A strange world

Chapter 476 Chapter 133 Instigating rebellion and mitigating

Chapter 476 Section 133. Instigating rebellion and mitigating

"Eat slowly, kid, there's plenty more."

Aunt Susan watched lovingly as Gemma stuffed apple pie into her mouth.

Gema must not have eaten anything good - there is no need to think about this. The Druid Avenger who believes in nature and stays away from the town probably usually eats berries and wild vegetables to satisfy his hunger.

"Are you my cousin?" Martin, who was also holding an apple pie, said blankly.

"What did you call me?" Gema raised his head with a circle of jam on his mouth.

"It shouldn't have been long since you became a Druid Avenger, right?" Annan asked.

"Well..." Gema didn't even raise his head.

Aunt Susan asked curiously: "What is a Druid?"

Uncle Hollin chimed in: "What is an Avenger?"

Martin raised his head: "What is not long?"

"Well... Druid is a being who protects the forest, and Druid Avenger is a being who protects the forest with power."

"Oh~" Aunt Susan seemed to understand, "Just like a knight? Little Lizi is actually a knight."

Gema buried her head lower, and only the sound of eating could be heard.

Annan grabbed a piece of bread and began to enjoy the dinner.

"I've finished eating." Gema jumped down from the chair, stood on tiptoes like a dance and saluted Aunt Susan: "Thank you for the food. This reminds me of the hiccups in the tribe——"

Gema burped, covered her mouth and ran out.

"I know she's not our cousin, and I know what a short time is..." Martin proudly picked up the last piece of apple pie, "I was just lying to her so I could eat more than she did."

This is Martin's wisdom.

"I'm going back first too."

Annan stood up, said goodbye to Aunt Susan and Uncle Hollin, and came outside the street.

"She ran to the coastal streets." The knight outside the door said respectfully.

When Annan rushed to the beach, Gema was lying on the fence, looking at the waves crashing on the beach.

"My people were killed by you humans, and the village was burned down." Gema lowered his head and whispered: "They came and asked me if I wanted revenge, and I said I did..."

"With all due respect, I don't think this is a human thing to do."

Gema raised his head and glared: "Asshole! Bad guy! Villain! Of course you would say that as a human being!"

Annan looked at her calmly: "You don't understand humans... living halflings are valuable."

"I do not understand!"

"Do you think humans will choose to kill an elf or enslave an elf."

Gema was stunned for a moment, showing a feeling of resentment and shame.

Annan continued to look at her: "I'll help you investigate the truth. You and I can be friends, okay?"

The eyes covered by broken hair seemed to have disappeared. Gema lowered his head and made a low "hmm" sound.

Looking at the fluffy chestnut head, Annan couldn't help but stretched out his hand——

"Why don't you pet the cat?"

Lily ran onto the fence out of nowhere, raised her head and stared at the palm on her head. Annan had no choice but to touch Lily's head.


The silly cat popped its head out from the side and meowed happily. The moonlight shining on it seemed to have covered it with a veil.

"Is there any way you can avoid conflict between me and your companions?"

Gema shook his head hesitantly: "I... the Avengers hate people who harm the forest very much. They say you are a vicious mountain burner..."

Plus those skeleton ratmen, so Gema just rushed in blankly.

Even Gemma is like this. The prejudice of the Druid Avenger will only become more ingrained, and it may even implicate Gemma, who is acting as a lobbyist.

"Do you know a tree druid and a druid named Da De?" Annan asked her.

"Treants... I seem to have an impression..." Annan patiently asked Gema to recall, "I remember that there was a group of druids in the Third Warcraft Mountain Range, and their leader was a tree person!"

"I have an idea. Can you go back to your companions and help me delay?"

"Let me try……"

Annan patted Gema's chestnut head, and Lily, who was sitting on the fence, also patted her.

"If you are in danger, just say that I coerced you."

"...You don't need to worry about it!"

Gema turned into a crow and blended into the dark night.

Annan picked up Lily who was licking her paws. After looking around for a while but not seeing the silly cat, he sent Lily back to the City Lord's Mansion and then to the Crystal Nest.

Ilimoyasi lay on her gold coin blanket and slept soundly. Annan's arrival only made her heavy snoring disappear.

Without disturbing Ilimoyas's sleep, Annan went to the "guest room" to visit the guests: three young dragons cuddled up against each other, huddled shabby on the ground.

Grasti, who was the most vigilant, raised his head, then woke up the other two blue dragons, and suddenly complained to Annan that Ilimoyas was a domineering sister who took away the money of his younger brothers and sisters...

Grasti and Cletalia were no strangers to Annan. They had secretly watched their sister have trysts with this man several times, and even turned into a human.

"She just...just..."

Unable to find a suitable reason, Annan gave up and quietly gave each of the young dragons ten gold coins.

"Hide well, don't be discovered by your sister."

The relationship between Annan and the three young dragons was instantly brought closer by thirty gold coins, and Cretalia even rubbed her head against Annan affectionately.

Annan patted Kretalia on the head: "I'm going back. If Ilimoyas finds out, they might guess that I gave you money..."

"We don't know anything. We picked up the money!" Cretalia promised, bidding farewell to Annan obediently.

Ymirs looked at the human's back, remembering that he had threatened him during the day, and suddenly gave himself wings.

In the city lord's palace, Annan opened the portal in the living room and told Olmedo what happened in the past few days.

"I need your help."

"I also have two teams of knights and a team of mages. I can send them both."

"What about Typhoon Shelter Town?"

"And those white dragons."

"They are too stupid. They might help outsiders attack the town." Annan couldn't believe Bailong and refused Olmedo's kindness. "Actually, I really look forward to Mad Dog Archduke bringing all his men to attack Liberty City now."

Trouble is coming, and Mr. Swallow and Dean Blehim will fix it.

"I need you to send some people to the third Warcraft Mountain Range to find the tree druids. They should be able to resolve the conflict between me and the Druid Avenger."

"The Third Warcraft Mountain Range is too big..."

"I also know..." Annan suddenly thought of something, "You take the white dragon with you! The tree man druid knows the white dragon, maybe he will guess that it is us."

The portal closed and Annan looked at the clock. It was a new day in ten minutes.

He holds the orichalcum, ready to start the new day in the good graces of the elements.

The Warlock's Notebook, a book that guides Annan forward, cannot be of more help. From now on, Annan embarks on a path untrodden by sorcerers.

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