A strange world

Chapter 537 Chapter 194 A brief reunion

Chapter 537 Chapter 194. A brief reunion

"Lord Tedder asked me to bring back three eternal magic stones."

Irilanze took out a bag of elf crystals. These elf creations, which shimmered in enchanting dreams, were worth the value of the eternal magic stone, and could also earn two to three thousand gold coins.

After Tedder told what he had seen in the Human Empire, many tribesmen became interested in magical images. She simply wanted to share the magical image with her people, but she didn't realize its own influence.

Annan had no reason to refuse. Although the entire Elf Royal Court is obviously worth more than two or three thousand gold coins, but now that the market is open, it will be difficult for them to refuse the fourth magical video in the future...

Moreover, the Elf Royal Court could have burned the Eternal Magic Stone directly without having to notify itself. This is a kind of respect - you can call it elven arrogance.

"I asked Ingrid to prepare it for you." Annan asked Abby outside the door to inform Ingrid. Before letting go of the elf mentor, he asked hesitantly: "Do you want to go back?"

Now Irelanze is not as dangerous and lusty as before. At least Annan no longer has to worry about being eaten by her when he is alone.

"What do you think?" Irilanze's tone became sticky again.

"I...depend on you."

Irilanze's elf eyes flashed with a dangerous light: "Then I will——"

"Did I bother you?" Ingrid appeared outside the door.

"You came at the right time." Annan, who was like a lamb in front of a gray wolf, found a sense of security.

Ingrid frowned and said, "Sorry, I don't want to join you."

"I mean……"

Annan quickly let go of Irilanze and gestured to the money bag on the table: "The elf mentor wants three eternal magic stones with magical images."

Ingrid opened the purse thoughtfully, took out six elven crystals and placed them in front of Yi Rulanze: "Teacher, can you please burn three eternal magic stones?"

To this day, the Elf Mentor remains the only master spellcaster in Liberty City.

"Send the magic stone over."

The elf mentor did not look at the elf crystals: "Annan, after I get the magic stone, I want to go back to the royal court."

Annan asked her what the Elf King's Court was like, and Irilanze's longing emerged: "It is a beautiful elven kingdom. The elves live freely around the Royal Court and do what they want to do..."

"But it seems that not all elves are qualified?" Annan asked tentatively.

Yi Ruilanze nodded lightly. They returned to the Elven Court because of the alien order and the rat plague in the north. Now that the alien order has ended and the rat plague cannot threaten Wilhelm, they are leaving the royal court again.

"What do you think of Liberty City? There are bays, mountains, and forests here..." Annan took the opportunity to send out an invitation. Ingrid was still there, but she didn't care about so much, "There are people who care about you..."

Ingrid's eyebrows furrowed slightly and the corners of her lips drooped, forming a "disgusting" emotion.

Irelanze is a moon elf. In addition to believing in elven gods, many elves are also believers of the Lady of the Silver Moon. Moonlight will give them strength, and their habitats happen to be forests, mountains, and coastal areas.

Yililanze's status in the tribe is not low. She hesitated: "I will try to ask my tribe."

"Remember to let them watch the magic images first." Annan suggested.

Irelanze stayed in Free City for three days. In the past three days, she had burned three eternal magic stones and bought a ticket for today's departure without delay.

Annan and Olmedo came to the port to say goodbye. In a rare move, Irilanze only gave Annan a face-to-face greeting and boarded the merchant ship.

Annan watched the elf mentor gradually move away with the sailing merchant ship. It's always sad to say goodbye to a friend... but at least Annan no longer has to worry about the elf mentor sneaking into his bedroom and climbing into his bed.

"Let's go back."

Annan said, turning around with Olmedo.

As they were about to leave the port, Losey brought in several hesitant port workers.

"What's wrong? Are Gal and the others causing trouble for you?" Annan remembered that he was the team leader, and Gal and several orcs were assigned to his subordinates.

"No, no..." the team leader waved his hand quickly, "They are very capable, yes... Mr. Francois said that we can tell you if we have suggestions."

"Yes, what do you think?" Annan asked with interest.

Workers talk a lot about Fast pants that tighten their waists.

Their main job is to load and unload cargo at the port. They have to squat and bend thousands of times a day. The button-down waistband of Fast pants always makes it difficult for them to bend down, especially after eating and drinking too much water...

"I'll have the textile factory improve it when I get back," Olmedo said.

Annan walked out of the port thoughtfully, then pulled Olmedo to the beach and drew the shape of overalls on the gravel.

These pants are held in place by two straps hanging on the shoulders and do not restrict the waist.

"I'll let the textile factory make it accordingly." Olmedo was quite indifferent. She was already used to Annan's whimsical ideas. "Have you thought of a name yet?"

"Overalls, overalls, Olmedos will work too."

"don't want."

Olmedo does not want the Olmedo family to be stained by him.

The Elf Mentor has left, but Mrs. Orlok is still in Free City. But she didn't have much chance to get close to Annan.

Returning to the City Lord's Mansion, I thought for a while and Annan took out the leaves of the World Tree that had been silent for several days.

"The elf mentor has returned."

Not long after, a gentle female voice that did not belong to the elf mentor sounded: "Have you forgiven me?"

"I can't blame you...but I wish you had confessed earlier."

Annan thought of the chat between himself and the fake Yililanze... As long as he was not ashamed, Tadel would be the one to be ashamed.

"Irilanze calls you Lord Tadel. Do you have a high status in the royal court?"

There was silence on the other side of the leaf of the World Tree for a long time, and Tedder seemed to be hesitating whether to tell Annan: "I am one of the elders of the Elf King's Court."

Annan exclaimed.

Tedder regained her original identity, but lost the lubrication of past friendship, and her communication with Annan became obscure.

Annan, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Ingrid passing by with a list outside the corridor. He remembered what he had to do next, and said to Tedder, "I'm going to get busy first."


The moment he put away the leaves of the World Tree, Annan vaguely heard a sigh from the leaves.

"This might be a bad idea..."

There was no other way, Annan hadn't figured out how to contact an elder from the Elf Court.

Now we can only wait for the elf mentor to bring the eternal magic stone back to the royal court and build a bridge of communication.

After running out of the living room and catching up with Ingrid, Annan asked Ingrid to prepare two more chairs and send them to the bedroom when he was ready to rest.

"Do you want to sleep or eat?" Ingrid asked.

"Eat after you fall asleep."

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