A strange world

Chapter 469 Chapter 126 Daily life in Gem City

Chapter 469 Chapter 126. Daily life in Gem City

No group is as noisy as the goblins, nor the kobolds.

Those kobolds that look like lizards but bark like dogs are just noisy at best, while goblins are like a group of relatives suddenly nagging you in your ears when you are irritable, a double torture from body to mind.

In addition, the lifespan of goblins is about the same as that of humans, but their reproductive rate is about the same as that of ratmen.

Just four months after arriving from Typhoon Shelter Town to Gem City, eight litters of more than twenty little goblins were born. After more than a month, they were playing with the children in the orphanage.

Children are most likely to be dyed, especially when they were in the north and were well protected in the bottom nest. As future practitioners of Annan's philosophy, they played with the little goblins, at best bullying them based on their size.

But adults think there are too many goblins, because two goblins can make as much noise as twenty goblins.

Annan tried asking the goblins to stop making noise outside, but it was too difficult. Making noisy noises has almost become a talent of goblins. They can even talk to the spinning machine while it's being built!

Ingrid is also saying that at the rate of goblin reproduction, there will be 6,000 goblins popping up in Gem City in five years.

Annan wants to create a wonderful scene of racial integration, but he cannot ignore the objective factors of different reproduction of different races - ten elves may still be ten elves in the past hundred years. But ten Skaven over the past hundred years can give you a Skaven Kingdom.

It is equally difficult to prevent goblins from having children. Just like humans who are always restless at night, goblins also have to find something to do during the long night... They can't send people to watch goblins mate.

The last person to give the advice was Fast, who was fishing in Sltoves.

"Our organization has been through the same situation, and they have found that balance through the habits of all races, and they have developed rules from that."

There aren't many alien races in Gem City yet, but they can indeed draft the first chapter of a code.

For example, reproduction will be based on humans: all intelligent life cannot reproduce at a rate faster than one per year.

Goblin Dorai agreed to this law, and Annan also presciently added that "races that will be exterminated are not subject to this law" to protect some rare races.

And after the first chapter of the "Gem City Code" was promulgated, they had reasons to restrict the goblins.

But the goblins cried that they couldn't help it - because they were in heat.

Annan had no choice but to seek the consent of the goblin tribe to perform the surgery on them - thus discovering the necromancer's second advantage.

Necromancers who often work with corpses know the secrets of organs, especially Georgina, who has poisonous black lips. She can even tell the race by the organs.

Annan left the matter of birth control for goblins to Georgina, and hired her as a biology professor at the school and a doctor at the hospital.

On the day when the "Gem City Code" was implemented, Annan came to the hospital to comfort the goblins who had become fathers, and watched them being pushed into the operating room...

After coming out, the goblins will be able to treat their mates as sisters.

Dorai, who is already the leader of the goblins, also appeared in the hospital. Annan looked at it: "Everyone is here..."

"Being in heat will indeed make my head look like other goblins." Dorai thought about it seriously and actually agreed.

It was Annan who stopped it because Dolay didn't have any children yet. And as a smart spirit among the goblins, maybe its descendants will inherit its intelligence.

Annan did not give up to prevent Dolay, and Annan specifically told Georgina not to perform surgery on Dolay.

After Fast contributed his suggestions for the first chapter of the Gem City Code, Annan realized that the organization behind him contained great wealth.

Annan tried to find out more about the organization from Fast, but he said it wasn't time yet.

"I have a floating city and am a member of the sacred temple. Isn't it time?"

"From the bottomless abyss to the seventh heaven, from the endless void to the elemental plane, that organization went from being unknown to everyone to being completely annihilated... You are now like an ant crawling out of the ant nest shouting 'I am very good' Powerful'." At this moment, Fast was as knowledgeable as a mage.

But Annan felt that he was bragging... How could an organization like that take a fancy to Fast?

Annan had no choice but to return his focus to Gem City and the incoming envoys.

This is Annan's first ally in the strict sense.

And just like the Principality of Keating is a close and loose alliance, this alliance is also closely and loosely connected by the leaves of the World Tree.

There is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. The essence of the envoy is that Minister Franning is willing to release some goodwill to Annan because of the Elven Court.

Neat streets spread like spider webs, there are more and more beautiful houses, wheat sprouts sprout on the streets, and passers-by also wear clean clothes.

The Wine Lady also wanted a winery and a vineyard, and Annan sold her the most fertile land at the foot of the forest mountains.

Annan didn't want money originally. She helped him a lot in Breeze City, but the wine lady said that she could only help Annan "solve it" by herself, so she changed it to selling.

Before the envoys arrived, Annan also made all the residents of Gem City learn the common language - now, children can start directly from mathematics, magic, history, and biology.

The location of Gem City is not too remote, and coupled with the proximity to the bay and the trade developed by Fast Pants, more and more merchant ships are landing at the temporary port.

The appearance of outsiders also made Gem City prosperous. Evelyn and Andrew Luna's two taverns were full all day long, and even girls and bards came after hearing the news——

They also bring about mild chaos, after all, drunks are capable of anything. But when they sober up they find themselves lying in a prison cell, sent to work as farmers with the Skeletors at dawn.

After thorough purification, the skeleton rat-men are left looking scary, but enough to make these trouble-making guys come to the farmland with their crotches wet and accept the shock brought by the Gem City.

When the envoys arrived in about three days, Ingrid, who had read the history of the Principality of Keating, suggested that the aliens should hide: "The Principality of Keating was once divided due to the beast tribe, so the principality is extremely xenophobic from top to bottom... "

Chancellor Fronning was an accident, or a miracle.

"No need. We have to show our good side, but we also need to show our natural side."

Moreover, there are not many aliens in Gem City now. Only half of the nearly a hundred aliens who came from Xingyue Bay have left. Apart from friends like Della and the old orc, the remaining ones are basically goblins and little goblins...

On the first rain of spring in the year 1000 of the Saint Laurent calendar, the envoy from the Principality of Keating finally arrived.

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