A strange world

Chapter 323 Chapter 176 Distant Storm

Chapter 323 Chapter 176. The storm in the distance

If you want to ask what the achievements of Wangcheng are, it is that it acted as a rock and broke the torrent of catharsis. At least the towns in the north faced "just" broken splashes.

But it is still a devastating disaster for the ants nesting by the river.

Early the next morning, Annan and his musketeers came to the square.

The bright sunshine washes away the gloom of last night.



"I haven't said what I want yet!"

"Olmedo, the rat men are coming, I need you to lend me some." Olmedo imitated Annan's northern accent and looked at him playfully, "Xingyue Bay is on the remote west coast. The tide may not reach you.”

"Why not? I am the nemesis of the rat-men who destroyed the rat-men's conspiracy twice. They hate me..."

"What you destroyed was Stuen Rat's conspiracy and had nothing to do with McKeon Rat."

"Really can not?"


"I just want a team of knights, and a hundred knights from the knight captain's team. It's best to lend me Blom!"

Olmedo's blue eyes were filled with a smile: "You really dare to ask for it, Blom is the family's bodyguard,"

The Musketeers were still waiting for him. Annan changed his position and whispered with a pleading that only Olmedo could see: "Sister Olmedo..."

A strange feeling grew in his heart. Olmedo paused for a moment, remembering that Annan was still a boy who had just turned 16 - but for civilians, he had already reached the age of marrying a wife and having children.

"Okay. But they can't stay at your place. They will come back after the crisis."

If they hadn't died in the rat tide. Olmedo thought.

Annan was planning to ask for help from the other two cities in Pulang's Grace County and the Janna family in the Snow Mountain Fortress.

"Will they promise you?"

“Try it for free without spending any money.”

Borrow a little from Breeze City, borrow a little from Betar City, and borrow a little from Fenghuang City, and the team in Xingyue Bay will be full.

Annan opened the portal and sent the Musketeers back to Xingyue Bay. At this time, a shout came from the crowd outside the square: "Jack! Can we also get meritorious service!"

"Of course, as long as you join Xingyue Bay, your honor and achievements will forever remain on the monument of mankind." Annan answered the disguised Francois in the crowd.

After slyly blinking at the astonished Olmedo who said "I clearly agreed to help you, how dare you do this", Annan rode on the back of the blue dragon, kicked up dust and flew away.

The people of Breeze City and Xingyue Bay didn't know it yet. Only the nobles and some smart people noticed some kind of calm before the storm from the arrangements of the city lord's palace.

As for the people of Xingyue Bay, there is no change with each passing day. They just changed from the crazy building of houses in the past to the crazy building of city walls now.

The musketeers, named "First Blood" by Annan, expanded from one hundred to one thousand men. But before that, Annan followed the advice of the knight captain and let the original centurions board the New Initial and rush to the front line to fight.

Just as the keel of a ship is the foundation of everything, the soul is the foundation of an army. As long as the soul remains, this army will not die. The soul can only be conceived after being tempered by blood and fire.

Annan and his friends, or Annan and his think tanks, chose Yongye Port as the incubation place for souls. Compared with the unknown wilderness, they are familiar with the situation in Evernight Port: the ratmen occupied it about ten days ago, and then the elite rat tide continued to move north, leaving some chaotic ordinary ratmen and elite ratmen. The streets and alleys provided the Musketeers with no need to face the swarms of rats from all directions.

The knight captain also rejected Annan's idea of ​​sending large elementals to follow. Without experiencing danger and sacrifice, the soldiers would throw away their guns and run away after the rat men climbed the city wall.

Annan asked how much pension should be paid if the soldiers died. As a result, Ingrid's words reminded Annan that most of the people in Xingyue Bay, composed of refugees and poor people from all over the world, did not have family members.

"I cannot let my soldiers die in a senseless war."

In the end, Annan rejected the knight captain's proposal and only adopted part of it: let a large elemental force guard the port, and the musketeers could retreat to the port when they encountered an enemy they could not resist.

The new initial ship carrying one hundred musketeers set off, and the five hundred guards who wiped out the Frost Giants returned. They sadly discovered that they not only lost the honor of the first battle, but also missed the first meritorious service. They all cheered A surge of energy.

The workers were also encouraged. After returning from Breeze City, Lord Annan informed all the people that the rat men were very likely to arrive in this cold winter. Then they lived under the city walls, where the sound of chisels was like a tidal wave day and night. This is their modest contribution to Xingyue Bay - even though the city wall of Xingyue Bay is almost seven meters higher than Breeze City.

The elite mages of the waterwheel mill and the blacksmiths of the blacksmith shop spend all day beside the forging hammers. The earlier they cast the molds of the magic cannon, the more rats will die in the future——

With nothing else to do, farmers boarded fishing boats to catch as much as they could before the bay froze over. Even Layla abandoned her principles and replaced her fishing rod with a fishing net.

The eldest sister of Blackstone Castle is still hesitating. She did not want to migrate to the neighboring countries to the east, nor did she want to take refuge in Xingyue Bay. Because under your feet is not only the origin of the family, but also the place of contract with the fire dragon.

Ingrid was working hard to break one gold into two gold coins. For example, workers were asked to extend their working hours but their wages were halved, taxes were levied on the people of Xingyue Bay at a tax rate of 600% of the commercial tax, and food prices were doubled to spit out the money earned by the people of Xingyue Bay - in addition to magic guns and Artillery, plate armor, these weapons to deal with the ratmen did not cut corners, and she saved everything she could.

While Francois was instigating rebellion and becoming a scavenger apprentice, he was selling the Philosopher's Stone and the Collector's Edition of the Philosopher's Stone everywhere. In order to bring in sales, he picked up the past and put on women's clothing to sell.

Everyone in Xingyue Bay is paying for their own future. Even Annan is no exception!

"My princess, the rat people are heading north and the wild is no longer safe. Why don't you let your people come to Xingyue Bay to take refuge..."

The blue dragon didn't respond. Fortunately, Annan knew how to deal with it: "You can't let me give you money and still ask me to protect your people, right?"

"100 gold coins." Ilimoyasi offered the price.

Annan almost agreed to it, but still had a keen sense of business: "You have to bring them first..."

Ilimayas still refused, so Annan said, "How about we each take a step back and sign a devil's contract?"

As a result, Ilimoyas refused the devil's contract and said something in dragon language about the devil being untrustworthy and the friendship between us being so fragile.

Finally, Annan learned the truth: his people had migrated out of the north.

Annan wanted to scold it loudly, but the words came out as: "Forget it... I have one more thing, can you lend me some money?"

The fierce dragon power suddenly descended on Annan's small body. The blue dragon spread its huge wings and looked down at Annan with its sharp vertical eyes.

"I know you don't want to lend me money, but what if I give you interest?"

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