A strange world

Chapter 433 Chapter 91 Magic Image Completed

Chapter 433 Chapter 91. Magic image completed

Annan spent all the money to build a nest for Ilimayas, and Ilimayas sold gems to build a territory for Annan.

"Is it too late to redeem the gems now?" Annan asked helplessly.

Ilimoyas nodded and temporarily left the lair.

The old land of Elland, Gray Canopy Camp.

Ilimayas found the gem dealer who had purchased the treasure and asked him to return the gems he had sold at a low price.

At first, the gem dealer wanted to resist with force, but after Ilimayas suffocated after emitting dragon breath, he suddenly remembered the rumors about the desert area...

In the end, the gem dealer's men were taught a lesson, and he returned the gems and, surprisingly, got the money back.

The violence of Ilimoyas proves her evil, and her return proves her lawfulness.

Knowing that Ilimayas wanted the gems back, Annan also returned the gold coins of Ilimayas's parents - with an interest of 500 gold coins.

Annan had no money just because he spent all the money he earned on Gem City - mainly replacing gravel with orichalcum. As long as he stops for a period of time, his magic ring will be filled with gold coins again.

As for the interest, it is used to please Ilimoyasi's parents and attract them to migrate to Gem City.

That crystal lair is more than enough to house Ilimoyas's tribe.

Gem City is currently constructing the city lord's palace, blacksmith shop, and spinning mill at the same time. The former is used to resettle people like Ingrid, and the latter is used to restore industry as soon as possible.

They built a camp on the west side of the forested mountains. Collect wood and find minerals. After a month of cutting down, the outer edges of the mountains seemed to have been bitten by something, revealing a patch of bare tree stumps.

After the soldiers drove away the nearby aliens, they discovered an open-pit copper vein and a limestone mining area.

Compared with Annan who only wanted to have a coastal town of his own during the Xingyue Bay period, Gemstone Bay with the floating city as its base made Annan become more ambitious - aiming for the floating city on Wilhelm across the strait. .

Although Annan hasn’t seen it yet.

The soldiers from the typhoon shelter were also motivated by their new home. It is said that those nobles and wealthy businessmen wanted to come but Olmedo stopped them. Her reason is simple. Annan needs workers to build a new territory. Can you move wood or hammer the foundation?

There was only one thing Olmedo took the initiative to ask Annan:

Typhoon Shelter Town is like Fast's crude description: a girl's skirt cannot hide secrets. The people in the town leaving through the portal have been discovered by nearby camps, so some people who have left have returned.

Some of them realized that Annan had found a territory, and some were bribed and came back to test.

Annan's answer was to let them stay in Typhoon Shelter Town. It would be best to let them have endless work to do... and then wait until they persevere. Then put fifty large elements on patrol in Typhoon Shelter Town.

On the last day of the first month of the year 1000 of the Saint Laurent calendar, Annan and Della came to the "dungeon" on the edge.

It's a dungeon in name, but it's actually just a felt tent guarded by elements.

Two of the five former prisoners died of serious injuries. Annan buried them in an open space outside the forest. In the spring, the weeds there should be particularly lush.

The remaining three included the Lord of the Watchlands. Their thoughts of resistance had completely disappeared after being detained by Annan for a month.

So when Annan came over for the first time, they were in for a surprise.

"Do you want to go back?" Annan asked.

"Are you going to let me go...?" The Lord of the Watching Territory, who had been fed for a month and did nothing, was a little fat.

"To be honest, I don't have much ill feelings towards you, because I just think you are stupid..." Annan looked at the lord who was sullen for a moment: "You don't know our origins? Or have you never seen the knights of the Tatooine Empire? I can't think of a good reason to describe you other than the cavalry charging at the windmill."

The lord was silent, but he was obviously ashamed - if Annan had said this when he was caught, he would have lunged forward with a roar.

"I do want to let you go, as long as you do one thing."

The tranquility of the Watch Territory was broken by the rapid ringing of bells.

The citizens hid in the houses in panic, and the guards hurriedly stood on the low wall, looking uneasily at the enemies parked outside the low wall.

"Your crazy lord was captured by us for attacking our city-state!"

The lord was pushed out, and Losi continued to shout:

"But our lord is merciful! He decided not to massacre you and allowed nobles and merchants to redeem themselves! Commoners can also do things for the lord and avoid death!"

The guards on the low wall whispered to each other, and Annan asked the lord: "Will you do this?"

"Will you let the nobles and merchants go?"

"As long as they redeem themselves."

"...I promise you." The lord showed some joy.

No one cares about the life or death of the common people, as long as the nobles are fine.

He's somewhat smart, but not much.

This is actually the consensus of all nobles. The upper class is connected by nobility, and the nobility is connected by blood. For example, Xian Na is actually a distant relative of Montreal's gold family.

But these nobles brought no value to Annan.

It's too ugly to call them moths, but a group of delicious and messy pigs is much more appropriate.

After the lord of the Watch Land shouted, Annan kept him true to his word, released him, and then accepted the ransom from the nobles and the confused people.

"Next time, there will no longer be a Watch Territory on the map of the Principality of Monta Bullock."

Before leaving, Annan warned him and the mad dog Archduke behind him.

I hope they won't be so stupid anymore... But he's called a mad dog, and it seems like we shouldn't expect him to be sane.

Send the people back to Gem City and hand them over to Ingrid for management. Annan was preparing to return to Syltovis: the method was to summon Dean Blehim to send him back.

At this time, Della expressed her desire to follow Annan. Annan told her that she could not appear in Syltovis because of the alien order. As a result, Dean Breshim said that he would not be punished for taking Della with him.

This made Annan realize that rules are just rules, depending on who enforces them.

Moreover, he is not strictly under the jurisdiction of the Tatooine Empire, nor does he need to obey the orders of the Principality of Montaburlok. Annan did something that violated the law in Srtovis, and it was not the city hall but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that dealt with Annan.

Annan, who wanted to understand this, took Dai La with him. Annan also wanted to take Little Spider with him, but the City Lord's Mansion had not yet been built, so he left Little Spider in Typhoon Shelter Town for the time being.

After stepping out of the portal, Annan rushed to the auditorium without a moment's pause and changed into his school robe.

The Red Ghost was floating above the auditorium holding the Philosopher's Stone, filming Dean Dumbledore announcing that Annan Potter, Alice Granger, and Martin Weasley had won 170 points for Gryffindor, surpassing Slater. Lin, won the Academy Cup.

After two months of filming, "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" has officially ended.

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