A strange world

Chapter 749 Chapter 146 Foreign Aid

Chapter 749 Section 146. Foreign aid

No wonder the guests ran away when they saw him. Annan thought they were not very hungry at first...

Annan had no choice but to return to the Scarlet Princess: "Does the Grand Duke of Borodia have no enemies?"

"I came with you."

"What's the meaning?"

"We know pretty much the same thing." Princess Crimson said confidently.

"What I mean is...didn't you keep an eye on the Blood Parliament and investigate the enemy's movements during the hundred years when you were driven to the Crimson Castle?"

"No...no..." Princess Crimson said guiltily.

Annan thought that it was no wonder that the Grand Duke of Borodiya let her run away instead of eradicating the root cause... If it hadn't been for him, the Scarlet Princess might not have taken any action in the year 2000 of the Saint Laurent Calendar.

"I'll go ask."

Annan said this and went to find Meri Borodiya - she was the only guest willing to talk to him.

Meri Borodiya was talking to two sisters. Annan's arrival made her puzzled. Her two companions glanced at Annan with their charming red eyes and left sensibly.

"What else?"

Meri Borodiya picked up the wine glass, and Annan smelled a fishy smell... The content in the wine glass was obviously not wine.

"Miss Merry, I would like to know who are the enemies of Grand Duke Borodia."


Some bubbles bubbled from the wine glass beside Meri Borodiya's lips. She spit the blood back into the wine glass and looked at Annan strangely: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know very well...you think we are enemies, right? But I don't think so."


"The two lords were fighting to the death, but their peasants might get together in private to complain about each other's lords' harshness."

The corners of Meri Borodiya's lips curved, seeming to find Annan's statement interesting: "But what if I am not a farmer, but a soldier, or even a small nobleman leading a team?"

"How is that possible? You look three hundred or four hundred years old. You don't look like an old man who participated in what happened back then."

In the end, Meri Borodiya couldn't restrain her smile. She covered her mouth and chuckled, while the wine glass in her hand kept swaying.

After laughing, she nodded and shook her head: "Although this is not a secret, as a member of the Borodian family, I will not tell you."

Annan expressed regret, and it seemed that he could only ask other people...

"Charlie Pearson."

But when he passed by Meri Borodiya, his red lips suddenly opened a name.

Annan remained calm and returned to the Crimson Princess.

"Who is Charles Pearson?"

"I don't know." The crimson princess blinked her ruby ​​eyes, clear and stupid.

"I have a good idea..." Annan whispered.

"What?" Princess Crimson couldn't help but move closer.

"We are giving up now, leaving the Blood Parliament, and living peacefully on the outskirts of Huadu, as if there is no such thing as saving the Scarlet Queen..."

"I really don't know..." The crimson princess relented and pouted coquettishly. "David, you will help me, right?"

Annan was indifferent. He had seen countless beautiful women, but Princess Crimson could not make him lose his mind.

The crimson princess bared her teeth and threatened, "If you don't agree, I'll give you my first hug."

"Okay, I'll figure it out."

Annan couldn't help but wonder, would Olmedo, Ingrid and others have the same idea when they came into contact with him?

Well... at least I have advantages that the Crimson Princess doesn't have, making money.

Wherever Annan went, the guests would flee, and a few vampires who were not easy to mess with would use their breath to warn Annan to stay away. In the end, he learned who Charles Pearson was from the old woman.

In fact, the old woman was surprised that Annan actually knew this name, and said thoughtfully: "You can find him on Bloody Eye Avenue in Phil City, but he may not help you."



The old woman could not reveal the truth, so Annan and the Crimson Princess had no choice but to come out of the banquet and leave the castle to go to Phil City, which is closest to the Blood Parliament and the largest city in the Land of Evernight.

Towering spiers and castle-like buildings can be seen everywhere, and every brick and stone is older than Annan or even the Crimson Princess.

However, Annan had no time to visit this city of vampires, and he didn't even bother with the human merchants. He went straight to Blood Eye Avenue and found out where Charles Pierson lived - everyone here knew him.

However, after knocking on the door of Charles Pearson's residence, Annan understood why the old woman said that he might not help them.

Charles Pearson had a grudge against the Grand Duke of Borodia, but he also had a grudge against the Stuart family...

"Get out!"

Annan and Princess Crimson were held by their collars by invisible bloody hands and thrown from the door to the street.

There is no way, Charles Pierson, like Mr. Swallow, embarked on the road of legend.

Annan patted the mage's robe and stood up: "It seems he can't help."


Annan had no choice but to help the Scarlet Princess up and pat the dust on her fluffy skirt.

"Is there no other way?" Princess Crimson said in despair.

"He didn't seem so determined to throw us away. Should I try again?"

"No... let's go back first."

Annan raised his head and found that many vampires were paying attention.

They had no choice but to return to the Blood Parliament first, but unexpectedly bad things happened one after another.

The Grand Duke of Borodia and the Pseudo-Sturrett Family did not attack them, but sent people to publicize the embarrassing situation of Annan and the Crimson Princess running into a wall on the Bloody Eye Avenue.

This caused those beings who were hostile to the Grand Duke of Borodia to give up and do something... They were not optimistic about the Crimson Princess.

Annan's first confrontation with the Crimson Princess and the Archduke of Borodia ended in a disastrous defeat.

Annan, who was sitting on Rest 4, was thinking wildly. He pushed himself to the limit and asked all members of Liberty City to mobilize... to support the Grand Duke of Borodiya to death!

Princess Crimson thought he had an idea and continued to stare at him with clear eyes.

"We have no people and no money..." Annan shook his head.

"Money? Do you want money?"

"You have?" Annan was stunned.

"The queen mother left me some gems..."

"How many?"

Princess Crimson took out a magic ring from her arms: "They are all..."

What they all mean is that the magic ring with at least the space of a carriage is filled with gems.

Annan took back those words, Princess Crimson was the same as herself. He is rich and trusts others easily.

Now that they have money, so many people...

Hire a vampire?

Annan rejected it. Mercenaries are never trustworthy.

To please Charles Pearson? It might have been possible, but the wall of publicity completely cut off their connection with Charles Pearson... the cunning old vampire.

Annan pondered who else to look for... Then, a large and slender elegant silhouette appeared in his mind.

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