A strange world

Chapter 314 Section 167 Magic Gunpowder Rifle

Chapter 314 Section 167. Magic Gunpowder Rifle

The burning torch came close to the fuse, and after the gray fuse made a hissing sound like a snake spitting a message, the guards who had been reminded by Annan ran back to the city wall.

Annan covered his ears. Ingrid next to him cast a doubtful look and said something. Annan didn't hear it clearly, but it didn't prevent him from guessing: "Just do it."

Michael had already done this, Ingrid and Eli Rubble also covered their ears, and the long lead was burned to the end.

After a brief silence, the gunpowder barrel standing about 50 meters away from the city wall turned into a fireball in an instant. The terrifying explosion blew away the surrounding gravel, bringing the smell of sulfur and saltpeter to the city wall, and half of Xingyue Bay was The first deafening roar of black powder and its rising black silhouette could be heard.

Ingrid looked at Annan's side face with confusion, "Is this magic?" Old Zoron, who knew nothing, asked.

"This is science..." After thinking for a while, Annan added: "Magical science."

It was difficult for Michael to improve the black gunpowder in seven days, so Michael used the wizard's ingenuity - he added a fast-burning magic material to the inferior black powder that could not be fully burned, making the black gunpowder more powerful. Finally reaching the power of black powder.

According to the naming of magic images and magic newspapers, it should be called magic black powder.

Four things are always more cumbersome than three, and magic materials are usually associated with high value, but at this time it is quite exciting.

Annan was very happy and asked the guard to bring a purse containing 100 gold coins and a treasure chest containing 500 gold coins to give Michael a choice: take the 100 gold coins to study magic energy, or take the 500 gold coins to continue to improve black gunpowder and let him Similar effects can be achieved without adding magic materials.

"Do you still want to improve?"

"Black gunpowder has its original power with the addition of magic materials. Wouldn't it be more powerful if it is improved and then added with magic materials?"

Annan calls it enchantment.

Michael chose the latter. He was used to money, and he couldn't go back to his previous life of earning gold coins as a mercenary.

Annan and the others walked down the city wall and came to the shallow black pit created by the gunpowder barrel. Francois examined the scarecrows placed nearby in turn.

The scarecrow in cloth is the worst, with no complete parts. The hair of the fur-clad scarecrow was severely burned when it hit the explosive barrel. The fur could not stop the explosion, and the fragments of the barrel exploded into the scarecrow's body. Starting from the leather armor, the power of the explosion is only superficial. The leather armor still had some scratches and holes, and when it came to the armor, there was only black dust stained on the surface, which made Francois regretful.

Obviously the explosion sounds no less than advanced magic...

"What if you add iron nails to the explosive barrel?"

Annan expanded Francois's thinking and asked him to imagine that a gunpowder barrel was thrown into the rat tide, exploded with a bang, and the flying nails penetrated the bodies of the surrounding rat men, and they fell like wheat.

"So... Lord Annan... does this have anything to do with me?" Old Zollen, who was called from the haunted gold mine, trembled inexplicably.

"What do you think of the effect of using black...magic gunpowder to explode the ore?"

"A barrel of magic gunpowder can sustain ten... no, fifty miners for a day's work!

Annan gave Old Zollun a batch of magic gunpowder and used the ore to test the power of the magic gunpowder: "But pay attention to safety. Every resident of Xingyue Bay is a valuable asset."

Limestone mines are also involved. It doesn't matter which one was struck with an iron pickaxe and which one was exploded by gunpowder.

In addition, Annan also asked old Zoron to invite the mayor on his behalf and ask them to move to Xingyue Bay.

"I... represent you?" Old Zollen's lame leg trembled even more.

"There are many more people in the north who know you than the mayor."

The excited old Zoron ran very fast, his legs were no longer lame, and he could raise his head in front of Huolin.

Next comes the highlight, the magic gunpowder rifle. Because everything from the barrel to the trigger and front sight are shaped by magic by elite mages, and the bullets are cast by copper whiskers in molds, so just like plate armor - there are no two identical black powder rifles in the world.

The advantages are the same as plate armor. With a weight of almost 10 pounds, it can really be used to hit people.

Guards in armor carried the scarecrow. Annan loaded the ammunition, put the butt of the gun on his shoulder, and aimed at the scarecrow about 20 meters away.

At 10 pounds, the gun is not heavy, but it is difficult to hold it steady. After Annan maintained his balance for more than ten seconds, he pulled the trigger.


The gun shot startled the sparrows in the open space, and black smoke rose. Annan put down his rifle, and the scarecrow opposite him was safe and sound.

"There's something wrong with the sight."

Annan opened the blackened barrel of the gun without cleaning it, continued to load the bullet, aimed at the scarecrow, and pulled the trigger again.


The scarecrow is still as neat as new, and the workers of the water-powered mill in the distance point in this direction. Annan observed the copper bullet and rubbed it with his fingers: "The bullet is irregular...the mold needs to be improved."

Load the third bullet and pull the trigger a third time.


The guards on the city wall looked here curiously.

"..." Annan frowned and rubbed his shoulders under the gaze of Ingrid and the others: "The recoil is too great. Ordinary soldiers may feel uncomfortable after firing five to seven shots... We have to find a way to relieve the force."

"How to do it?"

"Use...I don't know, let's try it first."

Annan can only provide macro guidance.

Throwing the black powder rifle to Francois, Annan walked to the target, observed it for a while and then asked the guard next to him, "How do you feel?"

"Report to the lord! It feels like being hit by an elf!" reported the guard who had three dented bullet marks on his breastplate.

"The magic gunpowder rifle is easy against unarmored and leather-armored enemies, but it cannot cause damage to heavy armor."

Annan patted him on the shoulder: "I hope you won't blame me. I want to know whether the plate armor can block the magic gunpowder rifle..."

"For Xingyue Bay!" The guard shouted harshly from his helmet.

Annan nodded happily and walked to the waterwheel mill with Bronzebeard.

Ingrid deliberately fell behind and told the guard: "The lord just doesn't know how to use the magic gunpowder rifle correctly yet. He didn't mean to shoot you..."

"I know it's an honor for me to be beaten by Lord Annan!" The young guard puffed up his chest proudly.

"That's good."

Ingrid catches up with Annan and they stand outside the water mill discussing how to train soldiers.

Annan's suggestion was to first make a hundred magic powder rifles, select a hundred people from the guards to become musketeers, and then make improvements based on their feedback.

As long as the water mill is running continuously, about 30 magic powder rifles are produced every day. If the Skaven don't stop heading north, they will approach Xingyue Bay in about five months, and they have two months to improve.

Obsolete magic powder rifles can also be sold to Olmedo.

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