A strange world

Chapter 463 Chapter 120 Necromancer

Chapter 463 Chapter 120. Necromancer

Many warriors were called barbarians because of their rough and unkempt behavior.

The reason is simple. Warriors usually need to face fierce battles and equally fierce competition. Paying attention to the meter is something that people with money and time need to consider, such as spellcasters.

But there is a group of people who are excluded: necromancers, necromancers, necromancers, necromancers... In short, spellcasters who are proficient in the necromancy system are not treated as "uncrowned nobles" by other spellcasters. When someone shouts and beats someone, it also annoys others.

Therefore, most necromancy spellcasters will stay away from towns. Because of the long-term loneliness and the influence of negative magic, they gradually become distorted and lose respect for morality and law, and then a vicious cycle begins...

More than a hundred miles away from Gemstone Bay, a team of destitute men who looked like beggars were advancing.

In the cold early spring, they wore bloated mage robes, held clattering wooden jars, and carried baggage. Loose hair and plaster stuck together, like a walking zombie. In the city, the well-meaning nobles will throw a few coins, and in the wild, the passing paladin may throw a group purification spell.

But these migratory necromancers find it very fresh. The wilderness and fresh air of melted snow are completely different from the dampness and coldness underground. There are also young weed shoots emerging from the soil, surrounding their old friends, crows...

Occasionally passing through a village under the rule of a noble, they were able to go in and have something to eat, and were stared at by curious children——

This is a very friendly place.

"Hand over your fucking baby!"

When they were approaching Gem City, a group of bandits stood on their way.

Perhaps it was their poor condition that allowed this group of bandits, who only had a few horses and a few sets of incomplete armor, to dare to rob them.

"Let me deal with them."

A female necromancer in the team stood up. She was shaped like a stunted peanut.

"Gentlemen, I am willing to pay some price in exchange for letting us pass..." The female mage pulled down her collar, revealing a piece of fair skin.

The leader of the bandits first looked troubled, and then tactfully explained that the 'treasures' they wanted were money and food.

"We have to make a good impression on the lord who is willing to accept us... Let's start by dealing with this group of bandits." A spellcaster with scars across his eyes, nose, and lips from his forehead said with a ferocious smile, and opened his baggage that smelled of rot.

A bunch of rotten short limbs that vaguely resembled a human form emerged. Before the Scar Necromancer started chanting, the bandits collapsed.

"Plague Mage! Run away!"

The bandits fled, and the Scar Necromancer retrieved the severed limbs as his companions ignored the corpses and the stench.

The female necromancer regretfully picked up the iron sword thrown away by a bandit and stuffed the weapon, which was still worth dozens of copper coins, into her backpack.

Annan was really startled when he first saw the necromancers who had taken refuge in him, but he quickly remembered that someone had told him that people are keen to judge a person's character by his appearance. If a person is rich, he must be docile. If a person is approachable and thin, then he will be cold and inhumane - this is wrong. Appearance should not be the criterion for judging a person. Who knows if a young and good-looking boy will party all day and all night with elves, orcs, ghosts and centaurs behind his back——

Wait, is that person scolding himself?

"I can assure you they are either orderly or kind."

After seeing the beautiful Gem Bay, the Gem City under construction, the splendor of the City Lord's Mansion and the luxury of the Crystal Lair, Henry already considered himself a Gem City native.

"I believe." Annan's eyes showed gentleness, and he said seriously to these refugee-like necromancers: "An unscrupulous spell caster will not be so miserable. Only those who firmly believe in the light will persist for the justice in their hearts... You have worked hard. ”

Annan's words pierced their hearts, and some necromancers were almost crying.

"Lord City Lord, what do you need us to do?! Form a natural disaster of the undead, or bring plague and death to the enemy!" The former opponent has now turned into a loyal subordinate.

There were still some kind-hearted necromancers in the team who frowned. Those necromancers who had received attention for the first time had already taken out a pile of human skeletons stained with rotten flesh.

They have morals, but not much.

Remains are the source of the Necromancer's power.

A boneless necromancer can only throw out mischievous curses. A necromancer with a large cemetery as a backing dares to attack a town. As for a necromancer with a dragon tomb... let's survive the dragon's revenge first.

"I don't need you to fight... Did you see the wasteland being reclaimed when you came from the north? I will make you farmers, provide you with bones to make a large number of skeletons, and then convert the skeletons into farmers. Let them take care of the farmland.”

"Sorry? What did you say?" The necromancers looked at each other.

Annan took a deep breath and patiently said again:

"I don't need you to fight... Did you see the wasteland being reclaimed when you came from the north? I will make you farmers, provide you with bones to make a large number of skeletons, and then convert the skeletons into farmers, so that They take care of the farmland.”

"...I'm leaving." Scar Mage suddenly cursed fiercely: "Do you believe his stupid words? Let us farm...cough-bah!"

"Protect Lord Annan!"

Losi, who rushed over, blocked the thick phlegm for Annan with his face, and without Ingrid's words, the surrounding soldiers surrounded the panicked necromancers with their elements and dragged away the culprit.

"You think so too?" Annan asked Henry and the others.

"We..." Henry hesitated, "Sir Annan, can you let us think about it?"

"Of course." Annan asked the soldiers to lead the necromancers into the mansion.

"What are you going to do with the attacker?" Ingrid stood aside.

Annan handed the handkerchief to Losey: "Handle it according to the law."

"The Gem City hasn't had time to make laws yet."

"Then...let it go."

Ingrid was stunned: "That's it?"

"Otherwise, what about lynching? Let the guards teach him a lesson? Or let Losey take revenge privately?"

Losey raised his head, eager to try.

"But he actually spat at you." This is different from the education Ingrid received: "No one in power will let someone who offends them so much, especially if he is just an insignificant person."

"There is a popular saying in my hometown that power means corruption, absolute power means absolute corruption, and law is the weapon to restrict power."

Ingrid chewed this passage several times: "He will not hear these words and will not appreciate you."

"It doesn't matter, what I need is justice."

Annan said deeply, the most important thing is: "Anyway, you didn't spit on my face."

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