A strange world

Chapter 310 Chapter 163 The tranquility of Xingyue Bay

Chapter 310 Section 163. The tranquility of Xingyue Bay

"I was ready to use my fists to scatter the flowers of the goddess and beat the rat-men to pieces, but they all avoided me when they heard that the nemesis of the rat-men was coming..."

In the study room of the Lord's Mansion of Xingyue Bay, Annan talked about his adventures in the royal capital.

"It seems nothing is wrong." Olmedo chuckled, "You can still brag."

"How could you think so? My name is known to everyone from humans to ratmen. In order to please me, the acting king let me live in the princess's manor. He also wanted to marry me so that I could revive the family. I refused because of the name.”

"Since the future king values ​​you so much, why not stay in the royal capital?"

"Some people see the strong and want to join the strong, and some people see the strong and want to become the strong."

Annan could not wear pale mineral powder, act ugly to please the nobles, and become a slave to money like Faru Barros - Faru Barros also did not want Annan to steal his business.

"The North is indeed a poor place..."

Olmedo lamented her experiences in her youth: "I have been to the South...that's where the real prosperity lies. Floors paved with crystal, weapons made of gold."

"Crystal is so brittle, gold is so soft."

"Yes, throw away the broken floorboards and melt the broken golden swords."

Annan was concerned about their wealth. The southern nobles are so luxurious, and their mentality must be quite poor... After the kingdom's crisis is over, he will find a way to make the southern nobles also shout "Jack, I love you".

"By the way, is there any way to make Xingyue Bay not like a street so that anyone can open the portal and come over?"

Annan was uneasy because he was worried about revenge. The only one who can change the situation at this time is the envoy of the Golden King... The Thirteenth Supreme King will never collude with the royal family.

"Put a mage tower there, or ask a legend to reinforce the space."

"Is Agarwal back?"


"Oh...remember to strengthen the city wall and recruit soldiers. From what I saw in the royal capital, they will suffer heavy losses even if they block the rat-men. Who knows if a group of rats will be missed and come to the north."

"Well, I've been doing it."

The unstable portal disappeared, and what disappeared was Annan's forced smile.

This was the first time Annan hid it from Olmedo, from everyone. Because the truth is too heavy. Young Annan sighed and suddenly found a sneaky figure lying outside the window.

Leila stared at him intently: "Thundering is my word!"

"...Why are you eavesdropping in your own home?"

"Eldest sister doesn't care, and you can't care either." Leila shrank back.

Annan, who remembered that this was the second floor, quickly ran to the window and saw Leila carrying a fishing rod through the sun garden and into the street in the distance.

The faces of passers-by on the streets are filled with joy and anticipation of the coming harvest. Annan felt the weight of the lord for the first time.

No wonder Olmedo is always buried in a pile of government affairs.

"Master Annan, the gifts you brought back have been distributed." Maid Abby knocked on the study door.

"I'll go out for a walk."

Annan said as he went out, responding to warm greetings on the way, and came to the foot of the warm city walls, which have been construction sites from the beginning of the year to now.

Looking up at the concrete city wall that has just broken through to a height of fifteen meters, it seems that it is still too short...

After witnessing the rat men's pervasiveness, Annan now has no confidence in defense measures other than the floating city. The only good news is that there is no reason for the rat people to run to the north. Even if they run to the north, there is no reason to invade Xingyue Bay... There should be no reason.

Annan offended the Stuen Rat Man. What does it have to do with the McKeon Rat Man?

The ground vibrated slightly, and a dirty white dragon dragging a cart came up to Annan and gently nudged him with his head.

Annan smiled and held Bailong's head, stroking it gently. The dragon-taming boy is no longer here, and Ingrid has assigned him and the remaining twelve white dragons a task: to lure more white dragons to the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

Annan praised her subjective initiative, but Leila also took credit for the fish she caught in a day. Sometimes the fish she caught was a hundred pounds, and sometimes it was more than ten pounds.

A thousand Leila can support a Xingyue Bay.

"How long will it have to serve?"

Seeing the cart behind Bai Long being loaded with goods, Annan still felt a little distressed.

"It's over, but it doesn't want to leave..." the foreman who followed said awkwardly.

The workers were reluctant to get close to Bailong at first, but after getting familiar with him, they dared to get closer and say hello. The one who opened the magic box was one of the thirty-four Jacks. He had no appetite so he asked Bailong if he wanted it, but Bailong actually ate it. Then the boring workers seemed to find some fun, feeding them a piece of bread or dried fish...

The result is that after the white dragon got used to being fed, he shamelessly went around eating food during lunch time. However, because the white dragon also had its own food, the portion was the same as other dragons in the group... so the white dragon would eat two meals a day. portions of food.

Annan looked at the white dragon in front of him again... Under the haggard face was an extremely strong body.

Yili Ruishi ran over, and Annan let Bailong go. He proudly said that after days and nights of construction, the city wall had reached a height of fifteen meters——

"That's not enough. Do you know how high the city wall of the royal capital is? It's as high as the white dragons on the bay." Annan was not satisfied.

"This is impossible! Even Mr. Blue Dragon can't get over it!"

"I mean when they fly." Annan exercised his authority as a lord: "Before winter, I want to see a 20-meter-high city wall!"

"Isn't that too high..." The height of the city wall now makes Yili's neck hurt: "We don't have enough soldiers to garrison the city wall."

"Just in time to recruit another group of soldiers."

Five hundred guards is still too few. In addition to recruitment, there should also be training for all citizens, so that at least residents will not smash their toes due to being unable to hold weapons.

Afraid that Yili Ruishi was not careful enough, Annan exaggerated the grandeur of the royal capital. But even to be honest, in front of the fifty-meter-high capital city wall, the highlands of the natural moat, millions of residents, mage towers, colleges, scavengers, knights, and private soldiers of the nobles, Xingyue Bay is just a small fishing village. In other words, Xingyue Bay has an idyllic scenery that the capital city does not have.

Then Annan went to Ingrid's place and asked her if she could let other white dragons eat too. Ingrid shook her head, she tried but it didn't work. White dragons are omnivores, but their prey are basically fish and snow animals.

That white dragon was special, and that was why it wanted to introduce its stomach pouch to the guard. With the nutrition brought by the double food, this white dragon, which is slightly stronger than his brothers and sisters, has become their leader.

A few days later, when Annan's life returned to calm, he received a letter from the royal capital signed by an honorary professor.

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