A strange world

Chapter 598 Chapter 255 Dream Princess

Chapter 598 Chapter 255. Dream Princess

After the dinner, Joan learned about Klein's origins from other guests, and Klein also learned that Joan was pretending to be a princess.

"This can attract the old people of the kingdom to come over..." Joan An was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't deceive Annan's companions anymore.

"Annan...is he okay?"

"It's so good, it's even more majestic than in Xingyue Bay!" Joan said enviously, while secretly sizing up Klein.

Her armor weighs at least a hundred pounds, and is taller than the orcs at school. You can guess how tall and strong the woman in the armor is. Could this guy also belong to that guy...

"Are you from the Kingdom of Dimon?"

After a moment of silence, a dull reply came from the scratched helmet: "I am a Ruikaner... My family was liquidated by the betrayers because they refused to give up resistance..."

It was a memory of pain, hatred, blood and tears. In the end, Klein fled to the Kingdom of Dimon alone, burying his hatred and training himself here.

The marks carved by knives and axes on the armor were left during this year.

Joan thought that the disappearance of tens of millions of people in the entire Rekaner Kingdom could never be explained clearly in a few words.

She deliberately changed the topic to a lighter one: "How did you meet Anan?"

"Michael's mercenary team."

"I know him! He is now the chief alchemist of Liberty City." Finally, he reached an area that Joan An understood. "Annan also worked as a mercenary?"

"At that time, he had just arrived in Breeze City and was still investigating the attack. I left after Xingyue Bay was established."

It is easy for people who have lost their past to dwell on the past. She thought of the brief but interesting life of the mercenary team.

Michael and Francois followed Annan to Xingyue Bay and went to the royal capital to study. There was no news about Katarina after they separated from them. With her crazy personality...either she is headhunting everywhere to enrich her own collection, or she becomes someone else's collection.

After Klein finished speaking, Joan looked at her expectantly, like a puppy wagging its tail, ready to tell her about pretending to be a princess to deceive Annan after Klein asked her, but she didn't ask anything, like a stuffy can. .

Joan was unhappy and stayed in the bedroom to rest for the night. When I came out, I saw Klein standing outside the door, exuding a cold feeling.

"You haven't slept?"

Joan reached out and touched the armor, leaving a gradually fading wet fingerprint on the steel armor.

This made Joanne extremely distressed, and she pulled Klein to try and get him into the house, but she was not strong enough to pull Klein at all.

She puffed up her mouth: "I am a princess now!"

Klein then took the initiative to step into the room and explained: "You are the person arranged by Annan, and you are also playing the role of Princess Rekaner. People with hatred may cause trouble for you."

Joan stood on tiptoes to help Klein take off his helmet, but Klein caught him.

"I will not take off my armor until I become a master."

Joan's feet were frozen by the cold iron gloves. She retracted her hands and put them in her arms to warm them: "You... are right, but don't stay outside anymore. If a bad guy breaks in and attacks you, won't you be able to react?" Just follow me and stay in the room.”

Klein acquiesced to the arrangement, but she misjudged one thing.

She had been practicing in the wild for too long, and only returned to the town when the weather turned cold. She happened to get the news about Levanttu and rushed over. She didn't know what Annan had done this year.

When she left, Annan had just filmed the movie "The Fall of the Wizard's Tower" and invented the spinning machine and playing cards. But now, he holds four magic images, countless inventions, and has been awarded the title of Champion Warlock by the Empire himself.

Let's put it this way, as long as Joan now says that he can spend a night with Annan by handing over 100 gold coins, people waving money bags can line up from Levanttu to the Snow Mountain Fortress.

The subsequent Second Expedition further expanded his reputation. Those mercenaries and soldiers who briefly joined the Second Expedition publicized their conquest of the old royal capital of Rikaner everywhere. Later, the Free City awarded them the "Freedom" "Expedition Medal" allows them to carry it with them wherever they go.

So when Joan appeared as the lost princess, many people thought she was the one who was rescued by Annan from the dungeon of the old capital.

"If someone assassinates me, he must be a traitor!"

After three days of publicity, they finally gathered the first batch of 3,000 old residents.

There are no professionals, they are all ordinary people, and their lives are not good... This is why the City Lord's Mansion is willing to cooperate.

The departure of these people without property will alleviate a lot of burdens - at least there will be fewer frozen corpses on the streets.

The number of people signing up was still enthusiastic, and many of them were people familiar to Qiong An. She planned to let them move to the typhoon shelter town tomorrow, and maybe they could absorb some more people on the way.

While thinking this, Qiong An saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

She felt that the figure looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was. When he wanted to observe for a while, the figure had already emerged from the crowd and disappeared.

The Bert brothers' "Dream Princess" is officially completed.

Annan watched the magical video, and the duration was extended to one and a half hours. The picture was less spiritual than the one he shot personally, but the story itself was no less exciting than "When Freedom Knocks on the Door", and the ending also had a twilight-like sense of ending.

And Annan also made a cameo in it: the cowherd boy woke up at the end and saw the girl who looked like the princess in the dream holding the prince’s wrist on the carriage in the distance——

Annan plays the prince.

This can also erase some of the fatalistic sadness of the story itself.

Two months have passed since the release of "When Freedom Knocks", and theater revenue has begun to slow down. "Dream Princess" should be able to alleviate some of Liberty City's embarrassment.

As a result, I wasn’t bought in this time.

Many believe Annan is testing their boundaries.

First it was a magical video starring Annan, then a magical video directed by Annan, and now it is a magical video shot by Brothers Pictures...

Will there be magical images shot in Liberty City in the future?

It seems that there is already... A group of people came to Liberty City a few days ago. They carried boxes with clothes and props and magic stones, hoping to shoot scenes in Liberty City.

Olmedo read the script, which was an adaptation of a romance novel, and agreed, even offering paid help—Liberty City would make money and get publicity.

However, there are still many nobles who are willing to try new things, and many of them are fans of "Dream Princess". This group of audiences gave it a high rating, causing the box office of "Dream Princess" to slowly rise after being lukewarm.

The first ones to breathe a sigh of relief were the Bert brothers. They were afraid of betraying Annan's trust, and Annan had already filmed new scripts in front of the two brothers, namely "Nightmare Lela", "Nightmare Evelyn" and "Nightmare Olme". many".

"This is……"

"Some stories that came to mind."

The creative idea of ​​the Demon King written by Annan.

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