A strange world

Chapter 663 Chapter 60 Sphinx Shipwreck and the True Form of the Magic Mirror

Chapter 663 Chapter 60. Sphinx’s Shipwreck and the True Form of the Magic Mirror

A life that can be called eternal allows Skeleton King enough time to do what he wants to do, such as pursuing knowledge. But unlike the lich, it did not become a prisoner of knowledge due to the emotion of annihilation.

It will still be curious, eager, and retain some of its physical senses.

No matter the weirdness or the magic mirror, they all aroused the curiosity of Skeleton King.

Seeing the Skeleton King who couldn't wait to return to the tomb to study, Annan had no choice but to make the decision: "Then let's ask the locals about the Sphinx sunken ship first."

The weirdos capture a few hapless gold diggers. These vultures are neither good nor bad. Annan told them to answer the questions and let them go. As for those who performed well...

"I'll give you a decent job."

Don't even think about asking Annan to take out the money in his pocket.

But there were no locals among these gold diggers, and they didn't know about it, so Annan asked them to go back to the camp to inquire.

It seems that he can't believe that he was let go by a being who can drive weird things. Two gold diggers actually came back to inquire about the information.

The Sphinx is a big ship. Different from the common ferry boats in Swan Lake, it is a merchant ship, carrying rich and famous people sailing around Swan Lake. It can be regarded as the prototype of a passenger ship... During the crisis in Yiwen City, it set out with a group of wealthy people, but an accident occurred. . Only a few survivors climbed up from the lake, and no one saw it after that. It must have sunk into the Swan Lake.

Now that we have determined that the Sphinx Shipwreck does exist, it’s time to find where it is.

At this time, Annan saw two gold diggers looking at him with flattery and expectation.

Oh, first reward them.

"You have two choices. The first one is that I have some industries in Huadu that are in urgent need of employees. The salary there is generous, and if you perform well, you will have the opportunity to become a resident of Liberty City."

"Where's the second one?" A gold digger said cautiously: "I don't mean anything else, I just... want to know."

I don’t know if what they are thinking in their minds is “Liberty City is some kind of backwater” or “Liberty City is not a weird lair”...

"The second is that I set you free."

Damn it, where did this mean guy come from?

The two gold diggers debated, but still chose the first one. There is not much oil and water left in Wenwen City, and even if you dig out a silver coin, you risk being eaten by weirdos.

"You will be grateful for today's decision."

There are obviously no survivors in the southern countries and gold prospector camps. In addition to fleeing to southern towns, a large number of survivors in Lost City also ran to the nearest northern city-state, Istrat, where Annan came from - Huadu.

Most of them were rich and nobles. Many of the Scarlet Princess's banquet that Annan attended that day came from Lost City. And they were also passengers who had the money to escape on the Sphinx,

Since the Magic Mirror had been certified by the Skeleton King, Annan asked the Magic Mirror for the list of survivors of the Sphinx in Huadu, then borrowed a skeleton carriage and led the Burnt Girl and two people named "Natsu" and "A "Bian" guy left the Lost Zone.

When the two gold diggers thought they were going to be killed and silenced, Annan opened the portal to Huadu.

He first told the clerk who was watching the warehouse that these two people were new employees and asked them to take them for inspection first and then arrange work.

The two gold diggers were frightened by Annan's spell to randomly open the portal to Huadu, and they promised not to leak the secret.

Annan doesn't care. In two months, everyone will know when he returns to Liberty City with something strange.

Klein arrived with two minutes left in the portal. Annan handed her the list and asked her to find survivors and map the wreckage of the Sphinx.

"Did the Scarlet Princess agree to the alliance?"

"The problem now is a bit complicated... I'll tell you when I get back." Annan couldn't explain why he ran from the Scarlet Princess to the Princess in a short time.

"Hurry up and find the people on the list. I'll come back to you tomorrow."


Annan glanced at the green forest and returned to the lifeless strange area.

It will take some time in Huadu, and Annan plans to complete the "businessman's" commission first.

A branch from another world should make it easier for him to face the monster in the lake.

The weirdos were driven to the outskirts of the tomb. Annan and the Skeleton King came to the depths. It looked at Annan: "Do you want to give it a try?"

"No, it's a waste of time."

Annan did memorize the steps of the magic circle, but if he didn't make a few mistakes, it would be unworthy of his sorcerer talent.

It only took the Skeleton King three minutes to set up the magic circle, and then the gray mist emerged, and the businessman with tentacles and red light restrained by gray robes appeared.

"I found the source of the strangeness."

The businessman froze for a moment and grunted.

"I'm recording." Skeleton King translated.

Annan told the merchant the answer he got from the princess, and then stared at it nervously... After all, it was just a simple story of "the power of other worlds spread from the world gate of Lost City", which was completely worthless. Branches.

However, the businessman still believed that the commission was completed, and the surging gray mist lifted up a branch from another world.

It was no different from the dead branches that Annan saw outside. It was neither sacred nor ordinary... But when Annan tried to put the leaves of the tree from another world on the branches, they blended into one, as if they were growing on it. .

"How do I feed it?"

Annan asked, Da De should not be good at taking care of plants from other worlds...

“Anywhere a plant can grow, humanity will catalyze its growth.”

The weird body is rich in human nature, which means using weirdness as its fertilizer... Fortunately, it can grow normally, but the time required may be long for the dragon clan...

"I also want to entrust you with something."

Annan knows one thing. Even if the merchants are not the dead world behind the world gate, they are still inseparable from them: "Can you provide a weird body?"

"The powerful and weird body..." Annan pulled the monsters in front of the magic circle to give examples, "The weird ones are more powerful than the sum of them all."

The merchant offered a price that Annan couldn't meet. The Skeleton King's wealth was barely enough, but it was completely worth it.

"Why is it so expensive?"

The merchant replied that hunting powerful monsters was not an easy task.

"Businessmen call it an 'evil spirit'. I think even in its world, it is an existence that is difficult to provoke."

"Evil spirit? How many forbidden spells can it resist?"

Annan didn't believe that the monster in the lake could beat his ancestors, but he still said the same thing: It's totally worthless.

When the businessman left, a small wooden box rolled out of the gray mist.

The businessman said it was a friendly gift based on Annan completing the commission. Open it, and merchants can appear without a teleportation array - but only in places filled with weird auras.

"Take it, even I don't have such a token." Skeleton King said.

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