A strange world

Chapter 484 Chapter 141 At least one must be left behind

Chapter 484 Chapter 141. At least one must be left behind

There was a clear division of labor in this banquet at the City Lord's Mansion.

Itilia acts as host to maintain the atmosphere of the party;

Ingrid quietly collected the preferences of the druids: Yolanta, the leader of the Avengers, ate nothing, Gelma ate everything, Treebeard loved the slightly sweet cup of dew, and Tad ate several portions of mushrooms. The orcs secretly stuffed vegetables with meat into their mouths. Serana ate nothing, but took some of each.

Michael and the orc druid fought. The reason is that Michael said that the staff with the horn can just crack the head of a rat, and the orc druid said that the roots of the tree can easily crack the skull of the rat man, so they asked "What kind of weight can crack the enemy's head the fastest?" 's head" debate.

Annan... Annan was having a friendly conversation with Serana. For example, I never knew there was such a beautiful race in the forest; is the difference between half-deers and centaurs elegance and dexterity?

"Why did you think of planting trees? I've never seen a human like you."

"Because the earth has nurtured us, I want to do something for this world." When Annan was about to answer, Gema held up the half-bitten berry: "I know, I know!"

The conversation between Annan and Serana attracted the attention of the surrounding guests due to Gema's shouting.

"An old man planted a forest, but was killed by a druid because he built a wooden house. The old man's blood seeped into the mud, and the whole forest mourned for him..."

Gema told the story that she remembered clearly, and Annan had no choice but to follow her words: "This old man's story infected me..."

"That's really regrettable... Yolanta, you really did something wrong." Treebeard believed it.

Annan felt a little guilty at first, but then he thought that even if it was made up, could he say it didn't exist?

But Serana still looked at Annan with her gentle and deep amber eyes, as if everything was under her control.

Failed the lie detector test...but who knows if this mysterious race has other ways of identifying lies.

"Of course I won't thank him." The bark elf Yolanta was still tough.

Annan now defended his fictional character: "But the forest does."

"Mr. Yolanta, how many trees have you planted?"

Yolanta did not answer, but Annan had the answer: "The Druid Avenger only punished those who harmed nature, but did not let nature recover even a little bit, right?"

The targeted words silenced the atmosphere of the banquet, and the Druid Avengers stared at Annan unkindly.

Annan ignored the gazes of others and kept talking to himself: "Did you know? Gem Bay used to be a wasteland."

Ingrid regained her composure because she knew Annan was making up stories again.

"But in the past, Gem Bay was part of the forest mountains. It was densely forested and bushy, and countless animals and insects lived here..."

"And our arrival has revitalized this lost wilderness. Have you observed those skeletons? They like to bask in the sun in their free time, and many birds will fall on them... Just as orcs can also become druids, why skeletons Nature cannot be protected.”

The orc druid hugging Michael raised his head.

"It may not be a good thing that all druids are natural druids, but it is definitely not a good thing that all druids are druid avengers. Revenge is your motivation, but don't be blinded by the flames..."

The Druid Avengers looked at Annan with confusion. The human city lord named Annan was right. There are real enemies in this world, why should we be hostile to Annan, who is not so hateful and is friends with the Nature Druid?

"I said..." Yolanta used a tough tone to soften her words: "I don't agree with you, but you are not an enemy."

After receiving the accurate answer, Annan raised his glass: "Respect nature."

Yolanta responded by picking up a glass of juice.

This rare banquet lasted all night, and Annan also showed them "Betal's Redemption" which best embodies the will of Liberty City.

"What happened to this city?" Serana asked with interest.

"Destroyed by the Skaven from the north."

Before dawn, the Druid Avengers said goodbye in Annan's regret.

Waving to Gema and Serana who turned back, Annan watched them transform into birds and disappear into the sky.

On the distant skyline, dawn appeared.

The Druid Avenger and Annan are destined to be friends rather than partners. But to Treebeard Annan, he asked directly in the tone of an old friend: "What do you think of Liberty City?"

"A place worth cherishing more than Xingyue Bay."

Annan didn't want this, so he led Shuxu and Da De to the farmland: "Did you see it? The wheat seeds you improved are sprouting..."

But feelings are useless in front of Treebeard who sees what Annan is thinking: "Mr. Annan, your territory can thrive without us..."

"This is impossible!" Annan would never admit it. "We know nothing about how to breed high-yielding crops and how to make saplings grow quickly."

There are no druid avengers left, so we can't let the natural druids run away...

"The druid should be in the woods..." Treebeard was firm.

They stayed in Xingyue Bay because the northern forest was destroyed by the snow wave, but there was no disaster in Gemstone Bay...unless Annan took the initiative to cause it.

Having thought of this, Annan turned his attention to the other druids.

"Dade, long time no see."

Da De is a half-elf. Her strong elven bloodline makes her tall and tall. Her brown hair entangled with dark green vines covers her degenerated pointed ears. She looks almost the same as an elven - except that she does not have the beauty of an elven.

"Long time no see, you...seem to be more beautiful again." Da De looked at Annan.

Ann ignored her wrong choice of words and lamented: "Remember when we first met? We didn't get along at all."

Da De said shyly: "I thought all humans were rude, but you were different..."

"Do you like Liberty City? I can use the gravel to build you an exquisite tree house."

Da De showed a tangled look... This was a good opportunity. Annan struck while the iron was hot: "Mr. Treebeard, I can always hire Ms. Da De, right? Liberty City still lacks a minister of agriculture."

Treebeard did not refuse: "As long as she is willing to stay."

"Lord Treebeard..."

Treebeard interrupted Da De who was about to explain, and said seriously: "This is not a test, Da De. You have a heavy responsibility... I saw a new path for druidry."

"Can I do it?" Da De was stunned by the sudden surprise.

"Annan believes in you, then I believe in you too."

Standing aside, Annan thought of the two troubles Mad Dog Archduke had caused for him: the elemental elders and the druid avengers all returned in vain.

"He must be furious."

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