A strange world

Chapter 713 Chapter 110 Not the same world, but the same idea

Chapter 713 Section 110. Not the same world, but the same idea

If you want to say what Annan in the Free City cares about most now, then it must be the goblin golem.

Michael wanted to join in the fun with Annan, but was driven back.

Annan has been in the south for nearly half a year, and you haven't developed the third magic gunpowder yet. How can you have the nerve to touch the goblin golem again?

Michael has many excuses: For example, he is not even an elite, and the apprentice you hired can only use his hands but not his brain.

What it lacks in background, luckily, it can be made up for by throwing money at it.

This gave Michael sufficient conditions to go astray - since he discovered that magic gunpowder mixed with sugar burns more violently, he obtained a large number of different types of sugar to experiment with the effect, and even asked for a portion of maple syrup. .

Moreover, the burning efficiency of maple sugar is actually better than that of sucrose, but it is still unable to close the gap with the improved magic gunpowder.

The side effect of this is that Michael's alchemy laboratory is like Martin who stole the beans for the horse, crackling all day long.

Annan planned to move Michael's alchemy room to the outskirts so that the explosion would not disturb the residents' rest.

Next to Michael's alchemy laboratory is Lord Dumbledore's alchemy room - this is obviously not his real name, but he requires everyone to call him that.

As the second alchemical chamber built later, the locals call them the Mushroom Twin Houses - they look like two mushrooms next to each other.

When Annan arrived, they were moving the fourth goblin golem into the alchemy room.

"So fast?"

The Musketeer Legion soldier who was carrying it said: "Master Jack allowed the goblins to exchange the golem for food and tools of the same weight, and the stupid goblin sold the golem."

"But why is it so dirty..."

It looked like he had fallen into a swamp and been pulled out again.

"They want to sell the golem for a good price."

This kind of "stealing a small amount" behavior is nothing in itself, but the problem is that the goblins sold the golem at a low price and are still complacent.

Goblins are not stupid, they just like to do stupid things, and even the goblins in Liberty City are no exception. For example, they obviously have jobs, but they are always picking up garbage on the streets, turning beautiful houses into garbage dumps. For example, he fell in love with a spinning machine, or even turned against his jealous brothers. For example, I came up with the idea of ​​​​inventing, so I changed the spinning machine that can hold ten spindles into one that can hold nine——

Like a group of children who can't vent their energy.

So the kids in the orphanage had the best time playing with the goblins - they were about the same height, they would win or lose, and they were all annoying.

This group of green little guys from the evil camp always like to do what the chaotic camp does. From the perspective of a latecomer, Annan can only say that the gods who cursed the goblin empire at that time were really terrible...

Especially when Annan walked into the alchemy room, he saw four goblin golems standing in a row, with their ferocious heads lowered, ready to start at any time...

This feeling of sadness about things changing and people changing becomes even stronger.

"Mr. Dumbledore."

Annan greeted a short old man with a gray beard with respect.

Because Dumbledore is a great mage.

Although magic images are popular in the Allen continent, most of them are liked by young people... It's not that they are easy to trick, but the older they are, the wiser they are, and the more they can see the essence through the appearance of magic images.

On the surface, magic images are just a tool to make money, but in fact they also serve as propaganda - everything the creator wants to express: ideas and metaphors are buried in the magic images, subtly influencing the audience's thoughts.

And because of the way the magic image is performed, it works better than any bard's story.

In the past, Wilhelm was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as a sacred place for the major races. Even demons and rat tides wanted to go there. So what about this generation that has been baptized by magical images?

Therefore, some lord city-states have begun to resist the magical image. They are either jealous, or they share the spoils unevenly, or they have the presence of the Rekaner Kingdom behind them.

As a master, it is obviously extremely valuable for Dumbledore to join Free City. Either "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" overlaps with some of his past memories, or he is optimistic about the future of Free City, or he has evil intentions.

"Mr. Annan Potter, these golems are in very good condition. It only takes us two weeks at most to make them move again."

"Master Dumbledore...Professor." The laboratory professor is also considered a professor, "What I want is not to make it move again, but that we can master this manufacturing method and achieve mass production."

Dumbledore's wrinkled face showed a troubled look.

"Is this difficult?"

"It's very difficult..."

Dumbledore said that behind the apparent goblin golem is a complex system that spans a lot of knowledge, including but not limited to the transmission speed of magic crystals, the utilization efficiency of magic energy, golem manufacturing, material alchemy and other knowledge...

"What if I allocate 10,000 gold coins to you and allow you to freely recruit alchemists and apprentices?"

"Mr. Annan Potter, this will take many people years or even decades..."

"Sorry, I didn't make it clear. I meant to give you 10,000 gold coins every month." Annan corrected.

Dumbledore stood there like an old man knocked unconscious by gold coins.

The actions of the Cat Church are seen in the four eyes of the little spider.

A toy that was only worthy of being tortured and played with slowly regained faith. Rose desperately wanted to contact his believers, but there was no response or any power of faith...

As his divine power continued to pass without being replenished, he found that his soul was gradually falling asleep, and the remaining part was slowly merging with the little spider... This was not a good thing.

His behavior is being assimilated, and the fused soul can only be retrieved by devouring it. If the little spider dies, part of his soul will be lost forever... This means that Rose must switch from killing the little spider to protecting it.

He had to find a way to get out... not from the glass bottle or from Lily's cat's paw, but to go outside and find his own believers!

Not a mouse like Della, but a true believer!

He found an opportunity - Lily was not there, and the maid cleaned the table after letting herself out.

Rose controlled the little spider, quickly crawling across the table and towards the window sill.

Sunshine, sea breeze, freedom...

All these things that once made Rose extremely disgusted now made him happy, until a "thumping" sound came from far and near, and a huge shadow landed on the windowsill.

The fallen cuckoo tilted its head, its eyes reflected the motionless little spider at its feet, and lowered its head to peck at it.


Suddenly, Lily's magic weapon descended from the sky and stretched out her cat's claws to swat the cuckoo away.

The fallen feathers were scattered in the wind, and the little spider who survived the disaster stood under Lily's furry belly, looking at the distant black shadow with four eyes.

Damn bird! After I recover, I will definitely let you watch your parents being plucked and roasted by goblins!

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