A strange world

Chapter 742 Section 139 Begins Negotiations

Chapter 742 Section 139. Start Negotiation

Williams returned to his bedroom.

The storm that raged all night turned into a drizzle that moistened the mountains one day later. Williams looked at the "ancestral stone" on the table and put his hand on it.

Before Victor's ancestor's complaints could reach his ears, Williams asked him about Annan's identity.

Ancestor Victor thought Annan was a fake. Williams listened silently and suddenly asked: "He said you are a magic stone, a monster born from the body of a vampire."

"He's farting! How dare this lowly blood slave slander me! Kill him!"

"It can also wake up Ancestor Lidia..."

Ancestor Victor, who was cursing angrily, suddenly fell silent.

Williams had an answer in mind.


The Crimson Princess was doubtful.

"of course not."

Obtaining the Blood Stone is more important than forming an alliance with the Morel family, so Williams must make a decision first.

"But Victor is also their ancestor..."

"Victor is just a stone, not necessarily real. But the real Lydia lies in the place of sleep."

On the evening of the next day, Annan received news: Williams' father, the patriarch of the Morel family who stood behind the prince, had returned from the front line.

Annan was not sure whether news of the castle had reached the front lines. But other than that, there should be no reason for him to run back to the castle.

Late that night, the current patriarch of the Morel family arrived at the castle.

Williams took him to find Annan and explained in detail everything that had happened in the past three days, as well as Annan's offense to him... Even if it was a misunderstanding, he hoped that his father could give this guy some color...

Following his father, Williams opened the door to the lounge. The proud Williams looked at his father walking towards the fireplace and bowed deeply.

"Grandpa Oralda..."

This was nothing like what Williams thought.

The reason why Williams' father respected Annan so much is simple: "Do you still remember me? You took me to Lost City when I was young..."

Facing the expectation of the blond middle-aged vampire, Annan shook his head: "I remember Lost City, but I don't remember you..."

Williams' father showed such undisguised disappointment that Annan suspected that this was not a test and that Euroda had really done such a thing.

Next, Annan got a story from him that was completely opposite to what Oroda told.

"Don't hate Grandma Lidia...she loves you very much and has never even married."

Annan recalled that he did not see the portraits of Prince Lydia and other men in the castle.

"Then why didn't she give me my first hug? Let me die in bed..."

"Because... possessiveness and selfishness." Williams' father told Annan two reasons: "The first embrace will make everything of the first embracer belong to the first embracer. The first embracer only needs a thought to know that it is there. What to do, and kill it... So Grandma Lidia doesn't want to do this, but she also doesn't want you to be embraced by other tribesmen..."

"So stop thinking about giving me your first hug."

In the Crimson Princess's bedroom, Annan recounted his meeting with the patriarch of the Morel family.

"Isn't this bad?" Princess Crimson tilted her head.

"Of course it's not good! After the first embrace, I will be controlled by you and only listen to your words..."

Annan shut his mouth, because the scarlet princess's interest only became more intense.

"In short, the patriarch promised to hand over the Demon Stone to us and also promised to form an alliance with the Street family."

Lucy next to her asked: "Will there be a trap?"

"Probably not. He really misses Oralda..." The clan leader's sincerity did not seem to be fake. "You will form an alliance tomorrow, and then we will set off back to the Street family to wake up your mother."

The crimson princess's eyes were glued to Annan: "You helped me again, and what can I do for you..."

"As long as you don't give me your first hug again."

"except this."

After running away, Annan took the time to go back to Orouda's bedroom and told himself the past events the clan leader had told him... but there was no response.

It seems that Oralda has really disappeared.

Not long after, the old butler invited Annan to participate in the negotiations between the Morel family and the Street family.

Four figures were sitting in the council chamber: Annan, Scarlet Princess, Williams and his father Alma.

Alma looked solemn: "Before we form an alliance, I would like to confirm with you again that Miss Lina is really a bloodline of the Morel family?"

Annan did not dare to lie in front of the legend, even though Alma has not released the momentum of the legend so far: "I'm not sure...but you guys definitely have the same blood flowing through them."

"I see……"

Alma smiled a little,

Before the alliance was formed, when talking about the internal situation of the two families, the topic inevitably turned up the rat-man war in the southern mountains.

Alma says the battle is still at a stalemate. Night is the home of the vampires, who attack the rat tide from high altitudes, but during the day, the rat men will push back.

Several peaks in the south have become meat grinding grounds, being repeatedly sawed by vampires and ratmen. But the situation is not good for the vampires... because the main force of the Stun ratmen has not yet entered the mountains.

The ratmen who are fighting against the three major families are only one-third of the Stuen clan... although the three major families are not using their full strength.

Annan thought thoughtfully: "The disadvantage of you is that you can't consolidate the results during the day... Do you need help?"

"What can you do?"

Annan nodded lightly and opened the camp's portal.

Losey, who was training soldiers, arrived and stared at the vampires on the other side of the portal, eager to try: "Are we going to go to war with vampires?"

"Ahem, let me introduce to you. This is Alma, the legendary patriarch of the Morel family." Annan emphasized the word legend.

"Are we going to declare war on the legend!" Losey stared at Alma.

Damn it, who agreed to let this idiot be the commander of the army!

Alma was not angry and said appreciatively: "Your soldiers are loyal to you."

"I would rather they be less loyal and more smart." Annan stared at Losey unkindly, "The Morel family is our friends and may be our allies in the future."

"Uh...Okay, sir." Losey lowered his head when he realized that he was in trouble.

Alma spoke at this time: "No offense, but these soldiers are ordinary people... Can they really resist the rat men all over the mountains and plains?"

"If it's just a defensive battle, this is what my soldiers are best at." Annan said confidently.

After careful consideration, Alma rejected Annan's proposal. He believed that "Oralda had finally gained a status among humans, and she should not have allowed her soldiers to be wiped out in the Serens Mountains just because of trivial vanity."

Kindness simply doesn't look like a vampire.

This further strengthened Annan's idea: except for some unavoidable living habits and curses stemming from blood, the same living environment will cause different races to have the same way of thinking.

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