A strange world

Chapter 583 Chapter 240 Autumn Harvest

Chapter 583 Section 240. Autumn Harvest

Liberty City's revenue in September was 534,728 gold.

Among them, the tax revenue was 312 gold coins; the revenue from specialties such as Fast pants, umbrellas, waistbands, lemon soda, and soap was 5,563 gold coins. Among them, lemon soda and soap were very popular, almost Accounted for half of the revenue; the profit from the magic guns and magic artillery purchased by Earl Ulmit and Mrs. Orlok was 6,073 gold coins; the profit from the magic image was 522,780 gold coins.

With your finances flush, it’s time to spend money.

First is the Mage Tower. Ingrid purchased nearly 400,000 gold coins of orichalcum - whether it was a mage tower or a floating city, orichalcum was needed to stabilize the structure, and there was never too much.

Construction of the stagnant mage tower resumed, giving those mages who chose to stay a home.

The remaining 100,000 gold coins were used for trade with other countries and to pay workers.

This is the difference between Free City and other city-states: behind the ports, shops, and farmland of the outside city-states are the shadows of the nobles who control them. In Liberty City, behind these infrastructures is the city lord's palace.

This is normal. This is the case in the early stages of development of city-states. For example, in Montreal Mountain, the gold family that controlled the market behind the scenes had been in control for nearly a hundred years before gradually decentralizing power due to interest exchange, mismanagement, corruption and other reasons.

But Annan has no intention of delegating power. At most, he will sell some real estate and small businesses that do not involve people's livelihood to businessmen.

After all, other cities do not have the means to make money like Liberty City - they can afford losses, and there is no need to distribute profits to greedy nobles and businessmen.

The income from "When Freedom Knocks on the Door" continued, and Itilia accelerated the construction of theaters in various places, and also took the first step of cultural invasion in the south: opening the first theater in Gangduo District.

The place that Idilia wanted to get involved most was Wilhelm...but that place was completely ironclad, and the group's forces and their arrogance gave them no chance to get involved.

Annan took Itilia to consult his ancestors, who said that Wilhelm was the most exclusive place. Even the Golden Family will be prejudiced in Wilhelm.

On the bright side, the Skaven couldn't plant a traitor in Wilhelm like they did now.

Wilhelm is eternal Wilhelm...

Usually when you say that, something is very wrong.

On the other side, Annan's troubles continued. Three days later, Annan fell into a dream for the second time and encountered the same sad story again.

Annan confirmed that the demon king was indeed back.

The distressing thing about the nightmare is that the Demon Archduke uses people around Annan to create nightmares, including but not limited to reenacting the fall of the Mage Tower, but the heroine is Olmedo... Because it is too real, Annan always confuses reality and dreams. The third time, he had to initiate a truce request - holding the magic stone in his dream.

Interestingly, when Annan took the magic stone into his dream, he returned to the familiar lava lake - but after the screening of "When Freedom Knocks on the Door" ended and the work of the imitator Wai Gua Pi Zao was played, Annan was thrown away again. Back to the nightmare.

It seems that the demon king's remaining anger will never go away.

Annan woke up and asked for foreign help: he called the Bert brothers and asked them how long "Dream Princess" would last?

"My lord, before it cools down."

Brothers Betty, Tina and Bert are responsible for "Dream Princess". Annan transferred them when he was filming "When Freedom Knocks on the Door", and "Dream Princess" was temporarily suspended. However, the Bert brothers also learned the magic image shooting skills at close range.

"Dream Princess" will be two months away, and the magical images outside are shoddy. Annan has no choice but to passively accept the nightmare and try to build up tolerance for himself.

Thinking on the bright side, at least other people are not qualified to read the nightmare stories spun by the Demon Lord.

It’s mid-September and the autumn harvest is approaching.

The wheat fields in the north of Liberty City turned into a golden ocean. Most people in Free City have escaped poverty, but this harvest still makes them happy.

There was an insignificant autumn rain a few days before the harvest. On the harvest day, all two hundred skeleton rat men went out to harvest the wheat.

There was also a lack of manpower to grind them and process the grains.

Annan thought manual grinding was too slow and asked them to build several windmills in the north.

Taking advantage of the break, Annan also did something.

For example, since there are too many tourists coming from far and wide to taste succubi, their service procedures should be standardized. There are also picky lust demons, and Annan allows them to do whatever they want in Free City, as long as it does not violate the "Free City Code."

As a result, these lust demons either disguised themselves as girls in distress and created love opportunities for heroes to save beauties. Either he spends the whole day arguing with professionals in the tavern, or he spends the whole day squatting around the city lord's mansion to guard Annan.

Annan also took the time to find the "second smartest" Aggie - but there were seven of them.

"Which of you thinks you're smart?"

One Aggie retreated, and there were six left out of seven.

"Which of you went to school?"

One Edge quits, six remaining with five.

"What intention do the brown curtains in the City Lord's Mansion express?"

One Aggie was speechless, and only four of the five were left.

"Tom and Jerry are running towards each other from their respective homes. Tom's speed is 5 kilometers per hour and Jerry's speed is 3 kilometers per hour. They are 10 kilometers apart. How long will it take for them to meet?"

One Aggie answered incorrectly, leaving only three out of four.

"The revenue of Liberty City in September was 534,728 gold coins. Among them, taxes were 312 gold coins; specialties such as fast pants, umbrellas, corsets, lemon soda, and soap The revenue was 5,563 gold coins; the profit from the magic muskets and magic cannons purchased by Earl Ulmit and Mrs. Orlok was 6,073 gold coins, and the rest was the income from the magic images. May I ask about magic? How much is the revenue from the images?”

I can’t even name one Aiji, and there are only two left of the three.

"The grain processed by a windmill running for one hour is equivalent to one hundred workers working for eight hours. Liberty City is preparing to build three mills. Assume that the autumn harvest of Liberty City grain is 3,000 tons, and a worker grinds 100 kilograms of grain a day: the windmill mill needs How long does it take to grind and how long do three hundred workers have to work?”

One Aggie miscalculated the answer, leaving only one of the two.

Annan looked at the last remaining Aggie expectantly and asked some more questions, but when it came to the four-digit arithmetic operations, he was also stumped, and there was no one left.

This instead brings out the intelligence of Ivana Ser - Aggie became second because his wisdom is only second, and she became first because the highest is only first.

But it is still worth cultivating: because as Annan continues to ask, Olmedo is third, Itilia is fifth, Ilimoyas is tenth, he is seventeenth, and Layla is second hundred and third.

Leila single-handedly lowered the average IQ of the City Lord's Mansion.

Annan didn't ask Martin, luckily he didn't.

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