A strange world

Chapter 557 Chapter 214 Personal Heroism

Chapter 557 Section 214. Personal heroism

"Here we are."

Annan and Dean stood at the border of Dimon Kingdom, with a barren hilly landscape in the distance.

"Where is this?"

"Dark Forest."

The devastated land has long since lost its natural breath, and a deathly silence lingers in the sunset. Annan still remembers the moon elves he met in the dark forest, and wonders if they have moved away.

"Take a day off and rush into the old capital tomorrow with all your strength."

Annan said that he and the dean came to the deserted town and opened the portal for the last time today.

The expeditionary force of nearly 6,000 people was here to repair. Annan told them that starting from tomorrow, they would take the initiative to cause trouble for the rat people and demons.

Mira Dia brought information about the three thousand people. Two-thirds are professionals, and one-third are homeless and hateful people.

104 elites, two masters... these are the professionals that the Free Expeditionary Force accepted in just one day.

If they had stayed on the border for a few more days, more people would have joined the expeditionary force. But frankly speaking, if he didn't need meditation to restore his magic power, Annan would have wanted to run to the old royal capital at night.

Mayor's Mansion.

Annan fell asleep after meditating. But what emerged this time was not the familiar shadow, but the increasingly heavy body and the sudden appearance of light.

Annan was captured and thrown into the Holy Temple Council.

The priority of the Holy Temple Council is actually higher than the Curse of the Demon King... This is probably good news.

This meeting of the Thirteen Supreme Kings was actually because of the Freedom Expeditionary Force. Annan quietly puffed up his chest.

Some monarchs and lords proposed to support them, but some believed that the tide of rats and demons was endless. If one elder was killed, a hundred elders would jump out tomorrow. This kind of expeditionary force existed for fighting. significance……

The smoke bombs spread worked. Except for the ancestors, Oulin and a few people, no one knew Annan's true purpose.

Annan's seat was further away from the periphery, so that Khamis VI, who was staying on the penultimate lap, could no longer whisper to him.

"My envoys should arrive in two months. The name they mentioned sounds like yours..."

"that's me."

Khamis VI looked comically shocked.

The Holy Temple Council ended, and the final result was that the High Thirteen Kings encouraged all monarchs to regain their old lands, and the regained territories would be theirs.

This seemed to be a very important decision, which made many monarchs breathe heavily, but Annan didn't pay much attention.

It is enough for him to govern the Free City well. The scenery there is beautiful, there are no foreign enemies, and there is tranquility...

When I woke up from the sacred temple, the white fish belly appeared on the horizon.

On a new day, Annan asked Magic Mirror: "Mirror, Magic Mirror, is Princess Sails okay now?"

"very bad."

The magic mirror's answer remained unchanged.

Annan walked out of the bedroom. Dean Blehim was sitting in the living room, flipping through the mayor's collection of books.

"Good morning, Dean."

"Hello, Mr. Annan."

Dean Blehim was key to Annan's raid. As the dean of Solz Magic Academy and Lilith's teacher, he did not reject Annan and became more and more entangled with Liberty City.

Mr. Swaro would not refuse, but he did not mind causing Annan to suffer some more in the process of helping...

Annan came to the window, and the expeditionary troops woke up one after another. Some thieves plundered the town out of professional habit.

Annan is very optimistic about the next action: the main force of the rat people and demons is in the Black Iron Mountains near the Violet Old Land, and there will not be too many troops in the hinterland.

"Maybe we don't encounter any resistance and can go back to Xingyue Bay to take a look."

"Lord Annan."

At this time, an elite ranger walked in, his face looked ugly. "You should come to the border and take a look..."

Annan's good mood in the early morning gradually faded.

Ten minutes later, Annan, Dean, Mira Dia and the rangers came to the low wall on the border and saw the endless rat tide in the distance like a black carpet, spreading across the land.

Among them were a large number of elite rat people and rat priests holding bone staffs.

The scale of this rat tide will only be larger than the rat tide that once attacked Xingyue Bay.

"Why are there so many in the hinterland? How do they survive..." Annan frowned and whispered.


A ranger's eyes sparkled with hatred.

"Change the plan." Annan's black eyes reflected the black waves in the distance.

In the final analysis, the Joint Expeditionary Force was too disappointing.

If the expeditionary force persists in the old land for a month, they will be joined by some mercenaries and homeless people.

If the expeditionary force persists in the old land for two months, mercenaries, believers, and border soldiers will appear on the battlefield.

If the expeditionary force persists in the old land for three months, then the Kingdom of Dimon, the Tatooine Empire, the Principality of Montablrock, and the nobles who have lost their homeland will join the war.

If the expeditionary force persists in the old land for four months, all the attention of the rat people and demons will be attracted to them, and they will converge towards the south crazily.

If the expeditionary force recaptures the Elven Pass or the Black Iron Mountains, assistance from all races will emerge from the earth and form knots in the trees.

It's a pity that they never persisted from the beginning and have been in a state of defeat and exhaustion, leaving no hope.

There was no sparkle or hero in the entire expedition, and the story was heartwarming, as if it was just to tell everyone, "We tried our best."

Back in the town, Annan asked the ranger to tell the expeditionary force what he had discovered.

"What can you do?" Mira Dia asked.

"These rat tides are coming towards the Kingdom of Dimon." Annan said, and asked Mira Dia to send rangers to the gathering place in the east to cooperate with them, and asked the lord to send troops to resist with the expeditionary force. Then retreat to the south. "

"You want them to be used as bait?"

"It's not a bait, it's to lure away the rat people. Then we sneak away to the old capital."

The initial plan was for Annan and the dean to set out alone. He also wanted to take the bard with him and ask him what he was good at.

The bard traced the lute with his fingertips: "I can keep the rat people in a happy mood while eating."

"I mean us."

"Being eaten keeps us entertained."

The bard is of no use at all.

Kicking him into the expeditionary force, Annan allowed everyone to make fire and cook.

There is no point in hiding the existence at this time, and it can also be used to attract more attention from the rat tide.

Annan found Femi and Losi and told them that the next task of the expeditionary force was to distract the rat people and lead the rat tide south. They must not be surrounded by the rat tide.

This is how the United Expeditionary Force lost. They gathered countless elites, masters, and epics, but because of their rashness, they were surrounded by a tide of rats and demons, and were eaten away bit by bit.

If the epic mage hadn't finally broken through the confinement and opened the portal, there would have been no survivors in the expeditionary force.

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