A strange world

Chapter 555 Section 212 Southern Trade

Chapter 555 Section 212. Southern Trade

Olmedo looked at the young man in front of him.

The linen coat... everyone could tell it was a disguise, and he looked well-mannered, like a knight. He spoke with an accent that did not belong to the North or Middle-earth. Either coming from the east, or... coming from the south.

"You told the guards that you wanted to trade with Free City?"

"I am Dwyer Gangdor, the heir to the Gangdor collar. I have found many interesting things in Liberty City."

"Please take a seat."

The Free City's trade was limited to the Middle Earth on both sides of the Strait of Obiris, and Olmedo realized that this was an opportunity to get involved in the south.

It's just that the young man who calls himself the heir to the Steel Duo Territory is not interested in magical images and magical newspapers, but the skeleton farmers in the north. "

Olmedo thought about it, rejected him, and came to the office on the pretext of getting something.

"Why not sell him a skeleton farmer?" Ingrid thought it was worthless - no one would spend dozens of gold coins to buy a skeleton that only knows how to farm, and selling a few gold coins would not make much money - a hundred Skeleton farmers are only worth a few hundred gold coins.

"What will happen if Breeze City loses its farmers?" Olmedo asked her.

"Losing farmers..." Ingrid closed her mouth, thinking that what Olmedo actually asked was "Skeleton farmers replace human farmers, what should farmers do who lose their jobs?"

"They will find other jobs...but there are not so many jobs in the city, and they will wander the streets with nothing to do..." Ingrid frowned, "But he has already seen the skeleton farmer, and they will learn from it sooner or later. .”

Skeleton Farmer has no technical barriers. Before the Year of Turbulence, a priest could do it, but now it only takes a few necromancers a few days.

"At least we won't be the ones who started this."

Just like the Susan spinning machine, improvements in production always come at a cost.

Annan gave Liberty City to himself, and Olmedo could not cause him any trouble.

"Give me one sentence from the most honest man in the world, and I will find a reason to hang him..." Ingrid recited a sentence silently, which meant that as long as you want to target a person, anything can be an excuse.

"Lord Olmedo, I have an idea."

A few minutes later, Olmedo returned to the living room.

"Have you ever heard of magic guns and magic cannons?"

"What is that?" the young man asked curiously.

Ingrid then came in with the Philosopher's Stone: "This is the image recorded by our war correspondent Evelin."

The two magic images are the damage caused by the magic gun to the leather-armored wooden target and the magic artillery to the plate-armored wooden target. The former was riddled with holes, while the latter was torn apart.

“They’re easy to learn, cheap, and accessible to ordinary people.”

Dwyer Gangduo showed an interested expression: "Are they also for sale?"

"Well, they are sold in conjunction with Skeleton Farmer."

This is what Ingrit came up with.

For Liberty City, they sold double the goods and got more profit. And for Gangduo farmers. They left the farmland and became better-paid soldiers.

"Can I see it with my own eyes?"


In order to prove the power of the magic musket, Olmedo found Fast, who was floating on the bay, and asked him to put on plate armor and hold a fine iron shield to act as a target.

"why me!"

"You are the only elite warrior in Liberty City," Olmedo said.

In the presence of Dwyer Gundo, the reserve lit the fuse. He followed Olmedo's example and covered his ears. Then, there was a dull roar, the gravel on the ground trembled, and an afterimage followed by a whistling sound shot toward the fully armed Fast thirty yards away.

There was no stalemate. Fast, who was in a defensive posture, was instantly thrown away, and his stainless steel shield flew away more than ten meters away.

The reserve musketeers ran over nervously. During the war with Mad Dog Archduke, they could guess the approximate power of magic artillery against elite shield-wielding warriors, but this was the first time that elite warriors faced it head-on.

The Musketeer picked up the stainless steel shield, and the front of the shield showed a concave arc.

Fast showed his bloody and trembling hands: "Without that shield, I would be dead."

Plate? It is useless in front of the magic artillery that is as powerful as the fireball technique.

Dwyer Gundo is a young man. Just like he couldn't resist the temptation of the succubus, he couldn't pretend not to care when he saw the power of the magic artillery.

An elite mage can only release fireballs one to three times a day, but magic artillery can fire dozens of times a day before being damaged...

"The magic artillery costs two hundred gold coins each. I want ten first, and then how about giving me three hundred skeleton farmers?"

Olmedo hesitated because the magic artillery they sold to Mrs. Orlock only cost 60 gold coins each.

"Two hundred and twenty gold coins." Dwyer Gangduo, who thought the price was low, said with an expression of "take my money quickly".

"It's still two hundred gold coins. I think we can carry out long-term trade."

Dwyer Gangduo looked grateful: "Of course!"

Throughout the next day, Deville Gangduo signed trade terms with Olmedo on behalf of the Gangduo Territory. In addition to magic guns, magic artillery, and skeleton farmers, there were also transactions in some local specialties, and merchants would be dispatched from Free City. Go to Gangduo Territory to do business and trade.

Staring at the trade volume approaching five thousand gold coins in the contract, Ingrid couldn't help but sigh that the southern countries were really rich...

It only took one day for Annan to travel from the northern shore of the Strait of Obiris to the central part of the Dimon Kingdom near the northern border.

After all, no force would use an epic mage so extravagantly - even though Dean Blehim was from the Empire.

After the first battle, no one among the soldiers and mercenaries who followed them looked down upon the Musketeers anymore, and they understood why their belief was born - if they could harvest ratmen without casualties like wheat, they would also Will have faith.

The expeditionary force then fought several more battles to become familiar with each other's styles. At dusk, the mercenaries began to get lazy.

There is no profit for the Rat Whackers, and no lord would put a bounty on these endless rats. The Rat Whackers are so poor that they only have meat, but their meat is smelly, and they even secretly dig through the trash cans filled with vomit outside the tavern all day long. None of the goblins were willing to touch it.

When the expeditionary force was getting ready, Annan, who was with the dean, saw a lonely wooden house with lights on a low hill in the distance.

This is a rat-infested border. The local residents have already fled to the east, and there is still a strange building that seems to have people there.

"I'll go over and take a look." Annan said to the dean.

The dean waved his staff and cast several advanced defensive spells on him, and then Annan approached the weird wooden house.

The twisted dead trees, the crows on the tombstones, the wind chimes swaying in the wind and the quiet atmosphere... make this place feel like a witch's house.

Especially when Annan approached, the wooden door made a "squeaking" sound and opened little by little.

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