A strange world

Chapter 541 Chapter 198 Nuns and Housework

Chapter 541 Chapter 198. Nuns and Housework

What she saw outside the city—the skeletons in the farmland and the hovering white dragons—did not change her perception. Because there was no fear on the faces of the workers who were busy in front of the city wall. The soldiers did not stop her, and watched curiously as the barefoot nun entered Liberty City.

Her steps were gentle and firm, and only the laughter of children could make her stop. She looked at the children running by with a soft look on her face...

"An ascetic who claims to be your old friend is outside." Luo Xihui reported.

Annan thought he was an ascetic from the Montreal Mountains, but when Losey led the tall figure in, Annan stood up in surprise: "Madam, why are you here?!"

Bethal City, the abandoned church of the God of Justice and Bravery, the nun who adopted orphans.

Compared with the nun two years ago, she now looks embarrassed and haggard, but her expression is still as compassionate as a god.

"I received your gift," she said.

"I'll take you to see the children!" Annan said excitedly, leading the nun to the orphanage.

Of course the children who remembered the incident when Annan took her away remembered the nun and gathered around her. The children from the bottom nest didn't know each other, but that didn't stop them from jumping around the nun.

For example, Cathy squeezed in to rub into the nun's care, because being by her side was as comfortable as being by Annan's side.

Gentle nun, lively child...

"This scene is so beautiful."

The crisp sound that sounded next to her spoke Annan's heart.

"Do you know her?" Annan looked at Evelin.

"do not know."

"Then you filmed this scene?"

"I just have an eye for beauty."

Evelin disappeared as mysteriously as she appeared.

At this time, the nun stood up and came to Annan: "You took good care of them."

Annan motioned to the woman working in the orphanage who was standing far away to take the children aside, and Annan and her walked towards the orphanage.

"Children are the future and the innocent..."

Cathy forced her way in and grabbed Annan and the nun's hands. Then Annan saw Evelin appear outside the fence... He was not worried about turning into a scandal, because this scene was more like a young mother and her two children.

While taking the nuns to visit the orphanage, Annan revealed the origins of these children: "Did you go to Bethal City afterwards?"

"Well, that place has been occupied by ratmen."

Annan, who is half a northerner, was silent for a moment.

Betar became the Rat Land, Breeze City, and Star Moon Bay should be no exception... Oh, Breeze City destroyed itself in the end, leaving nothing for the rat people.

The nun said that she later went to several cities in the East, because the rat people and demons became neighbors, and there was a loss of order and refugees and orphans everywhere. She tried to help homeless children, but she was alone, a follower of the Old Gods.

Believers of the God of Justice and Bravery could only help the children, but they still could not prevent them from having their limbs cut off and thrown out to beg, abandoned to freeze to death, and adopted as playthings by nobles.

After receiving Annan's New Year's gift, the nun helped the children along the way, walking from winter to summer.

The heavy narration is when Annan and the nun came to the garden and watched the children chasing and playing in the garden before disappearing. Annan extended an invitation: "My orphanage has been short of a director,"

But the nun just wanted to see the children.

"I'm not needed here," the nun said. "You've done a great job and put smiles on the children's faces. There are many children out there who need help."

"But if you stay we can help more children."

"It's not a conflict," she said.

Annan would help the children whether the nuns were here or not. But if she left, other children would be helped.

"At least stay here for a while...the children miss you very much." Annan still insisted.

As a devotee of a dead god, what drives the nun is pure kindness. And that's exactly what Liberty City needs.

Cathy sensibly followed suit, waving the nun's hand and praying.

The nun, who could not refuse the child, agreed.

Annan breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he saw three black spots like seagulls appearing on the horizon. They are getting bigger and clearer.

Elimoas's younger siblings were left in front of the orphanage. When they are young, they are as big as a cow, but the children are not afraid at all and surround the three young dragons that come in.

In Liberty City, there's nothing to make kids laugh.

The children were laughing and the three baby dragons were crying. They cried that Ilimoyas had robbed them of their money.

"You stay with the children first, I have some...'housework' to deal with." Annan said in embarrassment, "What is your name?", "My name is Cathy" in the background, and the three young dragons came to the crystal lair. .

Ilimoyas, who was lying on the mountain of treasure, raised her head and shouted at the three young dragons who came in: "You actually complained!"

"You actually robbed your younger brother and sister of their money!" Annan's voice was no less than that of Ilimayas - his confidence came from the five gold coins he stole from her every day.

"They will spend the money carelessly..." Ilimoyas lowered her voice guiltily.

"We won't!" Ymirs, Cretalia, and Grasti said at the same time.

Ilimayas realized that the key to the money was Annan. She stretched her slender neck towards Annan, and her beautiful and majestic dragon eyes reflected Annan's outline: "My prince..."

"Do you only know this sentence?" Annan interrupted Ilimoyas' lines impatiently, and then said to the three young dragons: "But your sister is right, you are still young, no-"

"You guys are in the same group!"

"They're in the same group!"


The three young dragons angrily accused Annan and continued to quarrel with Ilimoyas.

Annan watched as their dragon scales flashed with thunder as they quarreled... Maybe the blue dragon's reputation for unity will end in Liberty City.

"If you keep doing this, I'll have to ask your parents to come..."

"don't want!"

Ilimoyas and the three young dragons said in unison.

Annan was confused at first, and then realized that there was a source for Ilimoyasi's behavior.

At this moment, Annan felt that Bailong was pretty good too. They are silly and heartless. They spend all day either chasing and playing or eating fish.

"Then... half of the gold coins given to you will be given to you, and the other half will be kept by Ilimoyas..."

Dragon's temperament always likes to be harmonious. For example, if Annan said that Ilimoyas and the three young dragons would give half of the money to each other, they would definitely not agree to it. But if you ask their parents to come, they will be willing to mediate.

Just after taking care of the blue dragon's "household affairs", Francois came to Annan again and said that the orcs were causing trouble.

Normally such trivial matters would not be sent to Annan, but anything about foreign races would go through Annan - because he has a special way of dealing with foreign races.

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