretched out his hand and directly used the force to pull Rey back:

"If it's normal, I'll give you time to calm down by yourself and think about life and reality.

But now, we don't have that leisure time.

The city is full of people looking for every opportunity to make a fortune.

By the time Han Solo and BB-8 showed up, it was already doomed that the First Order would come and hunt them down.

Now it's easier for you to run out and hurt yourself, wait until everything is over and then lose your temper. Now get ready, the battle may happen at any moment. "

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

Archie glanced at Mazz, who was also very strange.

This is the basement. It's quite far from the bar on the first floor. The noise has already affected the basement. Everyone must have gathered outside.

Aiqi and Maz went out to see what happened.

Finn was trained by the First Order to be a Storm Trooper since he was a child. At this time, he didn't know how to comfort the little girl.

Instead, Han Solo took the initiative to take over the responsibility and began to unravel Rey.

Having traveled all over the world for so many years, Han Solo is well-informed and well-versed in the world of people.

Coupled with the fact that the person who was in the princess at the time, it is no problem to cheer up a little girl who has not been in the market.

When they came outside, Edge and Maz saw a large number of people gathered on the grass, looking up at the sky, talking loudly with each other.

Aiqi looked up and saw five red lights in the sky, brighter than a comet. Under the clear sun, five red two dots were shot in the distant sky.

Maz asked in surprise:

"This is?"

Aiqi replied solemnly:

"The new weapon of the First Order, the enhanced version of the Death Star, the Starkiller Base.

It seems that Five Two Points should be the main stars of the New Republic.

The First Order has already begun.

Obviously, the Supreme Leader is very afraid of the Jedi Knights who are the hope of the galaxy, and he will not hesitate to take the initiative to use the new weapon that has been hidden.

The map carried by BB-8 is too much of a threat to them, and they will definitely come to attack here.

Call a few of them here, Maz, think of a way to save your city. You can't escape. I hope the rebels can make up for it. "

Maz ignored Aiki's joke and went to call Rey and the others.

In Maz's mind, the city can be rebuilt if it is destroyed, but the First Order must be destroyed.

After a thousand years of experience, Maz clearly understands that the existence of something like the First Order is definitely not a good thing for the Milky Way.

Aiki has nothing to do with the First Order, but this Death Star or the Starkiller Base must be in his own hands.

This thing is really powerful, any nuclear weapon is a joke in front of these things.

This is the representative of energy weapons.

No matter how many troops you a Death Star goes down, all of them will be cold.

Even if Aiqi encountered it himself, he could only barely escape with the power of the time dragon ring and the space dragon ring.

Of course, such a dangerous weapon of mass destruction is still in his own hands.

As for the New Galactic Republic or something, Aiki had long known that he would be attacked, but he still didn't want to remind him.

Only if the main force of the New Galactic Republic is swept away by the First Order, then the First Order is destroyed, and the two biggest forces in the Galaxy come to an end, can a rising star like Aiqi have a chance to rise up and take the opportunity to obtain the greatest benefits.

While Aiqi was thinking, a few people who were in the basement just now had come up, and Mazz had begun to transfer the forces loyal to Maze himself in the city to gather combatants.

Aiqi instructed:

"The First Order is now on its way.

My plan is to stop them here, no need to escape.

With me here, it's not a big problem here.

And as far as I know, the rebels are on their way, we just need to hold on until they come.

If it were an air battle, we would only have one Millennium Falcon, which would not have an advantage over the large number of ships of the First Order.

Better to lure them down and send infantry to fight.

Mr. Solo and Chewbacca prepared their weapons and gave Rey a blaster.

Rey and BB-8 stayed by my side.

Finn, if you want, you can also take part in the battle with a blaster, and if you want to escape, you can do it at any time, don't worry.

Rey, you are by my side, in addition to using blasters, try your best to use the force to fight the enemy.

Leave the lightsaber to me temporarily, I will use it later.

If there is no problem, start now. "

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