A strange world

Chapter 615 Section 12 Three Puzzles

Chapter 615 Section 12. Three puzzles

The consciousness of the forest... This touches upon a warlock's knowledge blind spot.

But since the magical world allows creatures like tower spirits, the birth of consciousness in a forest does not seem so unreasonable.

Is this considered ‘something beyond comprehension’?

"Are you here to find me?"

The girl in the forest shook her head: "I just came to take a last look at my home."

Annan looked at the oak forest again, thinking that he could consult Tedder, and then looked back, "What is the last...?"

As a result, he found that the girl and the white deer were gone, and all the animals that had surrounded him before disappeared, and the whole forest fell into a stagnant silence.

All disappeared.

This is something incomprehensible...

Annan stood under the warm morning sun, but a layer of fine pimples appeared on his skin due to the chill.

Some kind of invisible ominousness quietly lingered around him. Annan touched the amulet and the leaves of the World Tree, and accelerated towards the south.

Not long after, Annan felt relieved when he saw the withered vegetation, and felt an indescribable and strange sense of relief.

Especially when he saw a group of screaming banshees fluttering like gauze curtains approaching, he felt a sense of intimacy.

Annan stood in front of the withered forest and expressed his friendliness: "On behalf of the vampire princess, I am here to deliver a message to the Skeleton Duke."

"Please begin the test."

The fluttering screaming banshees emit cold whispers that are like shadows and reality overlapping. Their appearance is similar to that of ghosts. Their pale and thin cheeks do not have much beauty, and the sharp teeth exposed in their open mouths are even more frightening.

"Beautiful sister, I am a messenger, not someone who comes to take part in a test..."

A screaming banshee floated out, surrounding Annan and letting out a harsh laugh like friction: "The Duke only summons intelligent beings. You must pass three tests to see the Duke."

"I'll take you there."

The playful screaming banshee grabbed one of Annan's arms, and the other banshees swarmed up and lifted Annan into the withered forest.

In the distance, a large cemetery is located in a vast corrupt land, with many undead creatures wandering around it.

Annan was carried by the screaming banshees and landed in front of the cemetery.

There are two other guests here: a mad skeleton holding a giant's leg bone, and a lich wearing a mage's robe. The latter looked at Annan with eyes burning with soul fire because of Annan's momentum.


Annan politely thanked the Screaming Banshees, and they retreated into the distance, looking over and letting out bursts of cold laughter.


The door to the necropolis suddenly shuddered open, and a wight fell out of the tomb. It shook its head, picked up the cloudy eyeballs that rolled out and stuffed them into its sockets, crawled out and left.

The necropolis exudes an undead aura that makes Annan uncomfortable, guiding the next person to participate in the test to enter.

"It's my turn..."

The crazy skeleton grumbled and carried the leg bone into the first tomb.

It saw a colorful wide door and heard a voice: "What are the three thinnest books in the world?"

"What is a book?"

The crazy skeleton was driven out of the necropolis.

It seemed to have lost its memory after entering, and muttered in confusion: "Why am I here? Oh, let me test..."

"You failed the test, leave here." The screaming banshee regained her coldness and drove away the losers.

The crazy skeleton who picked up the leg bone left, and it was the Lich's turn to enter the necropolis.

It saw a bookcase covering an entire wall, and a voice came from inside: "What are the three thinnest books in the world?"

The Lich's soul fire flickered: "How to define the thinnest? If I have a book like a parchment, is it the thinnest? How to define a book? If I have a book like a stone tablet, is it a book? This is a question …”

After a moment, the voice in the bookcase said: "Wise Lich, you passed."

The gate to the necropolis opened, but this time the wizard was not thrown out.

Either the lich was swallowed, or it passed.

"It's your turn."

The screaming banshees surrounding Annan pushed Annan gently.

"Do you know what the test is?" Annan asked the Screaming Banshee quietly.

The screaming banshees said one after another: "The book soul will ask you three questions, you just need to answer them."

Annan walked into the necropolis, and after passing through a not-so-long passage, he came to the first tomb.

There are no bones or dust here, and it is surprisingly clean. There is only a faint smell of the dead, and there is a bookshelf on the wall in front.

"I am the messenger of the blood clan and I have brought a letter from Her Royal Highness the Princess." Annan said proactively.

There was no response from the voice coming from the bookshelf, only the first question: "What are the three thinnest books in the world?"

How does Annan know? Fortunately, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke him, he will be kicked out if he answers wrongly... but it is best to answer him.

Annan pondered, and as time passed, an hourglass appeared on the bookshelf and began to pass.

There was less and less sand left, and more and more sand was leaking out. Annan had to give up searching for poor knowledge and compiled: "The three thinnest books in the world are... the etiquette book of the Tatooine Empire, Montabul The independent history of the Locke Principality, and the Wisdom Book of the Ruikaner Kingdom.”

The tomb was silent for a moment, and a voice came out: "Humans who have taken a different path, you passed."

"Actually, I am a vampire..."

Annan couldn't help but explain. The bookshelf in front of him moved away with trembling, revealing a new passage.

Arriving at a new tomb through the passage behind the door, Annan just saw the lich's back disappearing behind the closed bookshelf door in front.

The voice continued to ask: "What has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?"

This is not difficult for Annan. It is simpler than the question in the first level: "It has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening."

The second tomb was silent for longer than before: "Humans disguised as vampires, you passed."

Annan gave up explaining and walked towards the bookcase door that was moved forward.

The first two questions are not difficult. It seems that as long as the answer conforms to the logic of the question, you can pass it. He guessed that the three tests were just to screen out the completely mindless undead creatures like the Crazy Skeleton.

So the strange thing is, how did the first messenger who died and the second messenger who almost didn't come back fail...?

Annan, who entered the last tomb, unexpectedly encountered the lich, and its answer was coming to an end.

"...'I' am all things."

"You passed the final test."

The third bookshelf moved away, revealing a staircase extending downward.

The Lich did not leave, but stood aside to observe Annan, who was preparing to accept the third test.

"'I' is a being that is loved by others. 'I' is a being that makes people cry and laugh. 'I' is a being that people strive for but cannot get. What is 'I'?"

Annan didn't even think about it: "It's me."

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