A strange world

Chapter 592 Chapter 249 Prepare for war again

Chapter 592 Chapter 249. Prepare for war again

"We can no longer rely on others."

The radiance of the autumn morning falls on the small coastal town filled with smoke and sea fog.

The harvest season has passed, but to the north of Free City, a strange shroud rises over the barren lands.

Olmedo looked away from the scenery outside the window and looked at Annan who pushed Itilia in.

"What happened?"

Itilia's soft hands covered the back of Annan's hand holding the armrest.

"Well... there was a Holy Council held last night, and those guys were still arguing. In the end, they just sent a joint investigation team to the fortress to investigate."

Annan couldn't help but feel sick when he thought about trying to cooperate with such a group of guys.

This is Middle-earth, separated from Wilhelm by the Strait of Obiris. If Chaos is allowed to hit here...it means that there is no need for the Saint Laurent Calendar to exist anymore.

Especially when humans allow this to happen because of their ugly selfishness.

Annan even thought radically that if it came to that point, he would give up resistance and lead Liberty City to join Maria. Anyway, I just want to be the city lord of Free City, and it doesn’t matter whose city lord I am. As for the trouble caused to the ratmen and the ratmen they killed... they probably wouldn't mind, after all, even the ratmen themselves were beating them up.

If Maria cannot protect herself, she will flee overseas with the Free City and become a real Free City.

"We are hard-wired to care about things that are far away from ourselves..." Idilia said softly.

In the final analysis, the Allen Continent is too big, and the crisis in just the north or the west of the north is none of their business.

"Yes, so I have thought about it. I am only responsible for Liberty City, my family, friends and people..." Annan looked at Olmedo.

Itilia supported herself, and now her opinion was left.

"You should have done this a long time ago."

Olmedo, who was taught by his father to be a good city lord since childhood, has always practiced this.

Annan's decision passed without any hindrance. But before making the announcement, Annan had one more thing to do.


In the bedroom, Annan, who fell asleep early in the morning, appeared on the edge of the lava lake, and then the surroundings flickered, turning into the familiar yet unfamiliar city lord's mansion... It was as if the demon king didn't react.

"The Demon Lord, I want to ask you a question." Annan humbly said to the Demon Lord who was watching here.

The heroine this time is Evelin... She looks only five or six years old, and the one next to her also looks like a child.

A new nightmare has begun, but Annan knows that the demon king is still listening.

"Do you know which demon king the demon tide in the north of the snow-capped mountains belongs to?"

Annan still remembers when Belludonna introduced the Abyss, she said that the will of the Abyss affects the demons all the time, and even the demon king cannot resist the chaotic nature... As long as the demons unite, even if they only unite for a while, the Nine Hells will disappear. layer.

Fortunately, they can't do it at all, and the devil has been acting as a stick for them to beat around. Annan thought there was a chance to find out something from the Demon Lord - provided that this Demon Lord was not the Demon Lord behind the demonic tide.

Probably not...otherwise it would have no reason to use the blood of madness to control the Montaburlock family, manipulate their lives, and then seek revenge after being destroyed by itself.

The nightmare this time seems to be that Annan and Evelin are childhood sweethearts. They live and play together, become members of the Magic Academy, and meet to visit the Mage Tower... During this time, Annan has been trying to elicit a response from the Demon King.

Annan thought that the Demon King would repeat the plot of "The Fall of the Mage Tower", but after they entered the Mage Tower, Evelin was suddenly rescued from the tower by a strange young man.

Annan plays not Jack, but his fiancé Carl...

Annan's breathing was stagnant, showing pain - he was pretending. The hunter will only say a few more words out of pleasure when he takes the bait.

This is Layla’s experience.

Annan looked like he was in pain and couldn't breathe, and said intermittently: "It leads the demonic tide under its command to attack the Allen continent, but you can only hurt me with a curse... It's really boring, isn't it?"

"Why don't you try to control me and create some little trouble for it? Then it will no longer be proud of itself in front of you. You will only see its angry and helpless stupidity..."

"Evelin" who was lying on the ground stood up and said stiffly in Annan's expectation: "You will lose everything about you."

"You mean, it is really preparing to attack Allen Continent?"

Evelin looked at the darkness outside the mage tower: "They will swallow this place up."

These are enough tips.

"You are really the best demon king in the world! See you later!" A delighted Annan disappeared from the nightmare.

As the only audience member of the stage play left, the stationary puppets suddenly melted with the mage tower, and the twisted heat rose, returning to the appearance of the lava lake.

Hot and boring, it seems like it has been like this forever.

Annan woke up and ran out of the bedroom, eager to tell the news to her eldest sister and Olmedo.

On the way, Annan became more and more angry thinking about nightmares. He couldn't deal with the demon king, so he asked the maid Abby to tell Fast that Evelin was suspected of puppy love.

Although Itilia and Olmedo were skeptical about "The Demon King told Annan that the Northern Demon Tide was indeed preparing to launch an attack", they still assumed that this was true——

As the projects in the city were completed one after another, many people fell into a state of having nothing to do, and a new round of construction just started to keep them busy.

Next, in addition to the long-planned mage tower and arcane energy core, the northern city wall began to accelerate, and plans to build a city wall to the west and east began.

The northern city wall is used to prevent the Principality of Montaburlok from blocking the demons, the western wall is used to prevent the demons from crossing the forest mountains, and the eastern wall is just for supplementary purposes - not far over there is the Tatooine Empire. If even the empire had lost its territory, Liberty City would have drifted overseas by then.

As the only two allies in Liberty City, Annan told Mrs. Winter and Girardi one after another.

Girardi has many shortcomings, but his strengths are indelible: his belief in Annan and his fear of death.

After his request to personally visit the Free City at an unspecified time was rejected, Girardi began to gather the wealth and population of the principality at an accelerated pace, intending to turn the Watch into a barrel.

As for Lady Winter, she promised to move the people there first, but she and Annan agreed on the dynamics of the northern devil - they would observe it for a while.

Ancestor Annan also said it again. She said lovingly that she understood, without asking Annan where he knew it.

As December approached, and the first snowfall in Liberty City was approaching, a news was published in the Empire Newspaper: The joint investigation team set out.

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