A strange world

Chapter 401 Chapter 59 The Third Farce

Chapter 401 Chapter 59. The third farce

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Annan cast a spell to summon a portal, ending the game in the desperation of the Elite Ranger.

There is one last contestant left in Ophelia Elf Academy, but there is no need to continue.

Annan ended in the seventh game on time, leaving the last game for Alice.

As a result, Alice had not yet appeared, and the last contestant who lost his fighting spirit lost to Theophilus after eliminating three people - he was carelessly entangled by the living rope technique thrown by Theophilus, so it ended fought.

"I won! I defeated an elite!!!"

Theophilus excitedly hugged the vice-dean, high-fived his companions, ran to Ophelia Elf Academy to greet the contestants, ran around the arena, and shook hands with the bewildered etiquette officials——

"My...suck...father will suck...and be proud of me."

Amy and the others expressed envy. There is a saying among the upper echelons of Syltovis - only those without hope will enroll in Solz.

And as long as he becomes the Champion Academy and defeats the Elite Ranger as a merit, Theophilus might become the heir again...

The Academy of Magic at Saultes was followed by the Royal Academy of Magic in Montreal and the Abbey of Puddingborough.

Their battle was equally exciting, but in a different way - it lacked the crushing and increased the game.

Puddingborough Abbey is composed of believers who believe in the gods of the Order. In the turbulent year when the gods lost contact, they lost their magic, but they still entered the top ten of the empire, but sadly lost to the uncrowned king, the Royal Academy of Magic of Montreal.

Everyone is looking forward to the showdown between the Royal Academy of Magic in Montreal and the Solz Academy of Magic.

One is the most prestigious academy in the Tatooine Empire with profound foundations, and the other is a warlock who suddenly emerged and is very likely to grow into a legend.

The cheers of the arena floated from afar.

Dark room with curtains blocking the windows, some silhouettes sitting at a round table.

"This is the second gathering of the Losers Alliance..."

"Why loser? We haven't fought that guy yet." One of the silhouettes interrupted.

"No matter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you will always fail."


"You don't believe it? How long can you stand in front of that man's elemental army?"

The sneering silhouette closed his mouth, and then a rough voice sounded: "Why do you call him 'that person'?"

"Prevent that person from having true name perception and knowing our conspiracy..."

"Damn...you must be kidding..."

"I wish this was a joke too, but we've all seen that guy summon an epic mage."

The dark room fell into dead silence.

"...This is betrayal! Why did that gentleman help the warlock!"

“Then what’s the point of this ‘league of losers’?”

"Change a name? Like 'The League of Wretches.'"

"Now is not the time to be upset! The second gathering of the Losers Alliance is to find that person's weakness..." After a slight pause, he continued: "Now I have found the second weakness."

"We lost because we listened to your crazy ideas!"

"You won without my idea? Everyone, treat An...that person as an evil dragon. What we have to do is to find out his weaknesses one by one. Even if it is really a dragon, we still have a chance to defeat him!"

"The premise is White Dragon."

A few looked at him unkindly, and the silhouette of the speaker raised his hands: "Okay, my bad."

"What is the second weakness?" The silhouette who had remained silent from beginning to end suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Have you ever thought about why there are only three magic academies in the top ten..."

There are four warrior academies, three magic academies, and the rest are mixed academies.

"Because of the shortcomings of the spell caster. When the magic power is sufficient, no professional can get close to the spell caster, but when the magic power is exhausted..."

"Ha..." That cold snort came back.

"The unlucky fellow of Ophelia Elf Academy listened to your slander. It is said that the toilets in the arena were clogged after the game."

"Hey, I'm still here!"

"I haven't finished yet... How long does it take for a spell caster to cast a spell at once? How long does the reaction speed need?"

After the words fell, the darkroom became strangely quiet.

The silent silhouette spoke: "Go on."

The proud whisper continued: "I recorded everything. That person chanted a low-level element summoning spell, which took two to three seconds, and his reaction was more than two seconds. Our chance is here! "

"We just need to let him maintain his arrogance and attack suddenly when he doesn't react..." The whispering master looked at the silhouette that kept his mouth closed. "Elu Calder has the best say on this point."


"Well, don't belittle yourself. You were the closest to defeating him, and you also received praise from that person..."

"Well... I didn't know what was going on at the time. All I could think about was fighting."

Elu Calder doesn't talk about trades. The more people who lose to Annan, the more they can prove their gold content, and the harder it is to get beaten for spending 700 gold coins...

And they didn’t actually make a deal?

Elu Kalder couldn't help but wonder, is he special? He really thinks highly of himself...

"But we all only have one chance... and it's best to agree on who will do it."

"What's your suggestion?" asked the low profile.

"My suggestion is to put it in the seventh round, when he will be the most lazy..."

End of day one.

Solz Academy of Magic and the Royal Academy of Magic in Montreal won two games and became tied for first place.

The topic of the Top Ten Tournament has spread in the imperial capital, and the words that appear most frequently are "Annan", "Future Legend", and "Gem Star". There is also a lot of talk about the Royal Academy of Magic in Montreal as the host. As for other academies... Just like people will only remember the strongest person, no one cares about the second or third place.

Reis personally brought a delicate pastry to express his condolences to them, praising Annan's genius and ideas, and saying that the pastry was cooked by Frenda herself.

But there is no bonus.

Theophilus, who won a game, took Amy and the others to party late into the night, while Annan, the biggest hero, meditated quietly in the bedroom all night.

In the early morning, Vice President Boris knocked on the door of Annan's room with an unspeakable expression, revealing the businessman behind him——

This time the advertiser is The Magic Shop.

After negotiating the price in a familiar manner, Annan asked: "Do you have any requirements regarding the wording of the advertisement?"

The old mage with a gray beard praised: "It is best to highlight that the store has a long history and is protected by legend."

The next day's Top Ten Tournament was still full of spectators, and tickets were hard to get.

Annan continued to put on the cloak, and the audience saw that there were a few more lines of text in the blank space next to the Gem Star cloak.

【Steve's Magic Shop】

[Legend has been used since childhood and has a long history]

[Address of Imperial Capital Store: No. 55, Tulip Street]

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