A strange world

Chapter 746 Chapter 143 Bloody Parliament

Chapter 746 Section 143. Bloody Parliament

The huge team marched towards the Blood Parliament in this land of eternal night.

The bright silver stainless steel plate armor is composed entirely of elites. They held the banners high so that all the bats passing by in the sky could see the two banners:

[Crimson Princess Serena O'Dris Stewart returns to her loyal Blood Council]

[Annan Reeves, King of the North, Champion Warlock, and Lord of the Floating City, visited the Blood Parliament in person]

The bats followed the team, which was obviously composed of humans. After being driven away several times, they formed a black halo around the outside that followed the team.

After driving like this for a long time, a vampire finally couldn't suppress his desire and fell in front of the team.

"A bunch of delicious humans..."

The Marquis stared at this group of human elites greedily, and couldn't imagine how good it would be to take them all to his dungeon...

"Count Pedro." Annan didn't even let the team stop, turning his head to look at the count who was following him.

Tens of seconds later, a vampire tied to a cross appeared in front of the group that continued to advance.

"Isn't it too..."

The Scarlet Princess hesitated to speak. She felt that it wouldn't be long before they would become the target of public criticism...

"How do vampire nobles deal with someone who offends them?"

"Well, put in jail."

"You see, we just mercifully hung him up."

Annan doesn't know the specific strength of the Blood Parliament... but it should have several legends and dozens of epics. Just in case, Annan asked Ou Lin to bring the heavy Wanma to his ancestor in advance.

The ancestors could not resist the Blood Parliament on their own, but no one could stop Annan from being taken away.

Moving on, they captured a few more desperate vampires and set up a few crosses.

When word spread that a count was following them, no more fools threw themselves into the trap.

The seemingly peaceful team has an undercurrent.

The MPs who knew about this thought that this group of bloated humans should be taught a lesson, while the MPs who opposed them said that the Crimson Princess was just too excited to go home... They may not support Annan, but they are definitely against the enemy.

Under the complex checks and balances of power, a wonderful balance was achieved, allowing Annan and the others to successfully enter the core of the Blood Parliament.

The neat team passed through several cities and finally arrived at the ancient castle standing under the full moon.

The team stopped, and Annan began to cast a spell—his natural spell.

Annan hoped to use that bloody day to build momentum for the Crimson Princess, so he stole several hairs of the Crimson Princess... but he ignored the randomness of the innate spells.

A dazzling light suddenly erupted around Annan. This light was so powerful that it cast a long shadow on the surrounding black ring of bats.

It was as if the sun rose and the curtain disappeared, and countless vampires wandering in the darkness fled in panic in the sudden emergence of sunlight. In the distance, the moss-covered and vine-covered walls of the Blood Parliament were illuminated by light, as if they were at the end of the Blood Tribe.

Even if this ray of light is not real sunlight, it will not emit green smoke when exposed to the sun, but even the Crimson Princess is uneasy. If she had not trusted Annan, she would have turned into a ball of bats and fled...

Annan hurriedly stopped the spell and suffered a backlash. The magic vortex dried up instantly, and he poured the magic potion into his mouth.

This was not a friendly start...but at least it really made a big difference.

The team that continued to advance carried a hastily made third banner: [Negotiation, not war]

This is something Annan tried to avoid. He didn't want a fight if he could...except for the damned ones.

As a blessing in disguise, the frightened Blood Council felt threatened by Annan's threatening but zero-lethal spell, and did not create any unexpected situations to prevent them from moving forward.

As they arrived, a gap opened in the ancient castle gate of the Blood Parliament.

A silhouette wearing a floor-length cloak walked out, swept past Annan and the others, and stopped at the Crimson Princess: "Please come in."

Annan took a step forward, but was stopped by the silhouette: "You stay outside."

"I want to go in." Annan looked directly at the shadow under the hood.

"He must come with me," said the Crimson Princess.

Silhouette didn't stop Annan anymore: "It's just the two of you."

Annan waved his hand and opened a portal, asking the knights to give the banner to Dracula and Lucy, and they returned to Liberty City.

This group of elites would make many lords tremble outside, but they were simply not enough to watch in the Blood Parliament.

Annan and Princess Crimson walked into the castle.

The deep and long corridor is like a passage for giants, with three tiny figures standing out.

The low and hoarse whispers coming from the wall hung with ancient portraits, I don’t know if it’s the sound coming from the wall or the oil paintings.

The ground was covered with a dull dark carpet, and all footsteps were swallowed up when you stepped on it.

Annan and Princess Crimson remained silent as they walked along the straight and spacious corridor to the end of the road.

A huge heavy stone door stood quietly. Silhouette walked to the door and pushed open a gap that allowed Annan and Scarlet Princess to pass through. Then it suddenly collapsed into a pile of black cloth on the ground.

A gentle body suddenly came over.

"You...if you're scared, just hold my hand."

Annan could see Princess Crimson's uneasiness and hesitation.


He gently held the Crimson Princess's hand and led her into the darkness behind the door.

The dim light outside the door barely outlines the huge space behind the door. The fine dust in the dim light dispersed in panic as Annan and the Crimson Princess arrived.

When they came to the middle of this space, a ray of light suddenly fell on a seat on the periphery.

"Welcome back, children of the Stewart family." A low and hoarse voice sounded.

For some reason, Princess Crimson's eyes were wet. She raised her head stubbornly: "I'm here to get back what belongs to me."

The second outline then lights up.

"You have left the Blood Parliament and promised never to come back. Why break your promise?"

The Scarlet Princess was about to say something when Annan gently shook her hand, raised her head and said, "Let's wake up the Scarlet Queen, Serena."

The empty and dark parliament hall suddenly echoed with whispers, as if there were more existences here...

"What makes you think you can do it?" the second silhouette asked.

"The Morel family formed an alliance with the Skeleton King and the Crimson Princess." Annan deliberately vented his anger on the Crimson Princess. "The Crimson Queen once led the Blood Parliament to an era. Now do you want to stop us from awakening our ancestors?"

The first silhouette whispered: "Every sleeping tribesman is a treasure of the council, of course we welcome..."

Annan felt its "goodwill" - although it was just not hostile, the lack of hostility was considered a rare goodwill.

His gaze swept toward the darkness where the most malicious intent was.

"But I'm afraid some vampires won't like it."

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