Aiki nodded, agreeing with Illidan's analysis:

"Generally speaking, there are not many problems with arcane energy. Although it is somewhat addictive, it is not obvious for ordinary people, but it is very serious for elves.

Your ancestors were dark trolls who became night elves after being transformed by the Well of Eternity. Arcane energy accompanies your birth and tens of thousands of years of life. Go in a crazy addiction.

This is the same whether it is night elves, high elves or fallen Naga. After all, the evolution of your race was forcibly transformed by the Well of Eternity. Whether you use magic or not, you cannot do without a high concentration of magical energy.

Today's night elves, enjoying the energy of the Well of Eternity reconciled by the World Tree, imprison the benefactor who reshaped the Well of Eternity, shape heroes into villains, alienate the energy that created their own race, and use the weak The Druid magic created by God no longer accumulates magical knowledge, but seeks help from various demigods, and with their help, changes the shape of the body. It is indeed a group of ungrateful races.

For such a race, do you still plan to serve? "

Hearing Aiqi belittling his own clan, Illidan had no anger in his heart. He also despised the night elves who were afraid of arcane energy. Anyone who was imprisoned for 10,000 years would have resentment. Illidan replied in a muffled voice:

"I didn't intend to die for the people who betrayed me, and they are not worth my efforts. I am only fighting for one person now."

Aiki looked at Illidan helplessly:

"Is it Tyrande? It seems that you have a lot of resentment in your heart."

Illidan was not very surprised that Aiki knew what Illidan was thinking. After all, he knew that Aiki had explored his memory before, and that his love for Tyrande was normal.

What he didn't know was that when Aiqi was exploring memory, because Illidan's thinking was too broken, and the mental patient had a wide range of ideas, even a spiritually powerful mage like Aiqi was not willing to sink into it, so he only found the well water information of the Well of Eternity After that, I stopped reading, and the rest depended on Aiqi's understanding of the history of Warcraft.

Aiqi continued to ask:

"Do you still have the will to fight now? Someone should have told you about the current situation before. The Burning Legion has once again set its sights on Azeroth. This time they have chosen the planet of Draenor as a springboard and will Orcs serve as vanguards, while demons hide behind the scenes

Although I resolved some of the orcs to become neutral, there are still some orcs under the control of the Burning Legion.

Do you still want to fight again? "

Illidan clenched his fists. Even though his magic power was sealed, his eyes under the blindfold still glowed with green light:

"Azeroth, I don't care, but there is still a vengeance between me and the Burning Legion.

At the same time, I have to prove to Tyrande that Malfurion, the coward, was the wrong choice. I will use the arcane magic and fel energy that the night elves hate to defeat the Burning Legion once again, and make those hypocrites and cowards feel ashamed. Head down. "

Aiqi clapped his hands and encouraged:

"Sure enough, the power of love is infinite!"

After all, Aiqi snapped his fingers, and the rune used to seal magic on Illidan shattered instantly. Along the lines on Illidan's body, the sufficient magic elements in Aiqi's laboratory began to flow towards Illidan's body. Entering, the magic power that has dried up in Illidan's body began to recover rapidly, and arcane and fel energy began to work again in Illidan's body.

"I know you won't be willing to let you surrender to me, and it's estimated that you will fight back just like Sargeras.

But I don't care, I will still help you, I can give you a base in Draenor and give you some help, you can gather your old minions or new seekers, it's up to you to develop of creation. As a thank you for the water of the Well of Eternity.

If you are active in the area of ​​Azeroth, how to deal with the female lunatics of the watchers is up to you.

By the way, there is another message for you for free. Sargeras projected a portion of his soul into Azeroth, occupying the body of a powerful mage.

It is too difficult to deal with Sargeras, the dark titan, but it is still possible to take revenge against this dark soul.

How is it, are you interested? "

The green light in Illidan's eyes grew even stronger:

"Oh? The Dark Titan actually ended up in person? Of course I'm interested!"

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