A strange world

Chapter 448 Chapter 105

Chapter 448 Section 105. Premiere of "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

Sltovis, Baird Opera House.

The premiere of "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is about to begin, and gentlemen and ladies holding invitations are entering the venue one after another.

The owner of the Baird Opera House smiled from ear to ear. These people entering the theater were clearly flashing gold nuggets——

At this time, he saw an uninvited guest arriving.

"Bello, I didn't know you still had an invitation letter." Wall Baird, the owner of Baird Opera House, said deliberately.

"I'm here to find you." The owner of the Sally Theater looked gloomy. "I didn't expect you to be as stupid as before."

"You mean I bought another manor?"

Wal Baird's smiling face made Bello kiss him hard with his boot...but that's not what he was here for today.

Bello sighed deliberately and looked at him with pity: "You think you are a hunter? But you are just a fox who thinks you are cunning! That warlock is the hunter! How long has it been since your opera house performed?"

"Why do I have to perform? I still have to go to all the trouble to invite actors, go around to promote, flatter those nouveau riche who don't know how to appreciate it, and give those greedy actors a lot of money! Now I just need to rent the venue to Mr. Annan, and I have Dozens of times the previous income!" Wall Baird's gain in the past few months explains it all.

"...Idiot!" Bello had to say bluntly: "They all went to see the magic image. No one will watch the opera anymore! Your opera house will be swallowed up by him!"

But Wall Baird is not really a fool. He knows the purpose of Bello's visit: "I'm not worried. Occasionally people still want to watch operas, but your stage plays are not as good as mine."

"We'll see!" An angry growl squeezed out of Bello's throat and he walked out.

"You just left like this?" Wall Baird gloated: "How about I give you a ticket for the sake of my old rival?"

The aggressive Bello stopped and walked back: "...really?"

On the other side, Annan also met an "old friend", Reis - he is really not young.

The owner of Gem Star Jewelry Shop came from the Imperial Capital, waving banknotes, just to get a piece of the "Annan Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" pie.

"Sorry, Uncle Reis, Annan Potter is a mage's story, there is no chance for gems to appear..."

"You must have a way, such as making the magic stone a gem produced by the Gem Star."

No businessman in the wizarding world is stupid.

Annan almost agreed to Uncle Reis's genius idea - but the reason why he didn't agree was simple: "It's too late, we are about to show it."

"For Frenda and Isabel's sake." Reis did not hesitate to move out his 13-year-old daughter.

Annan shook his head firmly: "They are my good friends, and I don't want our friendship to deteriorate."

"Nephew Annan, this is the gift I prepared for you..." Reis presented another valuable black gemstone earring.

Annan struggled to move his eyes away from the earrings that were as beautiful as his own eyes: "I'm sorry, Uncle Leis..."

"Okay...but you have to hold the gift." Reis forced the gift box into Annan's hand.

"How about this, I will wear this earring to promote you?" Annan accepted the gift anyway, took out an earring and put it on the lobe of his left ear.

Mr. Reis laughed with satisfaction and asked Annan what he was doing these days—he had been in Syltovis for several days.

"Running for Gem City...Uncle Leis, are you interested in opening a jewelry store in my floating city?"

"Does this count? Leave it to me!" As a veteran nobleman, the gem merchant Reis now sounded like a nouveau riche.

Annan walked towards the opera house, greeting local noble officials along the way. And when the target is a woman, he will say: "Mrs. Hudson...you ask about this earring? It was produced by the boss of the Gem Star next to me, Mr. Reis."

After meeting Alice and Martin, they entered the theater.

Because of the special nature of "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", this premiere was filled with big names: the city lord, the president of the parliament, the head of the knights, the earl... and familiar people.

For example, Xana's mother.

As the theater lights dim, the chatter fades away.

The familiar Blue Star logo appeared on the curtain, and then a new picture emerged: on a gloomy thunderstorm night, a red figure broke into a manor, killed a couple, and left a lightning bolt on the forehead of the infant baby. burn marks...

The story begins here.

Syltovis appeared on the curtain from a bird's-eye view, and the wealthy people in the theater exclaimed as if they had never seen the world before. For the first time, they saw something very close in the magical image that seemed far away.

People are always curious about what’s going on around them – this is the greatest advantage of magical imagery.

The story of Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is simple. Annan Potter's parents died at the hands of the Red Devil, but the divine protection they left on Annan Potter deflected the Red Devil's attack, killing him. Annan Potter was sent to the home of his aunt and uncle. Bullied.

When Annan Potter was fifteen years old, he received an invitation letter from Solz Magic Academy. It turned out that Annan Potter's parents were wizards, and he also had an affinity for magic. During the entrance ceremony, he was assigned to Gryffindor House by the Sorting Hat, so he met Alice Granger and Martin Weasley, as well as Principal Dumbledore and Professor Snape who cared about him.

He joined the fighting club because he inherited his parents' magical talent. He accidentally discovered that the ghost of the Red Devil was plotting a magic stone that could fulfill any wish. In the end, he fought with the Red Devil and defeated it, and finally saved Gryffin. Many colleges got first place.

In terms of depth, it is not as good as "The Fall of the Mage Tower", and in terms of intention, it is not as good as "Betal's Redemption", but it describes the mysterious life of a mage in the ivory tower for all audiences.

There is a high probability that those who have a mage at home will also show it to their children, and Annan will become their companion on their growth path in the future - if a sequel is made.

"Your acting skills are very good." During this period, Betty sincerely praised: "Whether it is the young and handsome Jack or the ignorant and naive Potter, you handled it with ease."

At the end of the two-hour screening, as the curtain dimmed and the lights came on, the audience who had watched a fairy tale applauded, mixed with calls of "Jack".

Jack and Rose's love runs deep.

It seems that there is no need to worry that "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" will not make money in Staltovis.

"Your third Magical Image is still a great success," theater owner Wall Baird couldn't close his mouth. "Are you interested in attending the celebration banquet tomorrow?"

"I still have something to do," Annan said.

He is going to the imperial capital to hold the second premiere.

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