A strange world

Chapter 550 Chapter 207 Save or not?

Chapter 550 Chapter 207. Save or not?

"I want to save her."

In the living room of the city lord's palace, Annan said to Itilia and Olmedo.

Olmedo got up and left the sofa. "Have you read the newspaper?" Itilia asked him.

"Voice of Liberty? What happened to this issue?"

Olmedo took a copy of "Imperial" and handed it to Annan.

The Empire is the official newspaper of the Tatooine Empire. After releasing the meaning of need on the Montreal Mountain, Annan sent a tutorial to Olin and the ancestors, free of charge.

Compared with the "Voice of Freedom" which focuses on news from the Allen continent, the "Empire" focuses on the situation in the Tatooine Empire. Government orders, changes, deployments and wars are all in the same weekly newspaper, and "arrogantly" it is not in the form of a magic newspaper, but an ordinary newspaper. It was extended to the entire empire under the orders of Mount Montreal.

"Voice of Liberty" is the founder of magical newspapers, and "Empire" has become the best-selling magical newspaper due to the hugeness of the Tatoon Empire, with sales dozens of times theirs.

"The United Expeditionary Force Returns to Middle-earth Due to the Mixed Tide of Demonic Rats", Annan saw the title at first sight.

"Did they lose?"

If you think about it carefully, nearly six months have passed since the expeditionary force set off at the beginning of the year...

The newspaper recorded in detail the battles the expeditionary force encountered: the joint expeditionary force, which united the forces of various countries and lords, went north through the long corridor, bypassed the Elf Pass, and penetrated directly into the Black Iron Mountains from the east, where it encountered the first wave of rat resistance. .

There are endless rats in the underground, and the expeditionary force must clear out tens of thousands of rats every mile they advance. They had the opportunity to steadily clear out the McKenna Skaven hiding in the criss-crossing mines beneath the Dark Iron Mountains, but spending several months to only incorporate the Dark Iron Mountains into their territory was not in line with the consensus of all Middle-earth monarchs, so the commander commanded The expeditionary force crossed the mountains and penetrated deep into the hinterland, only to encounter a gathering demon army.

Then this is what Annan heard during the war with the Mad Dog Archduke. The expeditionary force and the demons began to encounter each other in the Rayman Rift Valley.

They held on there for a month, but were forced to retreat due to serious attrition, which became the words "Expeditionary Forces Shrink Front", "Expeditionary Forces Begin Tactical Retreat", "Expeditionary Forces Day" that appear in every issue of "Voice of Freedom" "Retreat" and "the expeditionary force was defeated".

The "Empire" coldly stated that the defeat of the expeditionary force was certain. It was a failed operation that neither recovered the occupied lands nor rescued the survivors. The problem was that each country was too self-conscious.

Annan was convinced that if they didn't use all their strength, they wouldn't be able to kill all the McCann rats and push the demon to the north of the snow-capped mountains.

But how could the Middle-earth countries be so damaged by the vitality of the North...

"I didn't expect that even our neighbors would fail. They are 'savages.'" Annan sighed.

The idea of ​​ratmen and demons joining forces...is terrible no matter how you think about it. Who knows how long it will take them to encroach on the North and then invade Middle-earth?

Fortunately, the floating city below gave Annan a hint of warmth.

"That's why the United Expeditionary Force was defeated now..."

The joint expeditionary force formed by the Tatooine Empire and other countries is like Annan and Olmedo working together to make money.

Together, Olmedo and Annan earned millions of gold.

The meaning of the eldest sister and Olmedo is also obvious: the expeditionary force failed, and neither can he.

"I can do it myself-"


Annan argued: "I am different from the expeditionary force. The United Expeditionary Force is so vast that it can be seen from dozens of miles away. It is impossible for the rat people and the demonic tide to remain indifferent, but I am only one person. But on the surface, I am a People, in fact, there are also Ilimoyas and the two epics. As long as I don’t encounter legends and stay in one place for too long, the rat demons can’t do anything to me.”

"We can skip the Black Iron Mountains... map!"

Ingrid, who was standing aside, took the map, and Annan spread it out on the table, trying to find the location of the Elf Pass.

"Here." Olmedo pointed casually.

Annan pointed at the Elf Pass and swiped up: "The McKenna Ratmen broke through the Elf Pass and the Elf Mountains, entered the hinterland of the Violet Kingdom, and headed straight for the Rekaner Kingdom. The expeditionary force's route was the same as theirs, and they were bound to encounter ratmen along the way. "

Annan drew a cross on the map of the Violet Kingdom with his finger, returned to the Free City on the Strait of Obiris, and drew east along the coastline: "Our purpose is to go to the royal capital to rescue people. So I can jump directly to Syltovis, jump from Syltovis to Montreal Mountain, jump from Montreal Mountain to this...this..."

"Zorn Tut Grand Canyon Side Town."

"This town on the edge of the Zorn Tut Grand Canyon, and then enter the Kingdom of Dimon. Mrs. Winter is there, and she also has the blood of the Montreal family. I can get more helpers there. Then directly enter the hinterland of the Kingdom of Rekaner, across the Pass through Rongguang County and Illida County and arrive directly at the Royal Capital!"

Annan pressed his finger hard on the map.

"The royal capital is here." Olmedo grabbed Annan's finger and moved it up a few centimeters. She looked at Annan: "Is it all worth it?"

Annan looked at Olmedo seriously: "If you had lived and died with Breeze City, I would have gone back to save you."

Itilia beside her quietly covered her mouth.

Under those dreamy black gem eyes, Olmedo no longer persisted: "Since you are going to set off, then make a big noise."

The war on the Pulai Peninsula was intense, but after the black jewel pirates disappeared, the surrounding sea fell into an eerie silence.

It is said that some merchant ships saw flashes of light, thunder, and terrifying roars. There is at least one epic hidden in "Sweet Home"... maybe a legend!

"Sweet Home" therefore became a restricted area, and on this day, the Hellfire Musketeers began to withdraw, leaving only 100 men stationed to continue teaching local townspeople and town guards how to use muskets.

Liberty City is once again at war. The city walls, mage tower and other buildings under construction were temporarily suspended, and all workers were supplied to the blacksmith shop to build magic muskets and plate armor that could arm three teams of musketeers before this week.

"I think they are a burden." Annan said honestly.

Olmedo says they won't slow you down, hide you and your purpose, and earn Liberty City's reputation.

Annan thought that they could promote Liberty City's specialties wherever they went, so he agreed to her.

During the preparation period, Annan asked the magic mirror every day for news about Princess Sayles.

The bad news is that Princess Seles' condition is still "very bad", and the good news is still "very bad".

He also went to Blue Dragon to check the apocalypse forecast. The countdown was six months... which happened to be the first day of the thousand and one year of the Saint Laurent calendar.

On the eve of departure, Aunt Susan looked sad because it would be Annan's "birthday" in a few days.

"I will let the soldiers go home for the holidays before their birthdays." Annan promised.

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