A strange world

Chapter 342 Chapter 195 Migration

Chapter 342 Section 195. Migration

"Mom, do we really want to leave? I don't want to leave..."

In the biting cold wind, the girl huddled in the arms of her young mother.

Her experience after coming to Xingyue Bay was like the fairy tales told by her mother. She no longer had to go hungry, drink fish bone soup that had been boiled more than ten times, and watch her mother being bullied by those men. Many children played with her... …

"We're going to a safer place because the Skaven are coming."

"Those uncles are so powerful..."

"But the Skaven are even more powerful."

The girl thought for a while and asked: "If we become rat men, will we be more powerful?"

The young mother's expression changed, but the surrounding residents laughed kindly. There were also proud shouts, "Why didn't the rat men become us?"

After queuing for several minutes, the young mother and her daughter each received a plaque with their names engraved on it. There are also 20 silver coins. The official who issued the nameplates and coins was explaining the purpose of the nameplates: representing the identity of the citizens of Xingyue Bay. Lord Annan has not abandoned them. After Lord Annan gets the fiefdom, he will call them back again. Next there is food and clothing to collect.

Some residents were so excited that they didn't want the money, so Ingrid's people forced it back.

Just clothing and food are not enough for the new arrivals to the Tatooine Empire to survive stably, and the money Annan borrowed from Olmedo will allow them to survive the initial hardships safely.

In the final analysis, they had too little time to prepare everything before migrating the people. I could only come up with three routes in a hurry: First, the New Initial and a fleet of three sailboats set off early in the morning, with only more than 500 people on board. Second, let the White Dragon Knight serve as an anchor point to rush to the Tatooine Empire. Third, move with Breeze City.

Annan's options are only bad and worse.

Breeze City is also preparing to migrate. Compared to Breeze City, their luck is both good and bad.

It sounds contradictory, but the fact is: there are countless city-states willing to accept Breeze City, but it is not certain what their last names will be after they pass... But if they refuse to accept Breeze City, there will be no place to host Breeze City with a population of more than 300,000.

In the end, Breeze City could only be decomposed like Star-Moon Bay, and the family members and some nobles and guards followed her and bought a town or village in the Tatooine Empire.

Annan wanted to do it too, but he had no money.

Xingyue Bay, which was about to give up, emptied Annan of his last penny and made him owe Ilimoyas and Olmedo two thousand gold coins...

The migration to Breeze City is in full swing, and Annan temporarily stays to help Olmedo.

Xingyue Bay only has a population of 16,000, and the few nobles are all supporters of Annan. Breeze City is much more complicated... there are more than 300,000 residents, and hundreds of nobles with entangled interests and disputes...

Olmedo used his authority to take care of part of it, and Annan took care of the rest - the nobles whose wives and ladies made the decision.

Jack's existence is like a brand, and Annan can't help but look forward to the surprises that "The Fall of the Mage Tower" will bring to the Tatooine Empire.

The soldiers on the city wall were still fighting, and the magic from the mage tower passed by from time to time. They will retreat in the end, leaving the Skaven with an empty city.

When Annan was giving instructions to Xingyue Bay through the portal, Evelin squeezed over and asked, "Tomorrow is Monday again. Do we want to publish the royal family's deeds in the newspaper?"

It seems to be of no use. The rat tide has reduced the radiation range of the magic newspaper to only Star-Moon Bay and Breeze City. But as they migrate, the truth will spread across the Tatooine Empire over time...

Those who manipulate conspirators will also be manipulated by conspirators.

"Come on."

Annan didn't think that the Rekaner Kingdom would dare to go to the Tatun Empire to assassinate him.

Evelyn excitedly runs away to denounce the royal family, revealing Martin passing by carrying an axe.

"Where are you going?" Annan called to him.

"There's no firewood in the yard, I have to chop some firewood quickly!"

"No need. We have to leave. The Rat Man has gone to the Snow Mountain Fortress, and Xingyue Bay is no longer safe."

"Praise to the Skaven!"

Martin, who cheered, attracted some attention and looked away when he realized that it was Lord Annan's stupid cousin.

"Why praise the Rat Man?"

"The Skaven help us fight off the demons!"

After closing the portal in silence, Annan looked at the black tide that was about to cover the mountain peak and opened it again.

Brinor Janna's strong back appeared on the other side of the portal, and in the long passage, groups of soldiers were heading in the same direction.

Kerian and Brinor Janna confirmed Annan's guess: the champion knight ordered to give up the western defense line of the Snow Mountain Fortress. A trap - an emotional halo - was also placed in the fortress.

There will be a "hot" encounter between the evil rat tide and the chaotic demon tide.

Annan also saw Tasia following them. She seemed to be resting after leaving the front line, and she was stronger than the last time we met.

"We are also preparing to leave." Annan told them about the migration. "Goodbye Tatooine Empire."

In the next few days, the mages of the Mage Tower opened a large and stable portal in the square to allow residents to pass through. The location was the Kingdom of Dimon to the east.

The distance between the portals is limited, and they have to migrate three times to reach the Tatooine Empire.

The streets are becoming more and more desolate, only the city walls are as lively as ever. Annan came to the Lord's Mansion, and Olmedo buried himself in piles of government affairs. Annan couldn't help but want to help her share the burden, so he picked up a copy of the government affairs and opened it.

It’s true that these government affairs are in common language... Why can’t I understand them?

"what's your plan?"

Olmedo asked without looking up, giving Annan something to do instead of disturbing her.

"Arrived in the Tatooine Empire? Alice just told me to follow her... By the way, can you let my people and Francois follow you first?"

Olmedo paused: "What about you?"

"I'm ready to act on my own."

What if the royal family really gets mad and goes to Tatun to assassinate Annan? Annan can protect himself, but he can't protect others.

"I'll tell my men to arrange them."

The sentence itself has no meaning, but Annan could hear some... reluctance: "What do you mean? You won't leave with us?"

"This is my home..." Olmedo raised his head: "My father sacrificed himself for me, and I will accompany it to the end."

Just as Idilia persuaded Annan, Annan advised Olmedo: "Xingyue Bay is not important, nor is Breeze City. Where we are is important..."

"The land is polluted, and the elves and druids will never come back. Even the Snow Mountain Fortress has withdrawn from the western fortress. The northwest will become a real purgatory in the future."

Rats and demons, ratmen and humans, demons and humans, ratmen unite demons and humans to fight...

"Go to Tatun and start from scratch." Annan looked seriously into Olmedo's haggard blue eyes, "We will do better."

"Start from scratch..."

"Yes, Mayor Olmedo, start from the beginning."

Olmedo smiled.

"Okay, the King of the North is on the run from Middle-Earth."

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