A strange world

Chapter 348 Classmate Section 6

Chapter 348 Section 6. Classmates

Annan didn't even look at the chicken legs for the next time.

Back in the classroom, Annan completed the last part of "The Law Breaks the Sky" and just threw it to the boys tomorrow.

When going back, Annan rented a carriage in luxury - the gold coins falling from the pocket of the mage's robe made him uncomfortable. Back at the mansion, Annan led Martin to the restaurant downstairs and ordered him an apple pie and a plate full of chicken legs.

Originally it was just a reward for Martin who had done nothing, but Annan unexpectedly saw a familiar figure sitting in a carriage passing by on the street. She happened to look at Annan, and then stared at the plate of chicken legs behind the window.

Why is Suni Pule here... passing by by chance? And...the misunderstanding cannot be explained clearly.

After filling his stomach, Annan asked Martin to go back first. He went to the commercial street and picked a money bag. As a result, I unexpectedly met Xana Waters.

She walked with a girl in gray robe and had a close relationship. Annan didn't want to bother him, but Xana Waters didn't think so. She waved to Annan in surprise, thought of something and became ladylike again, and led her companion to Annan.

Compared to the girl in school, Xana looked more mature with some makeup on, and she also had a strong fragrance. Based on Annan's skillful... experience, she should have secretly used the perfume of her elders - rich perfumes are always used by ladies.

The companion next to her was a little more plain, as pure as Evelin.

"Annan Reeves, why are you here too?"

"I lost my money bag after I came to Syltovis..." Annan told the truth.

"Have you found the money bag you like?" Xana Waters asked. After Annan replied that he had just arrived, he quickly said: "I will help you pick it."

"Sorry for the trouble."


Annan noticed that Xian Na's eyes narrowed into slits when she smiled, like a fox. She said goodbye to the girl in gray robe and told Annan that she was a member of the sisterhood of the Transfiguration School.

Sororities are similar to fraternities. They are a circle composed of the heirs of nobles. The lowest status of their fathers is also a viscount with no real power.

Annan also has no real power, but the status of the King of the North is comparable to that of a prince, and in the empire it is not lower than that of a count.

In Alice's introduction, sororities have greater advantages than fraternities.

Most of the students at Solz Magic Academy are the second sons of big nobles or the heirs of small nobles. The former has no rights, while the latter has too little rights. The most discussed thing among the brothers all day long is where to go to play. Sororities are similar to brothers in this regard, but their parents are willing to give their daughters some help, whether the eldest son or the second son - and what if they can marry the King of the North?

"Annan Reeves, what kind of purse do you want?" Xiana Waters and Annan were strolling in the commercial street.

"I also can."


As Annan and Xian Na approached, the waiter at the door opened the door with wind chimes and was amazed by Annan's appearance.

The walls of this shop are hung with dazzling money bags, inlaid with gold wire and broken crystals, which means they are worth a lot of money.

"My friend needs a money bag, you come and choose it for him." Xian Naluo walked towards the store manager who greeted him, putting on the arrogance of keeping a distance.

The pudgy store manager's eyes lit up when he saw Annan. The rare black hair and black eyes exuded a mysterious aura, and the soft lines of his undeveloped cheeks were as delicate as an elf. After careful consideration, he picked up a money bag and said, "How about this silk money bag? The young leaves woven from silk have an elf style, which just matches the appearance of this adult."

"How do you like it?"

Annan nodded. His aesthetics were similar to those of elves, and he could give them to Della if he didn't want them in the future.

Xian Na raised her chin and said, "That's it." Then she asked how much it cost.

"It's an honor for me to have this gentleman come. It only costs eight gold coins."

Xian Na frowned and said, "Is there anything better?"

"No, it's just a money bag."

Eight gold coins may not seem expensive, but it is almost the annual income of a wealthy family.

Xian Na saw Annan hesitate, thinking that he came from the barren north, that his territory was attacked by rat tides and demons, that he must have lost everything...Xian Na's gentle eyes almost filled with mist: "Annan Reeves , can I buy it for you?"

"No...well, thank you."

Accepting gifts should bring you closer to your sorority. Annan thought.

After accepting the money bag, it was still early and there was nothing to do when he went back. As for "Annan Potter", he could finish it in class.

Annan walked around the streets with Xina, who bought herself a gift.

"Annan Reeves, can I call you Annan? You can also call me Xana."

"Okay... Xana."

Annan had some affection for Xian Na, either acting, or forcibly licking her, or dragging her into the room... This kind of pure acquaintance has not been seen for a long time.

Xana told a lot about Syltovis, and as a local, she was even more detailed than what Alice said. In the evening, An Nan separated from Xian Na and returned to the mansion.

Martin was chewing on the corner of the table again. "Are you hungry?" Annan asked him.

"Finding something to do that makes me feel alive..."

This ghostly looking Martin made Annan turn around and go out. Not long after, Annan came back again with a few books.

Anyway, Martin has mastered the common language.

On a new day, Annan gave Martin a few gold coins before going out and told him not to go out and ask the waiter to bring him whatever he wanted.

"Okay cousin!"

As soon as Annan left, Martin called to the waiter: "I want ten apple pies!" and then opened the first book, "The Rat Man Empire".

This book introduces the Thirteen Clans of Skaven. Also includes Sturn Rats, McKeon Rats, Tatoun Rats...

Tatoun Skaven, Tatoon Empire... Martin's eyes widened in shock.

My cousin went to the Ratman's lair to avoid the Ratmen? This is... so smart!

Annan is cunning and cruel!

Knock knock knock——

There was a knock on the door, and the waiter appeared outside the door with a strange look on his face, pushing a dining cart with ten plates of apple pie. After closing the door, Martin took a deep breath and dug into the apple pie.

Martin is cruel and cunning!

All classrooms will be filled with a "buzz" sound before the teacher arrives. When Annan arrives, small conversations turn into greetings.

Xian Na blinked at Annan, then dropped to her waist, as if looking for something.

Annan patted the money bag in cooperation, making Xian Na smile sweetly.

Alice narrowed her eyes when she saw this scene, while Suni Pule, who was lying on the table, looked at Xina and then at Annan.

"Don't be fooled by the bad women outside." She whispered as Annan passed by.

Who is the bad woman?

As soon as Annan sat down, a soft finger poked his back.

"What's wrong?"

"What did Suni Pule tell you?"

"She said you were a bad woman."

Suni Pule, who was eavesdropping, opened her eyes wide.

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