A strange world

Chapter 744 Chapter 141 Human Businessman

Chapter 744 Section 141. Human Businessmen

Evelin went back satisfied, Annan took Lemon and Klein and started on the way.

Annan began to realize how annoying the rain in the south was... This was not yet the rainy season, this was not yet the southern part of the southern countries, but the sky was rarely clear.

In this way, he was traveling day and night at the same time, and he was able to deal with some bandits along the way. They were getting closer and closer to the Blood Parliament.

The old land of the Stuart family is on the outskirts of the Blood Parliament - from this point of view, it can be seen that it is much more noble than the Morel family.

There are also drawbacks. As he approaches the Blood Parliament, he encounters more and more vampires, and villages and small towns where vampires gather appear. You don't need to think about it to know that the old place of the Stewart family is surrounded by informants...

Traveling some distance further, they officially arrived at the Blood Parliament before dawn——

An endless black curtain shrouded the land, and the coming dawn returned to the deep night.

The moon replaced the sun, hanging high in the sky with a silvery glow.

Annan stopped and looked at the forcibly divided morning and evening lines.

"Our ancestors maintained the eternal night that shrouded the Blood Parliament." The Crimson Princess said proudly.

Count Pedro transformed into a bat to explore the way forward.

"How do we get in?" Princess Crimson asked Annan, "Will you continue to play Orouda?"

"I guess this identity is of no use in the Blood Parliament."

He was still observing the curtain. The dawn was rising outside, but it was still dark inside the curtain, and stars could be seen.

Count Pedro came back and said there was a small town ahead.

"That's Rice City... I went there when I was a child." The Scarlet Princess said with a hint of nostalgia.

"When you were a kid?"

"Well...I'm not even a hundred years old yet."

Ninety years old was a child, so Annan should be a baby now.

"Count, do you have a way for us to get to the Stuart family safely?" Annan asked Count Pedro.

He shook his head, and Annan asked again: "Are there any families in the Blood Parliament that we have good relations with?"

"They should take no risk for the Morel family."

Annan didn't know whether it was an excuse or not, so he could only say: "Let's go to the city and inquire about the current situation of the Street family..."

Count Pedro turned into a bat and took them to this city of Les with vampire characteristics.

The architecture of vampires is no less sophisticated than that of elves, but their styles are completely different. Imitation of the ancient architectural style of the elven era...

In addition to vampires, there are actually many humans in Les City - it's easy to tell them apart. Most of the vampires are handsome and demonic, but these humans are all potbellied and wear blood-colored petal badges that vampires do not have.

As he moved forward, Annan saw more humans...

The young girls were washed white and sat in cages, being sold like goods by merchants wearing blood-petal badges. They were picked over by the vampires who came and went, and this scene extended to a street.

"Damn it……"

Annan tilted his head in surprise. This sentence was actually said by the Crimson Princess.

"I support you in killing them!" Crimson Princess said with strong disgust.

"That's good."

Annan took the initiative to come to the first businessman.

"Sir, what do you need?" the fat businessman asked flatteringly.

"Are you humans?"

"I come from the southern countries, sir." The fat businessman puffed out his belly.

"Me too."

"Sir, are you kidding?" The businessman didn't believe it and praised: "How can a human being have such a beautiful appearance?"

Annan frowned. He didn't like the words used by businessmen to praise him... Why not handsome?

His eyes fell on the trembling girls: "How much do you sell these humans for?"

"You can choose whatever you want, only 6 gold coins!"

"so cheap?"

"It's cheap because it's for you, sir. These are underage girls, the best blood servants!"

Annan looked at the desperate and frightened girls in the cage: "How many people do you have in your hands? Is that all here?"

"Of course not! I still have some in my apartment! There should be 30 people in total!" The fat businessman said excitedly when he realized that Annan was a big customer.

"Bring them here, I want them all."

The fat noble increasingly believed that Annan was a big customer who didn't bother to bargain. He asked the waiter to stare at the stall, and he ran out with his swollen fat.

"Earl, do me a favor. Follow him to his residence, then kill him and bring him back. Remember to be secretive..."

After speaking, Annan asked Princess Crimson: "Who is the city lord here?"

"Don't be afraid, the city lord is just a marquis."

"That's good."

Not long after, Count Pedro returned with a dozen sad girls.

The guy at the stall realized something and his face turned pale. They were professionals, but they had no confidence that they could escape, so they could only look at Annan pleadingly.

"Don't worry, you won't die or become a blood servant."

Annan took out the hemp rope from the magic ring and threw it to them.

But he will not let these accomplices go.

Next, Annan followed the same pattern and bought out all the humans in the market, rented a warehouse to house them, and asked Lucy and Irene to show them "When Freedom Knocks on the Door".

As expected, this action attracted the attention of the city lord, who came to see Annan in person.

Count Pedro made him fearful, and Annan, who could drive Count Pedro, made him even more fearful.

"Master, have these businessmen angered you?" Marquis Nidra's attitude was respectful, even though his family was standing behind him.


"There are still some human merchants in the city. Do you want me to capture them and offer them to you?"

Annan looked at him with interest: "I thought you would protect them."

"They are just a group of dirty human traders. After one group dies, another group will come again." Marquis Nidra said arrogantly, but in front of Annan, he changed back to a servant-like face: "If you need a large number of humans, I can help." you."

"Caught in from outside?"

"That's a little slow. If you're in a hurry, I can transport humans from other towns."

Annan thought thoughtfully: "But the blood servants I snatched from those merchants didn't require any money."

"Of course these are free!"

"Okay, I happen to be going to the Blood Parliament." Annan stared at Marquis Nidra: "So, Mr. City Lord, what do you want from me?"

"That's too kind of you, just some humans."

Marquis Nidra's attitude seemed to be that of a warm-hearted vampire - but even the Crimson Princess knew it was not that simple.

Annan didn't care and took the opportunity to ask him: "Do you know the Stewart family?"

Dozens of minutes later, Marquis Nidra and Annan parted ways and returned to the castle.

He still couldn't see the details of Annan, and he couldn't think of any family with black hair, or rather, he didn't dare to think of it... But the crimson hair of the girl next to him and Annan's question reminded him of a certain family...

They are people suspected of being members of the Street family with a completely subservient attitude, and a mysterious boy with black hair...

Marquis Nidra had a vague premonition that there was going to be great turmoil in the Blood Parliament...

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